Chapter 17

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After Dean and his friends get ready for hanging out, they go to a famous diner in that place and spot a nice private corner before they are seated. They glance among themselves and wiggle without knowing that Paige is with them.

"Are you guys ready to order?" The waitress comes to them and smiles as she holds a note in her hand to take their orders.

They all order their food by just taking a quick look at the menu and saying whatever catch in their eyes. Once the waitress goes to put in their orders, they are again wiggling among themselves without caring for others.

Dean fidgets constantly, his teeth chewing at his lower lip. He keeps looking at Roman, hoping that he will step in and talk about their marriage arrangements, but that doesn't happen though. Roman is too busy fiddling with some game on his phone.

"So," Dean claps his hands together to get their attention. "Why don't you Roman talk to Seth's parents and hold our marriage soon?"

Paige looks at Dean frustratedly and hits his head a little harshly. He whines as he places his hand on the back of his head and looks at Seth when Seth squeezes his arm and looks at him confused.

Dean understands the confusion in Seth's face because he also gets confused by the sudden pain and he feels like someone hit the back of his head.

Dean shakes his head as he gently places his hand on Seth's and turns to look at Roman who is raising an eyebrow at him and puts his phone aside before he talks, "Why don't you just talk to them?"

"..Oh yeah, I can talk to them but what if they planned to do that later!" Dean says and gives a worried expression.

"Then, you need to wait!" Carmella speaks quickly before high fives with Roman. Dean rolls his eyes in frustration, but Seth moves just enough to plant a kiss on Dean's forehead to cheer him up.

When Dean looks at him, Seth places his hand on Dean's cheek, "You know my parents are traditional so they would plan our marriage based on rituals but you don't worry, I'll talk to them later."

Dean smiles softly when he hears that. At that moment, the kiss and his princess's words make him feel like everything will be alright and Seth is gonna be Seth Ambrose soon. Yeah... He is waiting for that day in his life.

Dolph whistles as he sees Dean's cheek blushes in red and stops when the waitress reappears with their orders. They get their food and eat it while chatting randomly.

During the whole conversation, Dean holds Seth's hand under the table and squeezes it gently, which makes Paige growl the entire time with anger. After they eat the food, they pay the bills and come out of the diner.

Paige stands in front of their car furiously and looks around until she finds a trap for Seth. She smiles evilly when she finds out a cute dog on the roadside. She knows that Seth always has a soft corner in his heart for dogs.

Before Dean and his friends get in the car, Seth pats Dean's arm when he sees a cute puppy on the other side of the road. Dean raises his eyebrow and smiles, "I feel like my princess wants something!"

Seth giggles as he instantly stares at the puppy and tries to cross the road, but stops when Dean grabs him by his arm and makes him notice the cars on the road. "Sorry," He mouths him before looking at the puppy again.

His friends try to convince him, but Seth doesn't listen to any of their words. He crosses the road with Dean and tries to pick up the puppy, but it moves and runs away. He chases behind that, and Dean also goes along with his princess's craziness.

After a few chases, Seth takes a deep breath as he bends down and looks up when Dean places his hand on his shoulder. "Just leave it, princess." Dean also breathes heavily from the chasing.

Before Seth gives up, he sees the puppy go to an alley between the store and the jewelry shop. He smiles and goes to the alley before Dean recognizes and screams when something clamps tightly around his leg and with little to no effort he is abruptly dragged to the ground.

The sound of blood rushing through his head are suddenly too loud, nearly drowning out Dean's shouts and curses. He barely registers the heavy growling until he is again attacked by an oversized dog.

Seth couldn't believe how a little cute puppy turned into an oversized dog, but now he doesn't have time to think about it. He tries and pushes the dog away from him, but it again attacks him on the ribs.

In a blur of great agility, Dean has insinuated himself between him and the dog. And all it takes a flick of the thing's massive head and he goes flying backward. "Dean!" Seth's ribs burn in protest as he cries out the other's name.

The dog's attention back to Seth, so he moves back as he holds himself while calling Dean. He shoves his hands in front of his face before the dog flows over him. He opens his eyes and breathes heavily when he hears his friend's voice.

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