Chapter 36

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Dean and Roman spend their time together, discussing Seth's identity. They know him well than any other one, but they can't understand what that old lady from the dog incident has meant as the identity of him.

"Ro, are you sure she has told you to find his identity?" Dean asks Roman as he glances at Seth, who is playing chess with Nikki a few feet away.

"Yeah, dude. I asked her again, but she repeated the same. I didn't know what to say, so I just left her house." Roman shrugs and leans back on the couch. He went to find out about the old lady yesterday to know why she scared Seth that he could die soon.

They put all their efforts to find out the hidden meaning under it, but they can't. They feel a little relieved, at least Nikki can bring a smile to Seth's face somehow. They examine their playing with so many thoughts in mind until Seth's parents amaze them.

Seth's parents didn't know what happened to their son because they trusted Dean with a whole heart in their son's matter. Dean never lost their hope since the beginning, but it was not the same as before. Everything is changed now especially, Seth!

Seth gets excited as he sees his parents and runs over to them like a lost child who sees his parents after a long time. He needs their warmth and comfort to forget the worst incidents in his life. He clings onto them and cries in their arms, getting comfortable.

His parents get shocked when they notice the tears in their son's eyes. They try to know what is bothering him, but he doesn't give the right answer. They glance around the room and make sure the black-haired girl is not there with them.

They ask Dean about what has happened to their son but gets nothing. They start to think of leaving Seth is the worst decision they have done in their life. Seth is the only son they have, and they're not ready to lose him for anyone.

"So you guys won't tell me what has happened, right? Fine. We'll take Seth with us to our home." His dad counters and wraps his arms around Seth's shoulders possessively.

Dean opens his mouth to say something but decides against it. He needs to think about his princess's safety as much as he wants to stay with him. He can't take a risk in Seth's life while destroying the ghost.

Seth can understand the reason behind Dean's silence, but he doesn't want to stay away from him. If he has to leave this place, he will leave with him, not alone. He can't let him fight against the ghost alone.

"Dad, I'm haunted by a ghost!" He mumbles and tries to make his parents understand his situation. He doesn't want them to feel bad about Dean because of this.

"What?!" His parents ask in unison, eyes almost falling out of their faces. They can't believe what they hear from their son's mouth, but they should accept it because it is speaking of their son, not others.

"Yeah... I'm haunted by a ghost." He palms his face and cries hard. He removes his hands from his face and looks at his fiance when Dean holds him against his chest. He clings onto Dean's shirt and tries to calm himself.

His parents have a conversation with Dean for almost an hour before settling into a single decision, and that is to take Seth with them. It's not only their wish but also Dean's wish.

Dean wants to put an end card to the ghost while Seth is happy with his parents. He needs to figure out the ghost and wants to make it stay away from his princess. He doesn't want to lose the trust of Seth's parents again.


Seth doesn't want to leave Dean, but he has no other choice than doing it because his love and friends force him to stay with their parents for a while. He sighs and pulls away from the hug, giving a small smile to Dean.

"Shall I stay with you?" He asks, hoping Dean will change his mind and keep him there.

"Nope. Just go with your parents, princess. I promise I'll take you with me once I end the chapter of the ghost." Dean convinces him and presses a kiss on Seth's forehead. He pulls him into another hug before letting him go.

Seth frowns and waves a hand at his friends, getting in the car without having the heart to leave. His dad starts the engine and drives the car, wanting to save his son from the ghost.

The drive to the airport is difficult than they imagine, but they manage to go fast, wanting to catch the flight on time. Seth's mom checks on him every five minutes and makes sure he is okay. To give them a heart attack, Seth disappears suddenly once they reach the airport.

They call out for him, not knowing how it has happened. They have no time to think about it, so they call Dean and tell him everything that has happened. They get in the car and return to Dean's house, hoping their son will be there.

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