Don't you... trust me?

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"What are you talking about?" Jack turns his head only a few inches to see me.
"I know it was you who hit Rye's brother" I say without moving from my place, he remains silent for a long time. The tension in the environment increases with every second that passes.
"I don't know who Rye's brother is," he says finally and I'm not sure if he's telling the truth or continuing lying.
"Shaun Beaumont" I respond feigning calmness even though my heart hasn't stopped beating since the words came out of my mouth.

This time, without saying anything, Jack turns around and confronts me. In his eyes I can see a combination of fear and surprise.
"Shaun Beaumont is Ryan's brother?" He asks me carefully. I don't know what he's thinking about, but whatever it is, causes my breathing starts to change. "Shaun Beaumont" he repeats slowly approaching me "is Ryan's brother?" He asks again. His attitude confuses me, he seems not to know what I'm talking about and at the same time to know it perfectly.
"Yes" I say almost in a whisper. He thinks about it a few seconds before answering.
"Sure... I don't know how I didn't think it before" he stops looking at me and walks to my bed to sit on it.

The bed sounds by the weight of his body and is accompanied by the sound of a small laugh, an almost cynical laugh. "Now everything makes sense" he shakes his head and looks back at me. "How long have you known this?"
He doesn't seem remorseful at all, nor guilty, nor even seems affected by the situation. I get the impression that if he had the chance, He would hit him again and just thinking about that makes my chest contract with pain.
"A few days after the classes started," I say, he looks at the floor once more.

"Why did you never say anything?" He still doesn't look at me while he asks me the question.
"What was I going to tell you?" I settle into the bed, just in front of him.
"The truth" he looks at me.
"You could have told me the truth too" I say with pain in my voice. He stops looking at me. The atmosphere feels so strange, tense, I don't know if I can stay in this room for much longer. "Why did you hit him?" Finally I dare to ask after a long and intense silence.
He remains in his place motionless, with his eyes on the ground, I can say that he's thinking about what to say to me.

I wonder if he will tell me the truth this time or he will continue to lie to me, as he has been doing all this time. Thinking about the possibilities of what he is going to tell me scares me in some way because I know the possibilities are infinite and I also know that not all of them are good.
"It's something I can't talk about," he replies, running his hand through his hair. "And less with you" he adds, turning his eyes towards me, carefully.
"What do you mean?" The pain in my voice is remarkable.
"I mean that there are things that you can't know" he answers without hesitation.
"Why?" I say in a sigh, my chest feels tighter every time.

"Because no" he answers without answering
"Don't you... trust me?" I ask slowly, afraid of his response. He raises his eyes to my eyes and keeps it there, I can't decipher what he thinks or feels but every time more seconds pass and there is no answer to my question, a knot becomes bigger in my throat, those types of knots that don't let you swallow or breathe.
"No" he finally responds and my heart ends up falling apart and my throat closes completely. I need air, I can't continue in this room. I can't keep looking at Jack and I can bear that he keeps looking at me the way he is doing it. I don't know who this person is and it hurts me not to know.

I swallow hard and nod while I relax my lips, then, without looking in the direction of Jack I get up from his bed and leave the room. I close the door behind me and wait outside for at least 10 seconds, hoping that Jack will appear and apologize, tell me that he didn't want to say what he said... that he loves me. But that doesn't happen and with tears accumulated in my eyes I start to walk without a direction. I just need to get away from this, I never imagine living in a drama as big as this.


I open the doors of my favorite place in the world and I feel the air hit my cheeks hard, I didn't expect it to be so cold. I try to ignore it and approach the edge of the terrace to see the surroundings of the place.

One of the things that I love most about this school is this terrace, I remember I found it just after I entered, one of those days when my mother didn't let me step outside the establishment. Finding this place was like a blessing to me and now it became something much more important and significant than it already was, everything took a new meaning since Jack arrived, somehow he changed everything. Starting with the fact that I didn't share a room with anyone, and I didn't let anyone other than Rye and Mikey enter in my life. Things that seem insignificant but mean everything, at least for me.

I keep looking at the sky, trying to list all the things that Jack changed in my life when I hear the sound of the door opening behind me. I don't have to turn to know who it is, not many people know this place and not many people would know that I would be here in a situation like this.
Jack leans next to me on the railing without making a sound. Neither of us look at each other, we just look forward in complete silence until Jack brings one of his hands to mine and unites them.
"I'm sorry," he says with barely a whisper, squeezing my hand tightly, I sigh and look at him without knowing what to say.

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