Chapter 40

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Seth sighs as he sits on the couch, sipping his hot cocoa and thinking about his relationship with Dean. The flames from the fire in front of him cast shadows in sad brown eyes. He takes a long breath and brings the mug to his lips, getting a sip from it.

He feels alone, even if his family and friends are staying a few rooms away from him. Without his love, he feels nothing, so it stings his heart. He will never blame him if Dean runs aside for good. He shouldn't hit him even if he lacked his control.

A ghost of a smile crosses his face at the memory of the shaggy blonde man. It still feels new and adorable at their first meeting. He remembers the first day that he has seen him in the restaurant arguing with the hostess. When their eyes met, it created pure magic!

A tear runs down his cheek as he blinks out of the beautiful memory. He places the mug on the nearby table and leans back slightly, looking over at the clock. It's late already, but he doesn't want to sleep.

If sleep takes over his body now, he wishes he won't wake up the next morning if Dean is not here with him. Suddenly he feels a heavyweight pressing down on his chest and makes him not breathe or speak or call out for help.

Even if he tries to see the ghost, there is nothing to get in his eyes. He smiles helplessly and closes his eyes, letting the evil power take over him. He wants nothing in his life other than lying in Dean's arms before his soul leaves his body.

He opens his eyes slowly when he feels unwind and a familiar touch all over him. He wraps his arms around the thin frame that holds him securely. "Sorry," The words repeat in his ear and make him worry.

He pulls the muscular man away from him and looks into the icy blue eyes that glue to him. "D-Dean," He smiles and throws himself over him, feeling safe in his arms. More tears spill from his eyes when he smells alcohol from him.

"Did you drink because of me?" He asks, feeling ashamed of himself. He made him into a mess because of his fear and insecurity. "Am I the worst boyfriend ever?"

"Nah, princess. I'm the worst!" Dean says and wipes Seth's tears away, trying to calm him. "Don't blame yourself. I drank, but you were not the reason for that." He convinces him and presses a small kiss on Seth's beautiful lips.

Seth smiles softly and dreads to sleep because his dreams have been almost unbearable recently. He explains the situation to Dean and makes him understand. They curl on the couch together as he snuggles into Dean's side, his head tuck under Dean's chin, keeping him close.

Dean wraps his arm around Seth's shoulders and pulls him flush against his body. He closes his eyes to sleep, but Seth's murmuring voice doesn't let him into it. "Can we just watch something?" His lover looks up from his chest expectantly.

"Sure." He laughs quietly at that. He puts on some random channel and returns to Seth, cuddling with him.

Seth doesn't pay attention to the television. It's just for background noise so he can drown everything else out. Drown out his own intrusive thoughts. Just being with Dean is the best cure for that, though.


Alexa doesn't frighten easily since she knows there is a ghost in this house, but now she will terrify by her own shadow if anything. She curses under her breath and rolls onto her side, hiding under the blankets and counting sheep till sleep deprives her.

She blinks her eyes and places her hand on the cheek when something oozes on it. She stares up from bed, almost paralyzed, watching the blood drip down decorating the floor and blanket.

When a drop hits her square in the face, she bolts from the bed out to the main room. She paces back and forth, trying to call everyone, but her voice seems inaudible. She tries to run upstairs, but a full-length mirror blocks her way out.

She gets confused about how the mirror in her room standing in front of her like a monster. She screams when the mirror throws a bunch of glasses at her. She runs over to the door and opens it, getting out of the house.

She struggles to escape from the mirror because she has no one to help at that moment. She runs on the streets like crazy until a swirl of wind catches her and throws into someone's house.

Her heart thrums in her chest as she looks around in fear. She doesn't know whose house is this, so her eyes wander around the room until it is set on Nikki's frame. She knew Nikki well, but she didn't know what her house looked like inside.

She gets a good look at the house and notices something isn't right. She turns to leave, but a clinking sound stops her from moving. She looks around and finds the source of noise, walking over to the table.

She stares at the bottle that is rolling on the table and grabs it, not knowing what to do. She places the bottle securely and turns to leave again, but it falls and rolls onto her feet.

She bends down to pick the bottle, but it glistens and attracts her. She grabs it and pulls the lid open, not knowing what is inside and letting the soul free. She gets startled when the door creaks open and shows an angry Nikki that has ever seen.


Dean doesn't know how long it's been, maybe hours, but it doesn't truly matter. He can stay like this with Seth forever. His mind seems to be getting kind of restless, though. He has too many things in his mind to clear, but he can't do it with him.

Eventually, he nudges Seth's shoulder with his own and brings him back to reality. "Sure, you're okay?" He asks again, a bit more urgent this time.

Seth sighs and moves away just a bit so he can look at him in the face. He hates the worry that is still clouded in Dean's eyes. "Can we just.. not talk about it?" He asks, almost begging before leaning in and pressing his lips to Dean's instead.

It's gentle at first until he makes a small, surprised sound before parting his lips and kissing him for a few moments. He pulls away for a second just to meet his eyes again and makes sure they're on the same page.

Dean gives him a slight nod and lets out a breath before kissing him, rough and passionate. He stares into Seth's eyes and sees the love for him. He will do anything for his princess, and there is no doubt in it.

Seth shudders slightly and closes his eyes, falling on him when Paige possesses his body again. He smirks and gets onto his feet, pulling Dean with him and leading him to the bed.

"I miss you so much." He mumbles and captures Dean's lips again in a breathless kiss. He lies on the bed and tugs Dean on top of him, wanting to celebrate her return. Paige's return! She wants to feel alive by the touch of him, but Dean presses a small kiss on Seth's cheek and rolls over, drifting into sleep.

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