Arriving late.

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"Yeah, sure" Andy says with a little smile, he doesn't seem so bad after all.
"Okay then, Andy ... how long have you been here?" I look around for somewhere where I can eat food but I can't find anything, this school is so strange.
"Since the first year" I look at him, not understanding his answer until I remember my question, I nod leaning on my back.
"And what can you tell me about the people?" I point with my head at the rest of the people in the place.

"There isn't much to say, we are all men, some are assholes, some are intelligent and others are assholes and intelligent, normal" he says, crossing his arms like me. "Well... then there's Ryan and his group"
"And why are "Ryan and his group" and the rest are "assholes or smart"? What's so special about them?" I ask him.
"I don't know, you just don't have to fuck with them"
"Which of them are they?" I ask without really paying attention, just a little talk.
"Now they aren't here" he tells me "the cafeteria is open, let's find our lunches"

Next day

I wake up and discover that there is still no one in the bed next to mine, yesterday I was waiting for someone to arrive at any time and begged for someone good. I would have loved that Andy was my partner. Yesterday we had a long talk, he showed me the rest of the school and he turned out to be one of the good guys, I hope that doesn't change today. The first day of classes. I sigh and get up to start preparing myself, I put on the silly black uniform and go straight to my first class because as i expected, I got up a little late and didn't have time for a breakfast.
I walk trying to remember Andy's explanations of how to get there until I finally find my class.

Upon entering I see small groups of people talking and laughing, it's so weird to be here. I look around and I see Andy in one of the last seats, he also sees me and beckons me to come closer. I'm surprised that he has no friends, I see that today he is also alone. I assumed that yesterday his friends hadn't arrived and that today was going to be different.
"How was your first night?" He asks me when I sit next to him. The seats are for two people and there are at least 20 in the room.
"Well, although I still don't have a roommate" Andy is about to say something but is interrupted.
Two boys come tripping and laughing into the classroom, ignoring everyone around them.

One of them is tall, with brown hair and wearing an impeccable uniform, both wear it like that. The other is a little shorter and with black hair and for some reason, both give the impression of being the owners of the place. They keep laughing while I keep looking at them, something tells me that they are the guys that Andy warned me about.
"They're Ryan and Mikey ... well, nobody calls Ryan really. It's Rye "I don't answer anything because I don't know what to answer. It's not like I really care about those guys, I probably won't mess with them but just to avoid problems and get out of here as soon as possible.
"Well, did you finish with the jokes?" An older man enters the classroom with a bag and a pile of papers in his hand.

"My name is Charles, I'm your chemistry teacher ..." the teacher introduces himself and talks about some rules to pass the subject but I'm not interested in that either, so I just start drawing a little man on my notebook.
"Mr. Wyatt arriving late the first day, good start" I raise my head and see a boy coming in, completely ignoring the teacher. He carries his backpack on one of his shoulders and looks at the front with indifference, he leaves a piece of paper on the desk and passes the teacher as if nothing happened. Almost all the seats are already occupied so he stops a moment to find an empty one.

Our eyes cross and something in me jump for two seconds, he looks at me seriously, he seems even sad and then he looks behind me and starts his way again, passes by my side ignoring everyone. I can hear the sound of his things hit against a table, I want to turn around but I won't do it, it would be too weird.
"Well... let's start with the class"
Fuck, I look back just to look for him and I find him sitting in the last seat, playing with a pencil without paying attention to the teacher. His blond hair is probably dyed, his face is round and his eyes are green, like a deep green. I watch him until our eyes meet again, then I turn around once more.

I breathe in my seat trying to erase his image from my mind, it's too beautiful. I think it wasn't a good idea to put a gay guy in a boarding school for men.
The rest of the class I draw on my notebook and I keep thinking about the guy, I need to know more about him. The class finishes and I'm determined to approach to speak with him but when I getting up, "Wyatt" walks beside me almost hitting me and goes straight to Rye and Mikey, shit. They greet him with hugs and I can't avoid looking at the whole situation.
"He's the third of the group, Brooklyn, son of the dean," Andy tells me, I guess he saw me watching everything. "But he's not really a problem, sometimes we talk and he's pretty good with everyone"

I nod and start to walk to the exit but before I reach the door a hand rests on my chest stopping me.
"You're the new one?" Ryan asks me, Mikey and Brooklyn are at his side.
"Yes" I move away from his hand so he stops touching me. He smiles a little and looks me from head to toe.
"Nice uniform, I think it's the one that throws it away last week" I remain silent. I can't believe he said those words, I didn't think he was so stupid.
"Come on Rye, leave him alone" Brooklyn speaks and pushes Ryan towards the exit. Rye looks at me one more time and comes out speaking quietly with Mikey. I watch them go away ... actually I can only see Brooklyn get away.

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