Facing Bogum

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Tae wore ties all the time. He had a good collection going at this point. Well maybe too many.

He had donated his old ones that were quickly replaced with much more expensive silk ones Guk had bought him.

"Are you sure? The blue is.."

"Im sure Taedy. I looked it up." Jin rested his hands on Taes shoulders and smiled at him in the mirror.


"Black. Honestly what else would he wear?" Jin chuckled.

"Is black ok?" Tae worried trying for the third time to tie a desent knot in his tie.

"Yes. Black or blue. Youre both fine."

Jin reached around him and placed his hands over Taes smiling at him in the mirror before tying the tie for him.

"Howd the mock questioning go?"

"Well, it was fine until they did the defense. They were very hard on me but warned me that it might be worse." Tae let out a puff of air fiddling with his hair. "They asked if i was with Kookie for his money and said it was convinent that i happen to go from tutoring for food money to a penthouse apartment and million dollar bank account."

"Tae, he doesnt think.."

"I know. He told me. After nearly ripping the attorney's head off." Tae smiled.

"I bet. He doesnt take kindly to people hurting you."

"I know. I just wish hed sleep. He watches me for hours. Takes my pulse when he thinks im sleeping. Its like he thinks i will die in my sleep." Tae braced himself on the counter. "Hes so gentle and i love it. I do. But i dont want him to keep seeing me broken."

"Show him today. Youre strong! Put this asshole in jail and come back here and knock him on his ass like he showed you how. Show him the Tae that i know. That he knows!"

Tae turned and hugged Jin.

"Youre right." He mumbled agains Jins shoulder.

"Pft i know that!"

Tae sat in the chair trying not to look in Bogums direction. He hadnt seen him since that day. It flashed like small pictures in his mind.

"Can you state your name for thhe court?"

"Kim Taehyung."

"Mr. Kim, you are a premed student is that correct?"


"So you know your injuries from your assault well?"

"Yes." Tae nodded squeezing his fingers in his lap.

"Can you tell us about them?"

"Of course. I had a severe concussion.."

"What is a concussion?"

"Its a mild traumatic brain injury caused by the brain being jostled in your head. So basically if you had a cup and put a ball inside then shook the cup, the concussion would be the injury from the ball hitting the sides of the cup."

"Did you have other injuries?"

"Yes." The attorney motioned for him to continue. "I had several contusions to my head, neck, back and arms.."

"What is a contusion?"

"Bruises. Which are blood or bleeding under your skin."

"How many bruises or contusions did you have?"

"Well you cant count them when they are clumped together so you go with the area they take up. The problem is i also had a lasterated spleen which causes bruising. About 30% of my back was a bruise and then the bruising from the spleen, which was darker from internal bleeding and my arms, neck and face, where i also had a laceration."

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