Chapter 8

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Dean is sitting on the bed with Seth and tries to make him feel comfortable. "Just look at me." He places his fingers underneath Seth's bearded chin to tilt it up towards him. He leans down the mere inches in height difference they are and puts his lips so they are almost touching.

"You need to calm down, princess. I'm here for you everything then why you be tensed?" Dean asks. Before Seth replies, he feels Dean's hard lips press against his soft ones.

Seth lets out a soft sigh as he leans into the kiss, his body all but falls against Dean's as their eyes slide shut almost simultaneously. He feels Dean's hand curls around his waist, pulling their bodies together.

Both men hear another person clearing their throat from behind them. Dean turns his head, although he knows already who the voice would belong to. Seth, however, looks horrified as he looks over to see Dolph standing there.

"Sorry for disturbing you guys, but we all plan to go out to spend this evening in a newly opened restaurant in Vegas. Are you coming with us or you have any other work to do?" Dolph asks as he stops in the doorway.

Dean looks at Seth and thinks before answering, "Yeah. Just wait for a few minutes, we'll be there." He says with a slight smile, his hands still holding Seth tightly against his body.

"I hope you will come down before the restaurant closes." Dolph grins as he leaves the room and closes the door behind.

Dean waves Dolph off before turning his attention back to the younger man. "We need to get ready before they yell at us." He grins and kisses Seth one more time before getting ready. 


During the ride, Dean looks at Seth and feels good when he sees Seth smiling and chatting with their friends randomly like earlier times. He misses this smile on his princess's face after the engagement.

Dean stops the car in the parking lot and steps out of it. "This place looks nice." He looks around to see the convenience stores near the restaurant and yellow-tinted street lights lit up the empty street.

Dean takes Seth's hand in his as he enters the restaurant while his friends walking in front of him. They grab menus from the counter beside them and move towards the corner of the restaurant.

"Hey!" Dolph yells as they move, gaining the attention of several families. Roman shoves him on the shoulder and glares at him. "Oh, shit, sorry," Dolph speaks, oblivious to the young children near him. Their parents glare up at him.

They reach their spot after apologizing to the family. Finally, they are all seated and scan the menus in silence.

A few minutes later, a middle-aged man in a bow tie and apron approaches with six tall glasses of water. He places the water in front of each of them and notes down the orders they give to him and runs back through some double doors.

When Dean looks at Seth, he stares around the restaurant, unaware. Dean moves forward and lightly places his hand on Seth's knee. Tiredly, Seth's eyes move and focus on Dean's hand before moving up and meeting his gaze.

Seth looks confused until Dean runs his hand upwards. His eyes widen as he glances up at him and sits straighten himself. "Seth, is there any problem?" Alexa asks when she looks at his uncomfortableness.

"No.. My stomach growls for hungry." Seth convinces Alexa as he tries to pull Dean's hand off of him. When Dean smirks and pulls his hand away from him, Seth sighs and picks up the water and begins gulping it down.

Seth breathes sharply and splutters on his drink, spilling the water everywhere when Dean places his hand on his thigh again and squeezes it lightly. He coughs several more times before grabbing a napkin and wiping his soaked shirt.

Seth has managed to grab the attention of the entire room, and even some chef's through the glass door. So he glares at Dean as he gets on his feet.

"I'm going to the washroom." Seth wheezes, pointing over his shoulder before practically running there. His cheeks are burning from the embarrassment, and he is really tired of Dean.

Seth closes the door quietly behind him as he walks into the empty bathroom. When he glances up at himself in the mirror, suddenly a frightened face appears in it.

Seth's eyes widen in fear. Before he turns around, someone tightens their hold on his hair and plunges his head down into the sink and turning on the water and sticking his face down in it.

Seth can't resist against the force at all, and he has no objects to support himself other than the sink. His head is kept under the water much longer than it should have been before. Finally, someone pulls it out.

Seth splutters and gasps for air, before leaning over the person whoever holding him. "Princess!" Dean whispers and wraps an arm around Seth's waist before dragging him aside as he is coughing and gasping in an attempt to fill his lungs with air.

"D-De-Dean!" Seth can't talk much and leans his weight against Dean as he tries to take clear breathing. "What happened?" Dean asks as he looks around the room, no one is there except him and Seth. He can't believe his eyes, what he saw when he looked out for Seth.

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