What is this?

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"What? Noo" i snatched the notebook from Brooklyn's hands unable to believe what he is writing. "It's like this"
I begin to explain step by step how to do the exercise with all the patience I have. Brook and math aren't a good combination.
"I'm sick of this," Brook complains, causing me to look at him in a bad way for the tenth time. It's fun to do the homework with him but it's being a bit difficult and stressful. The guy doesn't do an exercise well, I don't know how he got until here like this.
"Calm down" I try to cheer him by giving him a gentle nudge. He sighs and rests his head on my shoulder.
"I'm tired, can we rest awhile?" He asks with a sweet voice.

I look at him with half-closed eyes, it's around 11 pm and we still have to do at least 5 more exercises and they were 20. He smiles at me trying to convince me and honestly I can't say no to that smile.
"Okay... 15 minutes" I sentence and close the books to put them aside. "What do you  want to do?"
"I don't know ... it's crap to not have a phone," he says without lifting his head from my shoulder. I like having him this way.
"Could we play a game?" I shrug without knowing what game it could be. Brook raises his head and takes one of his hands to the back of my head where he caresses me.

"I need a cigarette" I say after Brook doesn't answer my question, remembering the guys who smoked in the hallways.
"I have one" he stops stroking my neck and gets up, walks to his drawers and begins to rummage through his things "they are from Rye, he left them one day and I never gave them back"
"You don't smoke?" He finds them and walks back to me, sits this time leaning his legs on mine.
"No..." I grab the box and take out one, inside the box there is also a lighter so I take it and light a cigarette.
I absorb the smoke and pull my head back enjoying the sensation, I haven't smoked in a while.

I look out of the corner of my eye at Brook and he's watching my movements with attention.
"Do you want?" I offer.
"I don't know how to do it" he says looking at the cigarette in my hand.
"It's easy, you just have to absorb the cigarette and then the ambient air." I explained as I can "like that" and show him.
"You're sexy" he says suddenly and for some reason I blush, never before had someone told me that.
"Come... absorb the smoke that I expel" I say approaching him a little. I always wanted to do this with someone.
He brings his lips to mine leaving them just inches from me.

I blow the smoke slowly into his mouth and he absorbs it looking straight into my eyes. I can feel the intensity of our looks and desire throughout my body. I wait for Brook to release the smoke that he absorbed from me and as soon as he do it I eliminate the few centimeters that separate us to start kissing him, he grabs my face and pulls me towards him opening his mouth against mine, giving access to my tongue. I bring my hand to one of his legs and try to attract him to me, he understands what I want so he gets up a few inches and sits on my legs, this time grabbing my face with both his hands. I throw the cigarette and I bring my hands to his waist, I attract him to my body and he moans against my mouth causing something in me to react. Suddenly everything became too much.

"Brook..." I pull away from him, breathing hard "we have to finish the homework"
"Shut up" he says and kisses me hard again. I follow the kiss because there is nothing I want more at this moment than kiss him.
We just keep kissing until I can't control myself anymore and I put one of my hands inside his shirt. The skin of his back is soft, I would like to kiss it, I would like to kiss every inch of his body. And then, thinking about that, it's when I realize that this is happening, that I'm falling in love with Brooklyn Wyatt. I know it's fast but I can't help thinking about that, Brook is the only thing I can think about, the only thing I can look at.

I want to do so many things with him, I want to know him. I need to know him but ... will he want the same? What does this mean for him? What am I for him? Only a boy available to kiss or something else? What does he want with me? What does he feel for me? So many questions and I probably never have the answers I want. I stop kissing him suddenly and I look down.
"What's wrong?" Brook asks, leaning his forehead against mine with agitated breathing.
"What is this?" It's the only thing I can think of asking. And the only thing I'm going to ask. He looks at me without saying anything. I think I can see fear in his eyes but I'm not sure and the idea that he's afraid of my question makes me afraid too.

"What do you mean?" He asks, moving his hands from my face and leaving them on my shoulders. I raise my head and look at him straight in the eyes.
"What are we going to do? Are you going to act like we don't know each other outside the room and here we're going to do all this?" I dare to ask.
"It has to be like that," he says, lowering his gaze.
"Why?" I pull my hands away from his back.
"Nobody can know this, we would have many problems. Besides, I already told you. We're just Rye, Mikey and I "
"And will it always be like this?" I can hear the pain in my voice.
"Yes," he says in a whisper.
"Are you using me?" I have to clarify everything now.

He raises his head suddenly, a little indignantly I think and he returns his hands to my face.
"Of course not" he says denying and looking me straight in the eye. "that I don't want the world to know about us doesn't mean that I don't want* you" he says and two seconds later he retracts. "I mean, I don't want you but I don't know ... I could get to want you" I smile at his statement.
"Could you get to want me?" I ask holding a smile.
"Emm yes, I mean, I don't know" he looks to the side, insecure. This boy is driving me crazy. "Could you get to love me?" He asks in the most tender way possible.

I try not to smile and I remain silent waiting for him to look back at me because he's not doing it. After a few seconds he looks at me worried and afraid.
"What are you laughing at?" He asks me, moving away from me with a smile. "Don't tease" his tone is of indignation and he hits me lightly on the arm.
"You're cute," I say, hugging his waist again. "I think I could get to love you"
He smiles sideways and comes to kiss me once more but this time it's different, it's a tender kiss, calm and soft. It's just us enjoying a nice kiss that not only means passion or desire, it means much more than that. It means real things.

"Okay let's continue," Brook then says moving away from me. He gets off my lap and takes the books again "and this time I'm gonna do it right"
"If you say so" I annoy him. He looks at me with a frown and then raises his eyebrows looking at the notebook.
I watch him with a smile on my face as he writes numbers on the paper, he's so beautiful when he concentrates, he's so beautiful at any moment, I don't know how I could get tired of seeing this beautiful man who is somehow mine.
"Stop looking at me, you deconcentrate me" he says, I smiled foolishly, I feel silly.
"I can't help it," I say, still looking at him.
"Avoid it" he says without looking at me but smiles as he does so. I shake my head and look at his notebook, seeing that he's doing wrong the exercise again.

* * *

"I'm so tired" Brook says laying his head on my legs, we just finished the last exercise and it's 1 in the morning. It's time to sleep, tomorrow we have to wake up early and Andy is supposed to come for me for breakfast. Shit.
"Okay let's go to sleep" I tell him to get up off the floor.
"I can't move an inch of my body, I'm sorry" he says with his eyes closed.
"Oh come on" I grab him and take him off.

I get up and go to my drawers to change my clothes, when I finish I turn around and Brook is watching me from his bed and is only in boxers, the only pajamas he wears. I stare at him for a few seconds and then I go to my bed.
"Do you want..." he starts to say but hesitates to continue or not.
"What?" I ask him.
"Sleep with me" he says quickly, I think it took all of his courage to say it. I smile and without saying anything I approach to his bed and lie on it by his side. I see his smile as he begins to crawl under the sheets.
When we're both already in bed without even touching each other, Brook says the worst he can say.

"Aren't you going to turn off the light?" I glared at him for not saying it before and I get up again from the bed, turn off the light and return. When I lie down beside him once again he starts moving in a thousand ways until he turns his back on me.
"I like make a spoon" he says
"I like to sleep against the wall" I say. We remain silent for a while analyzing the situation and then Brook begins to move once more. He gets up and I settle against the wall, he goes back to bed beside me and turns his back on me. This is so weird but so fun in some way. It's as if we were knowing little things about us that we didn't know and I love the idea of ​​knowing little things about him.

I settle behind him and wrap my arm around his waist, he sighs and I can swear he's smiling even though I can't see him. I also smile because being this way with Brooklyn really means a lot to me and I hope for him too. This means much more than just kissing us.
"Good night," I whisper and tuck my head into his neck where I can smell his typical perfume.
"Good night" he answers me and it's the last thing I hear before falling completely asleep.

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