Chapter 46: Then Your Love Profess

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All of a sudden, Black sat down on the bed. He looked at me with those sweet eyes, like always. But at that moment, that usual gaze felt something special, something magical.

"Let's go."

"To where?" I asked.

"Just come with me." Black stood up from the bed. He got dressed in the same sweater and walked in front of the mirror. He waved his hand through his slightly unkempt hair, trying to settle those bangs of his hair. It was the first time I saw him caring about his looks.

"Why are you not getting ready sweetheart?" Black said while looking at the mirror.

"First tell me where you're taking me," I complain. He turned and looked at me with an idiotic expression and wide smile. I really couldn't understand what was going through his brainless mind. I had doubts that he really injured his head while fighting with those demons. That really worried me.

"Well, it's not like it will matter. It'll be alright just like this."

My Black walked towards me. He held my hand and forced me to get up.

"Okay okay. I'll get ready." I wanted to make myself at least presentable before going out.

"It's okay. You can't be more beautiful than you already are." I tried to free myself from his grasp but he didn't let go. He held me tight enough. Seeing my useless efforts, I gave up and reluctantly followed him. I was very glad I did not change to my nightdress last night because I was taking care of this idiot.

I expected us to go somewhere out. But he walked through the hall and took me to the backyard. He opened the glass door and walked to the centre of the backyard before letting go of my hand. He stood in front of me, a few steps away.

The surroundings were so quiet, aside from the rustling of leaves and the little chirps from the birds who had woken up before the sun did. The weather was chilly and cold winds repeatedly assaulted my body.

"It's cold here," I said and wrapped my hands around my body. I hoped my Black would let me go inside and wear warmer clothes or at least use his ability to make the surroundings warm.

The assault of cold winds stopped suddenly and I felt the warmth. But after a few seconds, that warmth disappeared.

"I am sorry. I tried but I can not keep it warm. But I won't take much time." Black apologized. I remembered how weary he gets every time he uses that ability and he had just recuperated from his injuries. I sometimes forget that he is very strong but not omnipotent.

"No worry."

Then my Black stepped back a little. He bent down and gracefully sat on both of his knees. His back was straight and his chin was up as he looked right into my eyes. His hands were behind, hiding something. At that moment, everything went silent for me. Everything else disappeared from my sight, just Black remained. Time seemed to have stopped when I thought that he was finally going to say the words I so wanted to hear. 

My heart started fluttering all of a sudden. Those butterflies in my stomach went on a rampage and wrecked my inside emotions in a moment. I was overwhelmed by happiness and joy. The day I was waiting for had finally come. It was all happening too suddenly.

"Why did you kneel down?" I asked, all flustered up.

"Because I'm sorry," Black replied. That was not what I was expecting to hear from him when he knelt down. He could have said that inside. Why did he need to bring me outside in cold just for an apology? I heaved in disappointment. At that moment, I realized why hope is the most poisonous thing in the world.

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