Next to you.

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"Okay ... what would you like to see?" Brook asks me as if it were the most normal thing in the world "I have Riverdale, Brooklyn99 and a new one that came out recently, Umbrella Academy" while he talks I just look at him without really knowing what to do. All this is weird and it has me without words "Come"
He seems to read my thoughts one more time and although I'm happy about it I'm still confused with the situation. As I said before, Brooklyn Wyatt is a complicated guy.
"Next to you?" I ask foolishly, for some reason I'm a little nervous. I mean, we never talk in all this time, he always ignores me when we're in the room and now he wants me to go to his bed to watch some movie? It just doesn't make sense.

"Yes, how do you want to see?" He moves to the side against the wall leaving me a space on the bed.
"I don't know ... this seems strange to me" I confess with care without moving from my place.
"Why don't you just stop asking yourself stupid things and come? I hate to stay alone on weekends and since you're here I can make an exception" he shrugs without looking at me, just looks at his computer.
"It's okay" I answer and get up to approach to the space he left for me.
I feel a little nervous, mainly because the bed is small and I don't know ... all this feels too intimate.

"So?" He turns his head to look at me and I do the same. Our closeness overwhelms me, I could literally just move my head a few inches and kiss him without any problem but it's not an option, that would just ruin everything. I turn my gaze to the computer and see the options. There are more than he named.
"What about this?" I say pointing to the file with the name "Kill your darlings"
"That ... is one of my favorite movies, I don't think you like it" he says scratching his head a little unsure of his words.
"Why not? Put it" I tell him. I want to know why he likes it, sometimes small tastes speak more of a person than the same person.
"Mmm I don't know... it's a bit boring"

"I don't think so, put it on. I want to see it" I insist one more time. He doesn't say anything and although he hesitates a few seconds he ends up putting the film.
It's a film very different from any I've seen before, it's about love, obsession, murder, a very complex film. More complex than I expected. And I love it. And I also love the fact that Brooklyn loves it, I didn't expect him to like this kind of thing. It surprises me.
The film ends and reveals that everything is based on real events leaving me more astonished than I was.
"It was one of the best movies I saw in a long time" is the only thing I can say when the whole room is in silent. I was so focused on the whole movie that I didn't realize the moment when everything went dark in the room.

I look to his side and I can barely see the silhouette of Brook, illuminated by the credits of the film.
"Did you really like it?" He asks me, he turns around to look at me and the closeness returns to be present.
"Yes and I can't believe that all that really happened" I say with surprise, causing a small laugh in Brook. "Wow, so you know how to laugh." I tell him like a joke.
"I laugh" he seems outraged.
"You never do it with me" I claim with a little pain shrugging though I know he can't see me. He remains silent once more and the darkness is so deep around me that I can't know what he does or feels.
"Come," he says suddenly, passing over me and going to the door.

He doesn't turn on the light, just opens the door and looks at me from outside to follow him, I doubt half a second but I get up, I can tell he smiles. Once we are out of the room he begins to walk through the hall and I follow him without arguing, for some reason the lights are off so we walk without any direction.
"Where are we going?" I ask after walking for more than five minutes. He doesn't respond to me. We went through what I think is the laboratory and he stops for a second, looks to the sides and when he sees that there is no one around he opens a door that I hadn't noticed before. He turns around and beckons me to come closer. Behind the door there is a staircase that seems infinite, it's one of those typical castle stairs, like Harry Potter's, which goes in a circle.

We climbed almost running until we reach the last step where there is another door, he opens it and we go out into the cold night, we are on the roof of the school. Everything is off but not dark, we are illuminated by a thousand stars, I look at them surprised. I had never seen so many stars so clearly.
"I usually come here when there is nobody, it's like my place, you know?" Brook tells me while he approaches the edge of the place, I stand beside him and contemplate the trees that surround us. "There's the bar out there" points a small light in the distance. I don't say anything for a few minutes and then ask:
"And what do you do when you come here?" He turns to see me and watches me for a few seconds. I can't help thinking how beautiful he is as he looks at me the way he is doing.
"I usually just lie here and look at the sky," he says while he lies on the floor, with both hands at his sides.

I imitate his movements and lie down beside him without thinking.
"It's beautiful because you can only see the stars" he says and it's true, the only thing that enters my field of vision are the stars, it makes me feel a certain tranquility. We remain silent just looking up and for the first time I feel like I'm comfortable, I'm fine. Here lying next to Brooklyn Wyatt looking at the stars, the most cliché thing I made in my life.
Suddenly I feel that Brook's fingers pink mine, at first I think it was just a coincidence but then I feel it again and I don't know what it means but it makes my whole body react. With a little fear I move my fingers against his waiting for him to move away from me but he doesn't.

My breathing starts to shake and my nerves grow more and more and then Brook intertwines our little fingers and that's when I calm down.
I turn my head at the same time he does, now it's just us looking into each other's eyes. He releases my hand and rests on one elbow, then lifts a hand and caresses my face, it's as if we only existed at this moment. I sigh and leaned on my elbow just like him, staying right in front of his face. And then I do something that I'm not completely sure of and he does something that he's not completely sure of. We both approach and join our lips, kissing and it feels so good to do it, it feels so free to do it, it feels right. And I kiss him, and he kisses me and we kiss and I can't believe we're kissing.

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