The only ones.

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I open the door and breathe with nervousness, I don't know what I'm going to say to Jack, I hope he's sleeping to be honest. It would be the easiest thing for the moment.
The place is barely illuminated by the morning sun, I don't know how much time I slept on the terrace, I just remember waking up with the birds singing and the sun on my legs.
And now I'm here in the room once more. I look at Jack's bed and he is there asleep, as he always is when I come back late from the boys' room. I approach him with care not to make noise although I know that Jack isn't easy to wake up.

I sit on the edge of his bed and watch him, he is looking at the ceiling with his eyes closed probably submerged in a deep sleep, his face is neutral so I can't tell if it's a good dream or a bad one. I hope it's a good one, where nothing bad happens.
I can't even get to the idea of ​​something bad happening to Jack and I can't believe it. It's amazing how in such a short time this guy became so much for me. I still don't know if it's my "true love" or if I'm going to spend the rest of my life with him but the truth is that I don't even care.
When I'm with Jack, all I can think about is in the present. In what we have now and how beautiful it is despite all the ups and downs, even though there are more problems than solutions. Jack somehow manages to make everything bad dull with everything good.

I sigh and stretch my hand to pass it through his soft hair, I would like to sleep with him and hug him until everything that is happening is over but I know it's not possible, people can't just run away from problems, at least not forever.
I approach him carefully and deposit a kiss on his head, trying to show him how much I care even though he probably never knows.
Then I get up again and start changing my clothes carefully to leave. I can't deal with Jack today, I need to be away from him for a while just like the first time we kissed. I know I'm a coward running away from this kind of thing but I don't know what else I can do.

I finish changing and I leave the room without waking him, I'm not sure to go to Ryan and Mikey's room but I end up doing it as I always do.
Ryan and Mikey are the only people I have. The only ones that understand me and love me in spite of everything, the only ones that were always there and will be there for me; like that time when my mother discovered that I'm gay.
By then my mother and the parents of Ryan and Mikey had known each other for a long time, so the three of us were almost like brothers. During the holidays, when they didn't come to this boarding school, we spent every afternoon together.

There was no day where we weren't for each other, we were the three inseparable but that unconditional love we had each other increased the day my world plummeted.
They still didn't know about me and although I was just discovering myself, I was also looking for a way to tell them, I needed to tell them because I knew they would understand me and help me but I didn't have enough time because my mother discovered me before that.
Anyway, they were there when my mother didn't even look at me, they were there when I told them everything that had happened and they were there putting their shoulder so that I would cry all I needed to cry.

And they weren't only there, they also helped me overcome it, they helped me to be strong and accept me, to grow.
And for those reasons I owe my life to those two, who on the outside show two idiots without feelings but inside they have a noble heart full of love, love that costs to come to the surface but at the end of the day it does.
I know them more than anyone else in the world and I know that they are the best people anyone could meet.
I open the door of the room without even knocking as I always do, the room that is practically mine without really being.

"Hey," Ryan says when he sees me enter. I smile without showing my teeth and sit next to him on the bed. Mikey looks at us in silence.
"Are you okay?" Ryan asks after a long silence. I just nod.
"Aren't you going to sleep?" I ask them because I'm sure they didn't sleep all night like me.
"We were about to do that," Mike replies with a smile.
We always do this, we spend the night doing anything special and sleep in the morning until lunch, it's one of our customs. I smile again and nod quietly. For some reason I feel in peace, that kind of peace that I was needed all this time.

"Okay so... Who am I going to sleep with today?" I ask in a mocking tone.
"Oh no" the two say at once causing me to laugh a little.
"I think it's better that you go back to your room" Rye says, pushing my arm with his elbow. Mikey turns to the wall.
They hate to sleep with me because I love to make a spoon when I sleep, or rather that they make me a spoon, something that neither Rye nor Mike can bear.
"Oh come on guys," I say out loud, Rye mimics Mike's movements while ignoring me. "Then I'll have to choose myself," I shrug.
"Nono sleeps with Mikey," Rye says, pushing me back.

"What? No way, sleep with Rye. You have to make the passes" Mike doesn't even turn around to see us.
"He has a point," I say to Rye, he looks annoyed and complains.
"It's okay" he says resignedly and I smiled, feeling like everything is back to the way it was before.
I open Rye's bed and I settle to his side ready to receive his arms around my waist with a huge smile on his face.
I love these guys so much.

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