Chapter 25

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During Seth's ungraceful near fall, Paige tries to possess his body again and manages to get in his body surprisingly. A smirk appears on her face as she prevents him from telling Dean about her.

As Dean walks into the room with a plate in his hand, Seth tries to show himself cool in front of Dean, not wanting him to have a doubt. Seth blinks irritatedly when Dean most likely tries very hard not to burst out laughing, but his voice still breaks adorably, "You wanna put that on, princess. You need not use the cheap pick up lines to get laid!"

"Huh? What?" And then the entire world comes to a screeching halt for Seth. He is naked because he jumped out of the shower in a hurry. He can't even force his arms to move and wrap the towel around his hips.

Dean sees Seth's mental breakdown, so he helps him to cover up his private parts, not wanting to do anything until Seth eats something. He grabs Seth's hand and makes him sit on the bed to eat the food before gets dressed.

Dean lets him get dressed after Seth eats the food and makes his way downstairs. He plans to show the new house to his friends before paying the money for it. He knows his princess and his friends see the house, but it's not in reality, they just saw it in photos.

As Dean is in his own thoughts and thinking about the day's plan, Alexa comes that way and notices him. She pats his shoulder and gets him out of his thoughts. She then notices the hickeys on the side of his neck. She can't believe what she is seeing now.

"Dean, is this real?" Alexa asks him surprisingly but Dean doesn't get what she is talking about.

Alexa jumps up and down, yelling at all her friends to make them appear in the living room. When their friends arrive at the living room, they look at her annoyed and see the craziness in her expression.

"What Alexa? Do you get any lottery?" Dolph asks as he sees the expression on Alexa's face. He then looks over his other friends to know if they know anything that she is talking about.

"I didn't get any lottery, but our Deano got a big lottery last night. Am I right, Deano?" Alexa teases him, which makes Dean off guard and his face flushes up all in red.

"Shut up!" Dean tries to cover the hickeys in his neck. He knows it's no use to cover them because his friends know already. He doesn't know how Seth will react if Seth knows that his friends know their little secret.

"Where is our traditional princess?" Alexa teases and looks around the room in search of Seth.

Roman can't believe his ears what he is hearing now. He knows Seth very well when compared to others and he knows how much Seth gives importance to his parents and their traditional beliefs, then how could it happen?

Roman turns his attention to Seth when he saw him coming down the stairs. He feels Seth looks something different. He eyed him from head to toe and feel his brother is missing somehow.

When Seth reaches the living room, Alexa jumps on him and plays with him. It makes him angry, so he pushes her away and looks at her irritated. No one expects this so they look at him shocked.

"Seth?" Carmella looks at him unbelievably and helps Alexa to stand on her feet.

"You know I don't like others jump on me suddenly. It makes me uncomfortable and I feel like trapped." Seth tells Carmella and tries to make her understand. He believes she will understand him and be with him like before.

Carmella feels something is wrong because she knows Seth's character for the past 4 years. Seth seems distant from his activities, but she remembers the words that fell out of his mouth from somewhere, somewhere close to her.

Carmella doesn't want to talk anything, so she nods and takes Alexa to the room. Before she does anything, she needs to know about her best friend. She feels Seth's activities approximately similar to her best friend.

"Seth, I'm happy for you guys but.. you have traditional beliefs then how could it happen?" Roman asks with doubt because he knows his brother didn't break promises.

"It's my life so stay out of it," Seth blurts because he doesn't like others interfere in his life. He will live with Dean however he wants. No one has the right to come between them.

"Seth? Princess, what are you talking?" Dean gets shocked by Seth's behavior. He knows how close Seth and Roman are. He knows how much Seth would give importance to Roman, but now what happened to him.

Seth gets realized what he is doing now, so he tries to change the situation. "Ugh.. sorry, Dean. I lost my mind when everyone asked me questions. I hope you understand. I feel sick so I'm going to the room.." He gives Dean a sick look and steps into the stairs.

As Seth is moving up the stairs, his eyes are on Roman and glare at him. When Roman turns to look at him, he pretends to look around and goes to the room.

Roman feels something is wrong because Seth didn't act with him like this before. He saw how Seth glared at him as he made his way to the room and pretended to look around whenever he saw it. His thoughts are irrupted when Dean tries to comfort him.

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