Not friends.

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"Don't listen to him." I hear Andy's voice behind me, I turn around and smile at him.
"I wasn't going to do it" I answer and start walking once more.
The rest of the day I pretend that I forget what happened, but all I can think about is Brooklyn, the way he defended me, the way he helped me with his friend. Definitely this guy is different. I still don't know him but I really want to do it although I know it's going to be impossible. I just arrived and two of his friends already hate me, my chances of getting closer to Brooklyn are lower than the chances of him being gay.

After the last class I say goodbye to Andy in the main courtyard and start my way to my room, I want to take a shower before napping but I really don't have the energy, I'm awake since 8 in the morning and it's almost 3 pm. It's too much for me, I don't know how these people are supporting it.
I go into my room and throw all the things I carry on the floor, then I fall on my bed with a sigh, I'm done. I keep my eyes closed for a few seconds and then I turn around to look at the ceiling to start thinking. It's the only thing I can do in this room since phones are not allowed.

Brooklyn Wyatt ... I would like to look for him on Instagram or Facebook, although I don't really use Facebook anymore. I wonder why he defended me in that way, I wonder why he kept looking at me when he entered the classroom, I wonder why he was so angry at first but when his friend attacked me he seemed all less angry. Stupid questions to be honest because he probably just looked at me for being new or maybe for my uniform, the people here are only looking at me for my uniform. I mean, is it so bad to have a cheap uniform? Will he feel sorry for me? Yes, surely that must be the main reason why he defended me with his friends, sorry. I don't know why I hadn't thought of it before, it's logical. Now I am angry, I hate it. I don't need anyone to protect me from the assholes out there, I know how to protect myself, Wyatt can ask my father.

I laugh at my mental argument and I feel silly at the same time because I would probably never tell those things to Brooklyn or anyone, I'm getting mad in vain.
Suddenly I hear the door open, interrupting my thoughts. I sit up in bed while Brooklyn enters through the door. When he sees me he stops and stays at least ten seconds like that. Just looking at me and I at him, I don't know how to react. We are both in silent looking at each other as if we were processing the situation.
Finally he shakes his head, sighs, throws his things on the bed next to mine and closes the door behind him without saying anything at all and leaves the room. He looked annoyed, doesn't he feel sorry for me anymore?

* * *

After half an hour I decide that the best thing is to take a shower, I feel dirty and also the shower will help me relax a bit. There are still no signs of Brooklyn, it's obvious that he is my roommate and it's also obvious that he doesn't want to be my roommate, honestly I don't want either. I don't think we would be a good company for each other, mainly because of their friends. Although now there are more possibilities to approach him.
I grab my towel, soap and shampoo and leave the room. The bathrooms are relatively close and although I don't like the idea of ​​"shared bathrooms" I can't do anything about it.

I arrive at the place and luckily there is no one there so I can get dressed peacefully. The showers are divided, thank God, so I get into the first one I find and start with the process, carving every inch of my body. I'm really dirty.
When I finish I put on the clothes I brought with me, the only different clothes you can use here "the pajama" which in my case is a sports pants and a simple white shirt. I walk through the hall where I find some guys smoking or chatting with others, I didn't know it was allowed to do it. Definitely I'm going to smoke, I need a cigarette urgently.

I enter the room and find Brooklyn, he's lying on his bed throwing a ball towards the ceiling and trapping it. I have to talk to him, I'm going to share a room with this guy for the rest of the year. I hope a little less than a year to be honest.
"Hey" he doesn't look at me, he just keeps throwing his ball.
"Hi" he says after a few seconds, then he looks at me. I look to the side avoiding him and close the door behind me.
"Jack" I introduce myself while I sit on my bed, he goes back to his game with the ball.
"Brook" He doesn't look at me.
"You arrived today?" I ask the dumbest question I can think of. It's obvious that he arrived today.

Brook stops his game with the ball and sits on the bed suddenly to face me.
"Listen, I've never had a roommate before, so you're the first one. We don't need to talk but if you want to talk, it's fine, let's talk. But I want it to be clear that we are not friends and that we won't be friends. We're just going to be two guys who share a room. Okay?" He is so sure with his words that he leaves me in silence without knowing what to say. "So?" He asks again, raising an eyebrow. My stomach jumps, that was sexy.

"It's okay" I shrug my shoulders pretending that I don't care and I lie on the bed, it's probably time to sleep. I think it's not going to be a good thing to share a room with this guy, we just got to know each other and I can already feel the tension between us. I don't know how Andy could say that Brook was one of the good, maybe he is but he's still a complete asshole. I turn around in my bed to face the wall while I hear the noise of the ball falling into Brook's hand again and again and with that little sound I start to fall asleep and dream, I dream green eyes and a ball that doesn't stop bounce.

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