Chapter Forty

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Colin spotted me first and he announced his excitement to the sky. "Zelda!" he yelled. "You're finally awake!"

"I've been up-" I tried to say, but Colin had shot toward me like a bullet. Before I could get another word out the child was hugging me so tight I could barely breathe. Any tighter and I felt like I may just squeak like a dog toy.

Then Link was there, saving me from the cinnamon child by gently prying his arms away. "Easy fighter," he warned. "I might get jealous."

"Sorry, Link." Colin stepped back. 

He ruffled his hair again, then turned to me. "Morning, Zel."

I flashed right back to the night before and my face flooded with red again. My arm raised before I could think about it and covered half of my face before I replied in kind.

"You okay?" he asked, his tone halfway between genuine and teasing.

"I'm fine..." I mumbled, making eye contact for just a second. Then I had to sit down. Thankfully the bench was right behind me, and one step took me to it.

"You running away?" he asked.

My butt hit the bench with a jolt. "No," I replied, glancing up at him.


My eyes closed. "Oh no, why would you even think that."

He chuckled, and the sound made me press my lips together. I would not let last night's events turn me into a useless puddle.

Link sat beside me at an angle. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah, fine." At the distinct lack of noise, I realized that Colin was no longer there. I was left briefly wondering where he had gone, then I looked down at Link's hand. The knuckles were red and the skin was broken and bleeding. My stomach turned over with associated memories. "Is your hand okay?"


My eyes widened, and I flicked my gaze from the damage to his face. The idiot was smiling, and my concerned look turned into a glare.

"It'll heal," he assured, then leaned toward me. "Your concern is endearing."

"You're welcome," I replied as I shook my head, rolling my eyes.

The side of his lips pulled into a grin. "I missed you."

The edges of my eyes crinkled as I squinted and smiled simultaneously. "It's been what... twelve hours?"

"Thirteen and a half." He shrugged.

"You're ridiculous." I glanced at him; he wasn't looking at me now. He simply stared up at the grey sky. There was something about the way his posture looked tense...

"Link..." I began. As an author, I studied people to figure them out. "Are you embarrassed?"

"What?" he turned quickly to look at me again. "No."

I sat up straight. "You are!"

He shook his head. "I wouldn't call it embarrassed..." he answered softly.

The tilt of my head urged him to clarify.

"I'm... nervous," Link admitted, his voice dropping as he crossed his arms. "It's different."

My head tilted the other way as my eyes widened, brows raised. "You're nervous?" I asked, slightly astounded. "But you've done this before!"

"Not... in a while." He raised his injured hand to the back of his head.

I slumped back against the bench. I wanted to know... but I wasn't going to pursue a subject that was so awkward for him.

".... It's been about... four years."

Raising the Stakes; Zelink Coffee Shop AU (The Legend Of Zelda)Where stories live. Discover now