Chapter Fifty

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It was snowing as we left. Not exactly the snow day I'd imagined, but I hoped Colin would enjoy it without us.

Everyone else was asleep so I only said goodbye to Urbosa, Midna, Aryll, and Paya. I prayed I would see them all again soon. That my plan would go right, and I'd never fear for any of them again.

It was a quiet drive on the way back. Our hands rested intertwined while he softly told me stories about the family to distract me. It worked, mostly.

I had a time limit now. I had a time when my freedom would be challenged. When I'd step back into the fire in order to never feel the heat again.

I would no longer be the wood it fed upon, but the water that threatened to put it out for good.

The topic shifted from old accounts to my plans for the next few days. I outlined how I would attempt to sneak into his office without getting caught and hopefully have no trouble getting into the safe.

How I could trick my father into thinking I'd gone complacent.

I even confided in him the plan for my mother that I'd been slowly piecing together. He didn't judge me for it.

Then we were home. His home, anyway. We parked in the garage and went inside the coffee shop. I didn't think that this would be the way I would've returned to it. Such a mix of emotions... Hope, and fear, and...

I sighed, running a hand along the rail as we climbed the steep stairs. Farore greeted us at the top and that helped to distract me from everything. As did Link's arm around my waist as we sat on the couch.

There was a drowsy silence as we settled. Somehow pleasant despite what would happen the next day.

Link's fingers tightened on my side for a moment. "Is a month really enough?" he said quietly.

I looked at him, slightly hazy from sleepiness. "Mmm?"

He wasn't looking at me. "This is going to sound... well... insane, but I'm going to ask anyway. Before you leave and dive back into your old life... before you... before you take the risk to end all of this... could I..." He bit his lip and closed his eyes, then he took a deep breath and opened them again. "Could I ask you... if you would marry me?"

That woke me right up.

He looked at me now, somewhat like a terrified mouse. "I know, I know it's crazy... I wouldn't have asked so soon, but I wanted you to know that I... that I want to marry you someday. I wanted you to know... just in case..."

I didn't even know how to react to the sudden explosion of emotion, but I managed to take his hand. "... I'll be okay, Link... I've got so many reasons to survive... you're at the top of the list."

"Does that mean you would?" he confirmed, a little breathless.

"Of course I will," I replied, then I sucked in a breath and closed my eyes. "We're both insane."

He looked at me with such relief. "Oh thank the Three... that could have gone... very badly."

I shook my head. "I told you I loved you... dummy. I..." My heart was being squeezed; in a good way. "I look forward to learning to love you more and more... through whatever life throws at us."

Oh goddess, he looked teary as he leaned into my shoulder.

After a while he laughed. "Oh Deku, Urbosa is going to kill me for proposing to you the day after we officially became a couple."

I shook my head again. Yeah... she probably would. "It's easy to rush a proposal... but..." I smirked. "How about we have a long engagement."

He chuckled. "Agreed."

My face actually felt numb now. "Goddess, Link... I think you broke me."

"I would apologize... but I don't think I'm very sorry about that..."

I squeezed his hand. "I don't need an apology..." I leaned my head into the crook of his neck and took a deep breath. "Thank you.... for letting me know."

He raised a hand and trailed it across my cheek. "Thank you for saying yes..."

After a minute it became apparent that I was trembling. Link looked at me with surprise. I smiled despite it. "Emotional overload?" I suggested. It felt like I was shivering, but I was far from cold.

It didn't help when he ran his hands up and across my back, and down my arms. But I didn't want him to stop doing that. It was comforting.

Oh goddess... Was I really engaged to a man I'd known for a month? It certainly was... unusual circumstances. We knew each other through family now. And the timing... well, it did make sense. He may never have had the chance to tell me if he hadn't tonight.

Another shiver went through me, and Link put his arms around me. "Is it because you're scared?"

I shook my head. "Not really..." I replied. "I mean, I am... but that's not what I'm focusing on right now." I looked up at him. "At least, I'm trying not to."

He smiled slowly. "Is that a request?"

I nodded.

He leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine very gently. I rested my hands on either side of his neck and pulled him to kiss me harder.

After nearly a half an hour of contented silence - mostly silence; kissing made some weird noises at times - Link looked at the clock and sighed. "...We should sleep."

"Right..." I said but didn't move my arms.

He leaned slowly away and attempted to stand. "I'll take the couch if you don't mind sleeping in my bed."

It was a good thing I was tired... or I'd have never even thought of saying what I said. "I don't mind but..." I bit my lip. "Could we... both fit on it?" I asked quietly. "I don't want to be alone... and I'd really appreciate if I could hold your hand while I fell asleep..."

His eyes softened. "Yeah... It can fit both of us." He stood up and pulled me after him. "Let's get some sleep."

We both took a side. He set an alarm, turned off the light, and slipped his hand into mine.

And so it was that I slept in the same bed as my fiancé. My fiancé... Wow.

By the Three... We really were ridiculous.

Raising the Stakes; Zelink Coffee Shop AU (The Legend Of Zelda)Where stories live. Discover now