My condition.

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I feel small kisses on my face accompanied by a soft caress at my waist. I complain and try to get Brook away from me, I hate that he wakes me up so early.
"Go back to sleep," I say with barely a whisper.
"I have to go," he says, placing a kiss on my neck. I frown before answering.
"Where?" I turn around to look at his face. It's radiant and beautiful as always. He looks at me with a smile and comes over to kiss me.
"I go with the boys" I turn my back on him because I don't want him to leave but I know I can't avoid it either.
"Okay but let me sleep"

"I just wanted to say goodbye" he says giving me another kiss, this time on the cheek.
"Goodbye" I close my eyes. He remains silent for a long time and then gets up.
I listen how he makes noises around me but I restrain myself from opening my eyes. It bothers me that he leaves at this time of the morning and probably goes back to the night, I want to spend the day with him too, I don't just want to be the person he is with at night. Wait. I'm not gonna be that kind of boyfriend... boyfriend. I'm Brook's boyfriend? We never talk about it, we don't even know for sure what we have.
The noise of the door opening interrupts my thoughts, I wait quietly for Brook to say something and when I think he's just gonna leave, I listen to him.
"Goodbye" his voice sounds a bit sad and I don't know if it's because of my behavior when he woke me up a few minutes ago or because he doesn't want to leave. I sigh and open my eyes just as he closes the door. The room is empty again like every day, and I don't think I can go back to sleep.

* * *

The rest of the afternoon I go to Andy's room and we stay there just hanging out, complaining about not having the technology. We talk about everything but every time there is a silence between us I can't help thinking about the conversation he had with Brook last night. Although it may not seem like it, I can't stop thinking about it, I need to find out in some way what all of that was. I need to know the truth and I'm going to find out somehow.

"I think it's getting late, I'm going back to the room," I say to Andy. The sun has already begun to hide and that is an indication that Brook must already be returning to the room. Even though I got angry this morning with him, now the whole thing is forgotten and I just want to be with Brook the rest of the night.
"Okay, see you tomorrow" we said goodbye and I walk through the corridors where people are already preparing for their second day at the bar. I can't believe they love that bar so much, I only went once and I hate it.
I enter the room and to my surprise Brook is already there.
"Hi, I was waiting for you," he says as soon as he sees me coming through the door, I frown. Brook never waits for me.

"Where were you?" He asks me, settling into his bed.
"With Andy" I answer approaching him, I have an uncontrollable desire to hug him.
Without saying anything, I lie on his side waiting for him to hug me as he usually does. I look at him expectantly.
"What? What do you want?" He asks with a mocking smile.
"Me? Nothing" I refuse, looking to the side. I can feel his smile grow without looking at it. Suddenly I feel how he lays on my chest hugging my waist, I raise my arms and hug him too.
"What do you want us to do today?" He asks me, leaving kisses on my chest.

"I don't know... what do you want to do?" I ask him, tangling my fingers in his hair. He is in silent, thinking, until I have an idea. "Let's go out" I say.
"What?" Brook raises his head with a frown. "Don't"
"Why not? I'm not saying let's go to the bar, but over there. Just for a walk" I shrug my shoulders. He sits down on the bed again, moving away from me.
"No, I'm sorry, I can't do that" he doesn't look at me when I speak, so I seat just like him.
"Why not?" I ask, resting my head on his shoulder.
"I don't know ... I don't like it" he responds, somewhat uncomfortable.

"Are you afraid to leave your castle, princess?" I laugh but he doesn't laugh. "Oh come on, be free one night" he turns to see me when I say that and he contemplates me in silence, I give him a smile of encouragement waiting.
"Okay, but be careful that no one sees us" I smile and start to get out of bed one more time. It's gonna be a fun night.
We both took off our uniforms and put on the most comfortable clothes we found, it's a bit cold outside so we take our jackets too. When we leave the room, Brook looks to the sides looking for someone.
"There's nobody, just go, don't worry" I take his hand and make him walk towards the exit.

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