Winchester College

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"Let's go! Get up! It's already 8:00, Jack. I want you to have breakfast before you leave!" I hear my mother's irritating voice in the distance, I complain only for me because I'm sure she can't hear me, then I turn around and I'm still sleeping peacefully .
"I told you to get up" my mother removes the sheets that cover me and begins to beat me with them.
"Oh my god, mom" I bury my head in the pillow and try to ignore her, something that is impossible.
"Oh my god, mom" mimics me with a mocking voice "come on Jacky, before your dad arrives"
I sigh sharply and turn around so I can see my mom.

She's in front of me, with a radiant smile on her face, as always. I can't help but smile at seeing her like that. She is the typical old mom, she doesn't know what feminism is. She has her kitchen apron on, her hair pulled back, and she probably made breakfast for an entire army even though we are only 5.
"Ok... I'll go" I say and sit on the bed, she smiles more and leaves my room practically singing. My mother came out of a Disney movie.
I rub my face with both hands wanting to go back to the past so I don't have to face the day that awaits me, I look at my closet and see the black uniform, hung and ironed, ready to be used by me.

I roll my eyes and go to the shower, wash my body slowly trying to lengthen the inevitable, when I feel completely clean, I leave the bathroom and go straight to my room.
"I'll miss you" my sister's voice stops me. I turn around just before entering the room.
"I'll miss you too, Em" and then I close the door to finish preparing myself.
                                  * * *
I see how the school grows more and more as we get closer to it, everything around it's too green and too perfect. To be honest, I'm afraid of this school.

I was never a person of many friends, in my old school I only had Dan and Jack. I was always a shy person so at this moment I don't just feel afraid, I feel panic.
My father stops the car at the entrance where there is a gentleman, with a suit similar to the uniform that I wear, which is surely waiting for us.
"I hope you know how to behave this time," my father tells me, with his typical soldier's voice, before we go down. I don't answer because I know that if I do, things could get worse and I don't want that to happen.
"Welcome to Winchester College, my name is Patrick and I'm going to be your coordinator for the rest of the year. You must be Jack" he extends his hand to me.

I give him a small smile and I shake his hand gently. My father starts to say a thousand things to this guy Patrick and then starts to get my bags out of the car.
"Well, son, I hope you do very well in this school, anything you need you can call me or they can call me" his look is a warning when he says the last sentence. "We'll see you in a month" and with those few words he gets in the car and walks away from me. I can feel that he's still angry about what happened, I sigh as I watch the car drive away.
"Are you ready to see your room?" I hear Patrick behind me.
"Kinda" I answer and grab my suitcases from the floor. The man smiles and guides me inside the place.

There are not many people yet because officially the classes start tomorrow but I guess they will be arriving during the course of the day, everyone is watching me for a few seconds and I can bet whatever you want it's for my second hand uniform. We couldn't buy a new one because they are too expensive and the scholarship only covers 80% of the monthly fee so they are going to spend a lot of money on this, money that they can't spend on a new uniform. I don't even know why they are spending so much on me, I mean, I don't want to come here. It's just a foolish punishment that my father is making me for being "irresponsible and reckless", just a little more than the shit that comes out of my father's mouth every day.

"Here it is, room 164. Take your keys and you can find a map of the facilities in the drawer of your bedside table, lunch is served at 12:30 a.m. and dinner at 7:30 p.m. In addition, there is a cafeteria where you can buy what you want 24 hours a day. Any questions you can ask me." Patrick turns around and starts walking down the long hall, I raise my eyebrows as I watch him go. I sighed and entered the room. In it there are two beds, as I supposed, two bedside tables, two closets and a desk where two people can sit. It also has a large window in the middle of the beds, it's a typical boarding room. I close the door behind me and start unpacking my suitcase, I want to get settled as quickly as possible so I don't have to worry about it later.

12:28 a.m.
I look at the map one more time and I still don't understand where I'm standing, I look from one side to another the long halls but there isn't even a sign that tells me something and it's almost lunchtime which I don't want to miss because I'm starving at this time.
"Hey... new here?" I hear the voice of someone behind me, I turn around and I find a short boy with blond hair, blue eyes, with the most radiant uniform of the place, I could say it's the typical "rich" guy.
"Emm ... yes" I try not to give him that much importance.
"Andrew" stretches out his hand to me, does everyone do that here?
"Jack" I shake his hand and return to my map. I don't want to relate to this class of people.

"I guess you're looking for the big room," Andrew tells me after a few seconds. I curse myself.
"Yes, but this place is a damn labyrinth" I keep turning the map one more time.
"I know, come on, I'm going there" I didn't expect him to tell me that but considering that it's my only option at the moment I nod and follow him.
We walk in silence for what seems an eternity until we finally reach the damn room. When we enter most of the people are already sitting in places and I feel trapped because I don't know anyone.
"You can sit with me if you want," Andrew says with a smile, I nod again and let him guide me to a table. We both sat at one of the most remote tables. And since my options are limited, I start being "friendly".
"So ... Andrew, can I call you Andy? It's much easier. "

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