Chapter 5: I Belonged There

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"I remember you!" I exclaimed and moved back a little. I was shocked by this discovery.

"What do you mean?" he was startled when he heard me.

"I remember you," I said again. His eyes widened. Those eyes of his were as expressive of his inner thoughts as his facial expressions. A slight twitch in his lips wasn't unnoticed to my eyes. But I was confused. He cried when he realized that I didn't remember him. Shouldn't he be happy that I remembered him? Such a weirdo.

"I've seen you before." I continued.

"Where?" he questioned.

"In my dreams. I've seen you in my dreams. Not just once or twice, but countless times."

"What do you remember? Can you tell me what exactly did you see in your dreams."

"I see dreams that a child, almost this tall," I set my right-hand midway in the air to show the height. "That child walks away from me and white wings comes out of his back. He then flies towards the sky and disappears inside the clouds. That child had silvery-white hair with bangs, wearing a black coat. And his smile was exactly like yours. It was you, wasn't it?"

"You don't see anything else, in your dreams?" he asked, still curious about it.

"Nope! I would have told you already if I did remember anything else." Though I sort of lied. I didn't tell him that that kid was hugging me. But it was kind of embarrassing to tell him.

"It was you, right?" I questioned again.

"Yeah, it was me." He nodded, and a couple of tears escaped his eyes again. He was such a crybaby. There wasn't anything to cry about this time.

"I apologise for being like this." I could feel the sincerity in his apology. I guess no man will cry like a baby in front of a woman for no reason. He must have his own circumstances. Such a stupid fellow. "I'm just happy that you remember at least something."

"So it actually happened!? We have met before?"


I was twelve when mom and dad found me wandering alone in a forest. They had gone hiking, and I stumbled right in front of them out of nowhere. Actually, it was Lucy who noticed me. When they found out that my back was heavily bleeding, they took me to the nearest hospital. When I woke up, I didn't remember anything other than my name. They searched for my real parents for the next few days but they couldn't find anyone. After all the tests, the doctors couldn't find any internal injury in my head and they informed mom and dad that my amnesia may never be cured.

Instead of handling me to the authorities, they brought me to their home. Lucy didn't want to let me go. They did so many things for me, even though I was a stranger. I gave them a lot of trouble but they never complained. They searched for my parents for months, and in the end, they formally adopted me.

At first, I was still reserved, but they showered me with so much care that I eventually opened myself to them. All these years, it never felt like I was a foster kid. I never looked back or tried to imagine how my life was before I lost my memories.

But knowing that I had met a real angel before I had amnesia was surprising. For the first time in my life, I became curious about the kind of things that I might have experienced. But why was the memory of this angel the only thing that came in my dreams? Why not the rest and this angel alone?

I guess there was something about him. Something special...

"So what's your real name, angelheart?" he asked in a gentle voice. By that time, his tears had disappeared.

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