Sorbet x Fem Reader x Gelato (One Or The Other)

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* Requested by: @YahiraD123 *
* Creds To Artist (If anyone knows who drew this...) *
Hey guys so this story has a bit of a polyamorous ending, sorry to those who are strictly monogamous, just trying to test the boundaries a bit. Also I'm sorry if the reader's stand is a little confusing, I wasn't sure if I wanted to make Sorbet and Gelato stand users since it's not specified in the manga, so I tried not to directly talk about it... Enjoy x

You were on your way home from running a couple of errands. You bought yourself a few new books, snacks, and a new sun hat.

You were satisfied with your purchases and couldn't wait to start one of the books you bought. You weren't sure which to read first, so you stopped walking and began rummaging through one of your store bags.

As you did so you felt someone place their hand on your shoulder. Before they could speak you turned around quickly and raised your fists as if you were about to fight.

"Whoa! Whoa! Take it easy, it's just me!" Your friend Gelato spoke.

"Ugh don't do that!" You yelled, "You know I scare easily!"

He laughed, "Sorry!"

He patted your head like he would a small child and you rolled your eyes and kept walking ahead of him.

What an idiot...

"H-Hey wait up!"

You hadn't known Gelato for long, he was just some guy you went to school with. He was in one of your classes and you two happened to sit next to each other. He had tried talking to you for quite some time but you never gave him the time of day.

After awhile of hearing him speak nonstop you warmed up to him and two of you became friends.

"Did you just call me an idiot?" He frowned.

Your eyes widened.


This was the third time this happened to you today. It was your stand's ability (although you weren't entirely sure what a stand even was yet).

Your stand's ability wasn't anything super crazy, it was more like a messenger stand. You had the ability to send your thoughts from one person to another. If you thought enough about the person you wanted to send a message to, it'd instantly be sent to them.

The only issue was you weren't in full control of keeping your thoughts to yourself yet. Your mind wandered a bit, and if you were passionate about something involving a specific person it almost always ended up getting sent to them.

You darted your eyes to the floor as a hint of crimson spread across your cheeks. You pulled the sun hat you bought lower so he couldn't see your reaction.


As you and Gelato walked, the two of you stumbled across a group of guys sitting outside a restaurant.

Those guys look like trouble...

No sooner than you thought that, you happened to make eye contact with one of the guys who was having a smoke. He had short dark hair that was pulled back into a cone-like shape. He raised an eyebrow at you, and you felt your face get hot. He was pretty cute but you didn't really think you had even the slightest chance with him.

God he must've heard what I thought about him...

Gelato carefully tugged you along, completely ignoring the group. You happened to look over your shoulder back at the group noticing the dark haired man was still staring at you. You were surprised to see him staring back at you and quickly looked forward.

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