Chapter 35

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Dean gets annoyed by Roman's lunacy and compels him to go to the hospital, but his friend doesn't give a damn to his words and drives somewhere. He doesn't know why Roman plays with Seth's life, even regarding him as a brother. What the hell is happening to him?

He holds Seth securely against him when the car takes a sudden shift before it halts. His heart pounds in his chest with the fear of losing Seth. He glares at Roman when the Samoan man opens the door for him to get outside.

"What the hell-" His words stop in his throat when Roman moves aside to show the church on his view. He doesn't know why they are there. Even if they want to go there, the time is not suited for the moment now. He needs to care about his princess and make sure he is alright.

He resists getting out of the car, but Roman forces him and makes him slip out of it. "Please, just try this. Not for me, for Seth!" Roman convinces him, making sure he has done the job right.

Dean steps up the stairs with Seth in his arms to the church. As his leg strides onto the floor, a sudden force propels him back and makes him stumble a bit. He tries to get inside, but his grip on his princess loses and makes him fall.

He carries Seth and calls his friend for help, but Roman is out of sight. He holds the doorway tightly and tries to push himself in, but he can't. Suddenly the hardness fails and makes him look up at the thing that touches his hand.

The priest holds his hand with the cross of Jesus Christ and nods at him. He looks over the priest's shoulder to thank Roman for helping him. They go inside and make Seth lay on the bench in front of God.

The priest mutters something under his breath and puts a cross on Seth's forehead. Seth's body shakes violently until a black spot appears on his forehead to cover his entire being. He flutters his eyes and screams loudly before passing out again.

"W-Why?" Dean stutters as he glances at the priest. He can't believe his own eyes what is happening in front of him. His princess drains in black and lays in front of him as a soulless spirit.

"Why he is suffering like this? What happened to him?" He asks, still can't set in a mind. He feels warm when Roman holds his hand and squeezes a little. He should know what is going on with his princess. He should know how many days Seth has suffered like this. He should know how many days he was blind around him without noticing anything.

"He is haunted by a ghost." The priest states and places his hand on Seth's forehead, spilling the holy words under his breath.

The darkness leaves Seth's body and shows him like normal. The priest looks over Seth's face for a few minutes before glances at them, "Poor kid!"

"Is he alright?" Dean asks with hope in his voice. He wants his princess back, who has a sweet smile on his face. He wants his love back, who holds his hand always wherever he goes, even if they are going to hell.

The priest can't give him sweet words even if he wishes because Seth is still in the ghost's control. "The ghost is not inside him now, but it tempts him still." He tells Dean and makes him realize the situation.

"How to get our Seth back?" Roman asks, wanting to save Seth. He can do anything with Dean to get his baby brother back.

"I don't know how to smash the ghost but don't worry, Mr. Robert Roode can help you with this." The priest gives them renewed hope and helps them as much as he can. He doesn't want God's children to suffer by the ghost.

"Who is Robert Roode? How can we see him?" Dean asks impatiently. He doesn't hear about him before because he is not a religious guy like Seth. He did every traditional in their engagement for Seth only, not on his own.

"He is an expert in destroying ghosts. Now he is out of the country to deal with a case like this. I'll talk to him about you." The priest tells them and discusses Mr. Roode. He blesses them when they thank him for his help before leaving the shrine.


A tear sheds from his eyes as Dean stares at Seth, who is laying on the bed peacefully. He grabs Seth's hand and squeezes it gently, feeling ashamed of touching him, but he can't help. He strokes his hair carefully without touching the wound on his head.

He leans down and presses a kiss on Seth's bandaid, nuzzling a little. He moves away and leans back against the headboard when he hears him wince in pain. He feels sorry for him and stares at him, still holding Seth's hand. His eyes blink sleepily when the exhaustion overtakes him.

A few minutes later, he jolts awake to the sound of an object landing on the floor. Actually, more like a human body. He opens his blue eyes groggily and glances at his right, noticing the empty bed. Where is Seth?

His sleepiness completely goes from his eyes as he gets up from the bed when he hears it again, this time followed by Seth's voice hissing in pain. He runs to the living room where the sounds are coming from.

He is getting worried after every second that has passed when he isn't in the living room yet. It feels like forever, but he finally sees his boyfriend getting up from the floor, holding on to the arm of the couch to aid him.

"What the hell happened?" He asks, a bit aggravated, but he goes over to help him. There is no one in the house except them. He didn't know where Roman and Alexa went after their return from the church.

"It's, ouch.." Seth whines and cradles his right arm close to his chest. He glances at the stairs unbelievably as tears flow down on his cheeks, "I-I don't know. I just jumped from the first floor without I knew what I was doing."

Dean gets shocked when he hears his words, "You don't know?!"

Seth shakes his head and moves to step on the stairs, but Dean grabs his hand and makes him sit on the couch, fearing of losing him. Dean holds him against his chest and rubs the younger man's arm gently, "How long have you been haunting by the ghost?"

That's when Seth breaks down and cries hard. His sobbing has surely heard the neighborhood. Dean feels bad about this. How long has Seth been like this? He's not used to Seth being so vulnerable. Seth is always sanguine, so Dean hasn't noticed a change in his attitude.

He had noticed the change in his boyfriend's makeup and walking style, but he figured it was just impressing for him or something. He brings the crying man closer to his chest in an embrace, running his fingers through his hair.

"How stupid I'm! I could feel your hard days by your crying, but why didn't you tell me? Do you know how ignorant I feel right now? I've been wandering around happily while my boyfriend has been haunted by a ghost for the past few months." He condemns himself for the mistake and feels embarrassed for using his princess without him knowing.

Seth moves away from him and caresses Dean's face with love in his eyes, "Hey, I can't see you blame yourself. My soul has taken every difficulty and stuck in this body only for you. If you break down and lose your hope, I'll be nothing. Please save me, I want to live a merry life with you."

Tears well up in Dean's eyes as he pulls his princess into a tight hug, holding him for a lifetime. He can't lose the love that he deserves for. He buries his face in the crook of Seth's neck and inhales his scent, getting the warmth of him.

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