Something with me.

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I feel a strong pain in my head, even before opening my eyes, I complain and try to move. I want to open my eyes but the light that comes through the window doesn't let me do it. I complain again and I sit on the bed slowly feeling a strong pain all over my body. Apparently it was a long night. Finally, after several attempts, I can open my eyes and the first thing I see when I doing it is my room, I'm in my bed. I no longer have my uniform on, I only have my boxers and my clothes are stored in a corner. I try to remember how I got here but the only thing in my head are small fragments of when I was at the bar. I remember dancing and talking to the waiter but it's the only thing, I don't even remember Andy.

I look to my left looking for Brooklyn, he's lying on his bed, with his computer on his legs watching me calmly.
"Hey," he says when I look at him. "How do you feel?" His eyes remain on me.
"My head is killing me" I answer with a whisper, I can barely speak. "How do I get here?" I ask removing the sheets on top of me.
"You don't remember anything, right?" Brook puts his computer aside and sits on the edge of the bed, I copy his movements.
"Not really" I tell the truth. For a few seconds I can see something similar to the disappointment in his face but then disappears. He looks at the ground and then looks back at me with a weird smile.

"Andrew brought you, you could barely walk," he tells me, leaning back to lean against the wall. "And I undressed you because your uniform was a little vomited"
My stomach churns at the thought of that and I look up at my uniform in the corner. I'm going to have to wash it today so on Monday, it's dry and I can use it.
"I hope this doesn't always happen," Brooklyn tells me after a few seconds.
"Don't worry, I'll never do it again in my life" I shake my head and get up to look for something to wear. I take my pants out of the closet and put them on me.
"Tell me that in the cafeteria they sell something for the hangover" I turn around to go back to my bed and I find Brooklyn looking at me, I ignore him because my headache is stronger.

"Emm ... yes, now I was going to the cafeteria. Do you want me to buy them for you?" His attitude baffled me a little, he was never so kind. Apparently my confusion is remarkable because he adds "I just try to be a good roommate but this doesn't mean we are friends"
"Okay" I raise my hands in defense approaching my bed "I didn't say anything" I lie down on my sacred place and close my eyes in pain.
"So?" He asks me, referring to whether or not he buys me the medications. I open my eyes again and look at him.
"Yes please and something to eat and drink if you can" I say, he gives me a murderous look. "If you can," I emphasize.

"It's okay," he says reluctantly and gets up to leave. I watch him disappear through the door and I close my eyes once more. I don't want to drink again in my life, it's for this reason that I didn't do it when I was in the city.
* * *
The noise of the door opening makes me open my eyes again, I had fallen asleep for a few minutes. I see Brooklyn coming in with a bag in his hand, he comes to my side without saying anything and leaves a juice on the table next to some pills and a sandwich.
"Thanks" I say trying to find his eyes, he shrugs and goes back to his bed with some cookies in his hands.
I sit down on the bed again and start eating in silence.

The pain is still strong in my head until I finish eating and the pill starts to work.
I look at Brook and he is seeing something on his computer, I feel that the conversation we had this morning wasn't real, that Brook being good to me didn't really happen. I want to say something to him but I feel that if I do he will get angry with me as he usually does, I feel that all this good guy role he was playing a few hours ago disappeared and will never appear again.
I sigh too loud apparently because Brook pauses what he's seeing and looks at me.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to sigh so hard" I say without believing it, I'm asking for forgiveness for breathing. He smiles, frowning.

"Okay?" He says and looks back at his screen. We remain silent for a few minutes until I dare to ask the time.
"What time is it?"
"Around 7" he responds without looking at me, leaving me in shock. How long did I sleep? "You slept more than twelve hours" Brook answers as if he read my thoughts. I stand looking at him surprised. I love to sleep but never in my life I slept so long.
"Are you going out today?" He asks after a few seconds.
"No, I already told you I wasn't going to do it again." I answer, not looking at him anymore.
"I thought you were joking"

"No ... I was never that kind of person, I don't know what happened to me last night" I tell him, going back to laying on the bed.
"Maybe you were trying to forget... something" he replies carefully, I frown with confusion. An answer too weird.
"Why do you say that?" I start to panic a bit because I remember that last night before I started drinking, I said in my head that I wanted to drink to forget him. What if when I come back I told him something that I shouldn't have said? God, it would be my end.
"I don't know ... I drink to forget" he shrugs and I breathe again, it doesn't seem as if I had spoken last night, I'm sure I couldn't even speak.
"If you're not going out, what are you going to do?" He asks me when I don't answer.

"I don't know... look at the ceiling maybe" I say looking at the ceiling since that is the only thing I can do here.
"Mmm... you can, I don't know, if you want... emm... see something with me" I look at him surprised, he's not looking at me, he just looks at his computer waiting for an answer. And it really seems strange to me that he wants to see something with me, I mean, I don't know. I want to smile and at the same time not because I don't know what this means. Brooklyn is a very tough boy, at one point he says he doesn't want us to be friends, the other buys things for me and he's good to me and the next he ignores me and acts distant. And now he's acting like a friend again. I just don't get it.
"It's okay" I say because I don't want to get it, I just want things to happen with Brooklyn. He turns and looks at me, his eyes reflect something that I can't decipher but make my stomach tighten.

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