Just happy.

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It's been a month since I arrived at this place and I can't believe everything I went through. Now I'm here in my room, admiring the man I met thanks to my father. He is sitting on his bed reading a book and I'm in my bed just looking at him. I can not believe I've met someone like Brook, I can not believe I've fallen so deeply in love with my roommate. When I arrived here I never imagined that something like this would happen, I always thought it was going to be one of my worst experiences and I wanted to do everything possible to get out of here as fast as I could, but now... the least I want to do is leave this place. As much as I'm sorry, I can't leave Brooklyn.

"Why are you looking at me?" Brook tells me without even looking up to see me.
"Cause you're beautiful" it escapes from my lips causing him to raise his head with a mischievous smile. The smile I could look for the rest of my life.
Without saying anything he gets up from his bed and approaches mine but the sound of the door being hit stops his steps. Brook rolls his eyes and goes to the door to open it.
"Hi guys, how are you? Today the parents' visit starts at 2 pm and the party of the month at 8 pm, it was only to tell you that" Patrick says or whatever his name is, our coordinator.

Today is the day of the parents' visit, today after a month I will go back to see my mom and my dad and maybe my sisters, it makes me a bit happy to think about it even though I'm not sure I want to see my father. Even though having gotten into this place was one of the best things that happened to me, I'm still annoyed with him for deciding on my life as if I were his doll. Anyway, I'm happy to see my mother again. Having been here for all this time, made me realize the lack that she makes me, I really miss her.
Also, in addition to the visit of the parents, there is the party of the month that according to Andy is done every month, the same day that the parents come, to know each other and celebrate that it happened a month of classes or something like that, the only good thing about this party is that today we didn't have classes.

Brook and I nod and the coordinator leaves us alone once more. Brook closes the door and comes back to me, this time managing to attack me. He sits on my lap hugging my neck and begins to kiss me hard causing my hands to fly to his waist and squeeze it firmly. Today is being the best morning of my life.
* * *
I enter the room where my parents are supposed to be and I can see many people already hugging their families, Andy is one of them, he is hugging a lady who looks lovely. I would like to meet her, no matter how strange it sounds. I stop looking at them and start looking for my own parents around.

There are many families and now I understand why they assigned us a schedule for each visit, this would be a chaos without the schedules. I keep looking for a few seconds and then I see my mom's favorite dress, there they are. I smile and start to approach them, they are almost at the end of the room.
"Jack!" Emily says when I reach them and hugs me tightly around the waist, I return the hug with a huge smile on my face. I can't believe I missed them so much.
I separate from Emily and practically threw myself at my mother, she also seems happy to see me because she hugs me so hard I can barely breathe.

"Oh my baby, I miss you so much," she says in my ear as she moves me from one side to the other.
"Mom," I scold her with the smile still on my face. She stop hugging me and take my face in her hands to look at me.
"You are beautiful, son" and kisses my forehead. After that, she lets go of me and I start greeting my other sisters. And finally, greeting my father, who to my surprise also embraces me smiling.
"Well, let's sit down and tell us everything" says my mother after the strange greeting I have with my father. We all nodded and we sat down at one of the tables. I wonder who will be sitting at my table since this is the cafeteria where we eat every day.

I turn around looking for my place and when I find it I can see Mikey smiling at two older people, I guess his parents. It's weird to see him this way, he seems like a different person than always.
"Okay and then how about everything?" My mother asks me, putting her hands on the table.
"Very nice, I already have a couple of friends and I'm adapting well to everything" except for Ryan and Mikey I say in my head but I don't tell that part to my parents.
We continue talking and I tell them almost everything, how are the classes, the institutions, everything I can tell. I talk until the hours are over and it's time for my parents to back home.

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