Chapter 7

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Seth wakes up by the creeping noise and notices Dean's absence of him and props himself up on his elbow. The curtains are almost fully closed and a beam of light is cut through the room by the illuminating section of the wall.

Seth backs up with fear in his face when a figure creeps past over him. He gasps, pulling the blankets over himself. He hears the noises of something creeping across the room again, and someone pulls the blanket from him.

Seth sits up as he leans against the headboard and looks around completely in fear. He switches on the bedside light and sees a black figure appears on the floor and walks towards him.

"N-no... No.." Seth stands up from the bed slowly and moves towards the door. He wants to call Dean and his friends, but there is no sound coming from his throat as he sees the black figure.

As Seth tries to cross the black figure, his arm accidentally knocks the photo frame of him and Dean from the table, which makes it falls on the floor. He gets worried and bends down to pick it up and sees the photo of him in the frame color changes into red.

It terrifies Seth as he stands up and sees a frightened face in front of him, "Aww.." 


"God, you look like shit."

Considering where the blunt statement is coming from, Dean is no longer found himself surprised by it. Instead, he just looks over to see that Alexa has plopped down next to him.

Dean has been sitting on the couch alone, eating a snickers bar mostly out of mind. He convinced Seth and made him sleep, then skipped out of going to the gym with Roman and Dolph.

Roman tried to convince Dean to go out to the gym, and it made him relax, but Dean denied. Roman tried to convince him again and again then he gave up. So here Dean is, sitting on the couch and thinking about his princess.

"Insomnia?" Alexa prods Dean's leg with her foot when he said nothing.

"Sorry. I'm just tired." Dean tries to hide what he is thinking about. He doesn't want his friends to act weird by sharing things about Seth.

"I know why you're like this." Alexa wrinkles her nose before giving Dean a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. She leans back on the couch and pulls her feet up with her. "I think Seth is disturbed by the whole engagement drama."

"Hmm... Anyway, where is Carmella?" Dean asks with a smirk on his face because he knows if Alexa left Carmella alone then Carmella is flirting with his boyfriend on Skype.

Alexa immediately frowns, "I'm an unwanted visitor to that room at this time."

Dean just continues to smirk. His friends everyone knows that Alexa is a troublemaker. If she knows a secret, then it will like public property. So, no one talks anything personal in front of her.

"Oh, fuck off." Alexa reaches over and punches Dean on the shoulder playfully. "Just leave it. Why don't you take Seth out and spend some time with him?"

Dean pops the rest of his snickers in his mouth and sighs, "You're right." Maybe it will work. If he takes Seth outside, Seth will get relax and get some fresh air.

Dean looks at Alexa and smiles, "Thank-" He stops when he hears Seth yelling from the room. He stands up from the couch and makes his way to his room quickly with Alexa following behind him.

When Dean enters the room, he sees the photo frame of him and Seth is broken down on the floor. Beside it, Seth looks stunned with fear on his face.

Dean goes towards Seth and shakes him while Alexa picks up the photo frame from the floor. Seth looks at him with fear in his eyes, "D-Dean... I.. I saw something appeared.. on the floor then walked-"

"It's okay." Dean stops him but Seth continues saying, "Something black.. and walked towards.." Seth tries to explain what he saw earlier but the fear in him doesn't let him explain that.

Seth looks around and tries to explain to Dean, but he doesn't know how to explain it. Dean holds him against his chest and removes the strand of hair out of his face.

Carmella arrives Dean's room when she hears Seth yelling and sees the photo frame in Alexa's hand. On the other side, Dean tries to comfort Seth. She looks around and sees a blurred image of someone in the window's glass.

Carmella rubs her eyes and looks once again, but now there is no reflection in the window's glass. She feels something bad around there since the engagement started and she needs to figure out what is happening there.

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