Chapter 6

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"Mom, don't worry. I'll take care of myself.." Seth convinces his mom because his dad has an important work in the office. She should leave to help her husband, but she doesn't have the heart to leave her son like this.

"Seth, baby. You also come with me." Seth's mom gently grabs her son's hand and looks at his bruised skin. He knows that his mom is worrying for him, that's why she isn't able to leave him alone.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of him," Dean says to Seth's mom as he enters the room and wraps his arm around Seth's shoulder. Seth nods at him then looks at his mom, "Dean is also here. He'll take care of me."

Seth's mom nods as she pats Dean on the cheek and kisses her son's forehead before leaving the room. A few minutes later, she and her husband say goodbye to everyone before leaving the house. Dean and Roman go with them to drop them at the airport.

When they leave the house, Seth tells his friends he feels tired, so he goes to take some rest in his room. He sits on the bed and sets the alarm before laying on the bed.

As Seth is in a deep sleep, some screaming sound appears on the door. He refuses and rolls onto his side and feels someone drags the blanket. He whines in a sleepy tone and pulls the blanket over his head, but someone pulls the blanket again.

Seth opens his eyes slowly, the blanket flies in the air and lies on the floor before he pulls it again. He looks confused and gets up from the bed to take the blanket from the floor.

When Seth sits on the bed, the screaming sound appears again. He looks around and sees a little rat near the door. "Is this rat sounds like this? But it felt like someone's screaming!" He says himself.

Seth sighs as he searches the room and takes a baseball bat. He tries to hit the rat, but it suddenly jumps on him. He shouts and falls on the floor. His friends come to his room because of his sound and see him falling on the floor. Carmella grabs him by his arm and makes him stand up, "How did you fall on the floor?"

"Because of that stupid rat!" Seth looks around to find the rat and sees it makes its way outside the room. When he is about to move, Dolph grabs his hand and says, "It's just a rat, man. So just leave it."

Seth refuses and leaves the room with the bat. The rat goes to another room, and he follows behind it. When he enters the room, the door automatically closed, but he doesn't mind it.

His friends knock at the door outside and tell Seth to open the door. But inside, he sees the objects are moving and falling on the floor automatically. He doesn't see a black object which is moving behind him.

When Seth feels someone behind him, he turns back and sees a black figure, "Aww.." 


After dropping Seth's parents to the airport, Dean looks at Roman with anger in his eyes. Roman doesn't know why Dean is angry at him, but Dean refuses him and enters the driver's seat.

Roman sits on the passenger seat and grabs Dean's hand before he starts the car, "Why are you angry with me?"

Dean looks at Roman in disgust and pulls his hand away from him. "Shame on you, guys. I thought you were our friends and made our engagement day special, but you all spoiled our mood. I could show my anger to you at the house, but I didn't want Seth's parents to know this."

"I don't know what you are talking about? I remembered nothing after Dolph went to call you." Roman says and tries to remember what Dean said, but he can't. He thinks maybe he did something wrong, but now he remembers nothing.

"Don't say lie to me, Roman. I-" Dean stops when he hears his phone rings. He cuts the call when he knows it is from Alexa, but the phone rings again. He attends the call irritatedly, "What?"

"Dean, Seth is jammed in a room," Alexa says from the other side. Her voice looks like she is scared and behind her, his friends are shouting Seth's name.

"What? I'll be there as soon as possible." Dean cuts the call and fastens his seat belt before he starts the car. He ignores the other cars on the road and drives fast as much as he can.

When Dean reaches the house, he doesn't have the patience to park the car at the garage. He stops the car in front of his house, opening the door and steps out of it quickly.

Dean sees his friends are knocking at the door of the guest room. He pushes past them and knocks at the door, "Seth! Princess! I'm here. Just open the door."

Dean knocks at the door again and again, but he doesn't hear any sound from the other side. So, he kicks the door forcefully, but it is no use. Roman stops him before he kicks again and says that he will try.

Roman sighs heavily as he hits the door with full force, the door is opened. They see Seth laying on the floor unconscious. Dean takes Seth in his arms and pats his cheek lightly, "Princess! I'm here. Just wake up."

Seth doesn't move a little, so Carmella takes water from the kitchen and kneels down in front of him and sprays some of it on his face. Finally, he opens his eyes slowly, and looks at them like he sees some ghosts.

"Dean!" Seth leans forward and hugs him tightly. He looks around as he lays his head on Dean's shoulder and sees all the objects are in the correct places, none of them is broken on the floor and there is no black figure which he saw earlier.

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