Chapter 38

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Seth observes it is cold and dark, but he doesn't have a clue where he is. He tries to reach out to her, but he can't see her hands where they are. It is pitch black, but he keeps trying to reach something, feel something, or anything.

Finally, there is a spotlight a few distances away from him and standing under that light is his dad. His dad, the one who raised him and gave everything that was good in his life, standing in front of him. A smile creeps on his dad's lips as if nothing is wrong.

Seth stands there and watches him, dumbfounded and confused. With a great effort, he takes a step forward and another until he is a few more feet towards him. He doesn't know why, but a great feeling of joy and relief flood through him, giving him a feeling of safety.

When he gets close enough, he runs the rest of the remaining steps for an embrace. But once he is five steps away from him, the man merely smiles at his son and turns around to walk away.

Seth's running steps become slower and slower until he feels like he is glued to the unseen floor. "No!" He mutters and struggles to keep running. Suddenly an all too familiar pain is replaced for happiness and security, leaving him helpless as he watches his dad walk away and fade into darkness.

As his dad disappears, a faint echo of his laughter resonates around the invisible room. He mocks Seth and reminds him, "You couldn't do a single thing to make me stay!"

A tear forms on Seth's eyes as he drops to his knees and feels incredibly weak. Another light turns on and gets his attention. He raises his head and sees his mother standing in front of him, looking miserable.

Even on the verge of tears, he manages a weak smile and tries to comfort her, but she doesn't return the gesture. He feels some happiness, even if she doesn't give a damn about him now. At least she stays and holds her out to him, nodding at him.

He grabs her hand and holds it for a lifetime, but in the blink of an eye, she has gone. He feels misery and anger flood through his system. He lets out a painful scream as he pounds his fist onto the imperceptible floor. It feels painful to do so.

The material feels like rocky concrete, but he doesn't care and strikes his fists into the floor until the blood trickles down his arms and drips down on it. He can't take this anymore, so he wishes someone can help him or let him die.

"Seth," A familiar voice calls him and makes him stop hitting the floor. He refuses to turn his gaze, getting afraid of what if he looks up, the person will disappear just like his parents?

He gets scared until a pair of hands hold his cheeks and tilt his head upwards. His gaze meets the blue orbs that are looking at him with genuine concern. He struggles with his feelings and gets frustrated, not knowing what to do.

The smile doesn't creep on his face as he sees him, but inside his heart; he feels safe and happy to see him. He flashes a small smile after few minutes and wraps his arms around him, getting comfortable.

He feels relieved because the man stays and returns the embrace this time, not shoving him away like others. He hopes Dean will save him from this worst nightmare, but this moment doesn't last forever.

Dean is suddenly yanked back by unseen hands, a disembodied cackle echoing once more, as he struggles to get away from the grasp. He tries to keep Seth with him, but he can't. The hands are holding him strong and pulling him away from his princess.

"D-Dean!" Seth pleads and tries to hold him but the surroundings turn dark once more and make him blindfolded. He wishes at least it will stay this way because he doesn't have the heart to get frustrated again.

He looks at his hands that are dripping blood onto his pant-clad legs and staining the fabric with a dark crimson. He hears a pained sob from somewhere, and it takes him a moment to realize that it is coming from his own mouth.

He tries so hard to stop crying, but he can't. He tries to convince himself that he should get used to this or it will leave him like a maniac. Nothing will help him because he has a feeling that he will never get used to this.

Just as he is about to raise his head, he feels a painful whack on his back. The jab comes down on his body several times and gives him more pain in each hit. He glances up and sees a girl standing beside him with an evil smirk on her face.

On her back, Dean is standing there speechless and staring at Seth. His gaze solely on him, but his mind is somewhere that he doesn't know. He doesn't even try to get out of the magic web he is in.

"D-Dean!" Seth calls out for him, but he doesn't reply. Instead of him, the black-haired girl replies Seth with an iron rod. Her maniacal laughter fills the room as she takes pleasure in beating Seth.

In Seth's dream, Dean couldn't listen to the words that were coming out from him, but in reality, he felt something wrong when Seth held him a little tighter. He wakes up from his sleep when a slight whimper of his princess echo in the silence.

He is a pretty light sleeper since the ghost has haunted Seth so the slightest noise can rise him from slumber. He sits up and leans against the headboard, rubbing his eyes before looking at the clock to check the time. It's at 2.45 am.

Another sound reaches his ear, but this time it's a choked sob. He looks to his right and sees Seth writhing in the bed, crying like a child. He looks around the room in search of anything as he tries to assume what is going on by Seth's position.

Seth is holding his arm out as if he is trying to grip something important, like his life depends on it. He doesn't act like this before, so it's a puzzle for Dean to find out what's happening.

Dean gives his hand to Seth's holding arm and believes his princess will wake up without getting worried. He waits until the pain expression on his princess' face changes and brings him back to reality.

Seth blinks his eyes slowly as he wakes up from his sleep and gets scared of Dean. He doesn't know is the one who sits in front of him is his Dean or the one who has seen him getting hit by the girl.

He starts to cry loudly and keeps screaming until his voice is wild and desperate. He thrashes in the bed and throws whatever he can get in his hands at Dean, thinking it's someone who is created by magic. His Dean never let him get hurt by others.

Dean looks at his princess with a huge worry and tries to stop him, but he can't. He gets scared when the younger man's screams become louder and more frantic. He tries to grab him and feels him trembling in his arms.

"Princess, it's me!" He yells and tries to make him understand that Seth is in safe hands. When Seth's body shivering under his hands violently, he slaps hard across his princess' face in the fear of losing him.

Seth stops his movements and looks at him with teary eyes, feeling sick. He tries to process everything before throwing himself at Dean and burying his face in Dean's chest. "Sorry," He hears Dean's voice above his head and feels the older man's hand on his back, trying to soothe him.

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