You ask too much.

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Jack's words resonate in my head but I can't think of any correct answer. Everything we talk about can't disappear with a simple "I'm sorry", I can't overcome the fact that for some reason he doesn't trust me, I can't overcome the fact that he hides things from me, that he continues to lie to me, that he continues to be a unknown to me.
"What do you feel sorry for, Jack?" My voice sounds broken and tired.
"What I said" his answer is heard so distant and cold.
"You said many things" I under my head contemplating the height in which we find ourselves.

"I'm sorry for said I didn't trust you, I didn't want to say it. What I really want to say is that I can't talk about that, you know more than anyone that the law is involved in all this" he leans his elbows on the railing to bury his head in his hands. "My father and my lawyer would kill me if I talk about this with you or with anyone" he tries to explain to me and I can feel the frustration in every word that comes out of his mouth.
I hadn't thought about that, that the Beaumont family filed charges against Jack and that this problem goes beyond me and my feelings.
"Please Brook, I need you to understand this," he says, turning completely to face me.

"But the judgment is over, what harm would it do to tell me the truth now?" I ask, facing him in the same way.
"The judgement ended but the story doesn't" he looks at the floor for a few seconds before looking back at me, this time, taking my hands in his. "Jack... this has nothing to do with us, this doesn't change my feelings for you in any way. I don't know how we got to this, how we got to know each other and fall in love with the way we did but I'm happy that we did it, I don't want something from my past to ruin everything we have built up to now. Can you understand that?" His hands feel warm over mine and his words flood me.

He is right, although it hurts me to accept that I can't know this small part of his life, I know that it's right and that Jack is right. I don't know what happened between him and Rye's brother, but do I really need to know? Probably not. As Jack says, it's something from his past, something that doesn't involve me at all, it involves my best friend but not me and although it affects me in some way I can't force Jack to talk about something he doesn't want or can't talk about because he really can't talk about the matter and like he said it before, less with me.
I close my eyes for a few seconds analyzing everything until I can't do it anymore.

I sigh and support my forehead against his, my eyes still closed. And even though my heart continues to hurt, I do the only thing I know I can do at this moment.
"I love you" I say in a low voice, almost as if it were a sigh.
"I love you too and Im really sorry this has happened" I feel Jack relax and sigh with relief as he says the words. I open my eyes a little and see that he's with his eyes closed just like me.
Seeing him so close, so calm after having gone through all this causes my stomach to tighten gently, I can't believe the love that I have for this boy who appeared from one day to the next in my life.

I stop thinking for a few seconds and I approach to kiss him tenderly, he receives me with a soft gasp. Our lips fit perfectly as they always do and it feels so good to have him in this way, I wish it would be that way forever.


My arms are around Jack's warm body, I can feel his breath hit my chest and his hands squeezing my waist. We both didn't move from the terrace, the only thing we did was lie down in the cold cement, under the stars, like the first time we kissed. Remembering that little moment causes a smile to form on my lips but disappears when Jack starts talking.

"And what will happen with Rye? He keeps hates me" he says without moving from his place.
"I don't know... I think you should talk to him" I bury my hand in his soft hair. He lifts his head looking at me with confusion.
"Do you really believe that I can talk to Ryan about this?" He emphasizes the "I" and I turned my eyes to his. "You ask too much" he shakes his head and lie down in my chest again.
"I'll try to talk to him," I finally say, giving in to the situation. "But I did it before and it really didn't work, Rye is a difficult person and honestly the whole situation is difficult," I explain carefully.

"I know... I hate that you're involved in this," Jack whispers and tries to hide his head in my chest. I can feel how upset he is with the situation. "But how small is the world, right? among all the people of the united kingdom I had to fall in love with you, the best friend of the brother of the person I left in the hospital" he says in a mocking tone.
"This is not a game Jack" I say seriously, I'm not a serious person but this is a subject too delicate for us.
"I know it's not, I know more than anyone else is not, but sometimes we need to laugh at the little things," he says and I watch him calmly, he has his eyes lost somewhere while talking.

"Maybe you're right," I say.
"Okay, what do you think if we go back to the room? It's frozen out here" he separates from me to start lifting off the ground. I smiled and nod with fun, it's really cold tonight.
We both shook quietly and started our way back to our room, the corridors are empty and I'm not sure what time it is but it doesn't bother me even though tomorrow we have classes again, at this moment the least I could worry about are the damn classes.

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