Nothing is fine.

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"What is this?" Rye's voice floods my ears and I don't know how to react to it. I just wait patient, behind Brook, for him to say something.
"Nothing" Brook enters the room with tranquility and I follow him with the same tranquility.
"Nothing? Why are you wet? Why are both wet?" Rye asks getting up from the bed.
"Because it's raining?" Brook takes off the shirt he's wearing without looking at Rye.
"It's not raining in here" Rye ignores my presence and approaches Brook threateningly.
"Obviously not," Brook says as if the situation irritates him.
"So you went out" Rye states the obvious.

"Yes," Brook shrugs, still not looking at Rye.
"What's wrong with you? You went out with this... are you really friends now?" Rye looks at me with contempt and although I want to attack him, I hold back because I don't think it's a good time.
"Of course not, I just wanted to go out and I didn't have anyone else to do it with" Brook turns around to face Rye.
"Yeah, sure," Rye says sarcastically.
"If you don't want to believe me, don't do it. You know he doesn't mean anything to me, we talked about that," Brook says in a disinterested tone, causing my heart to contract with pain. However, I stay in my place, without moving an inch of my body.

I observe them sharing a tense look between them without understanding very well what happens, I don't know if I should say something or just stay here, sitting on my bed, wetting everything around me. I don't even have the courage to start changing my clothes.
"Come on," Rye says suddenly, Brook looks to one side and then walks to the exit without looking at me and without saying anything either. Rye is behind him and when both are outside he closes the door with force making me jump in my place. What has happened?
I sit without doing anything for at least half an hour, thinking about Ryan and Brooklyn, thinking about what's going to happen next. Until I decide it's enough, it's time to change my clothes.

This night was one of the best nights of my life until this small moment, which probably won't let me sleep, happened. I need to wait for Brook to come back to find out what happened between them. What will happen between us. I need to know so many things, I can't just sleep.
I sigh and start to take off my wet clothes to replace it with dry clothes, when I'm ready I lie in my bed and wait patiently for the door to open and Brook walks inside the room with a smile of all will be fine. But that doesn't happen and the hours keep happening, faster and faster and my eyes can bear less and less.

* * *

The sound of the wind coming through the window wakes me from my sleep. When I open my eyes I have a moment of confusion, I don't know when I ended up falling asleep.
I sit in bed and search the room for signs of Brook but I can't find any, I only find clothes lying on the floor and his bed made a mess. He definitely slept here. I didn't hear the moment he arrived or the time he left but I'm sure he came back late and he left early.
The situation bothers me in some way, he could have waited for me to wake up or wake me up to talk about what happened, but he did not. Instead, he decided to leave and avoid the problem as he always does.

I shake my head and get out of bed to start fixing the mess, I need to occupy my mind on something other than Brooklyn. At least for now.
I lift everything I can from the floor and fix both beds wishing that Brook enters the room at some point, but like last night, that doesn't happen.
So I stay like this all afternoon, waiting for the boy who yesterday told me he loved me, the same one who said that I didn't mean anything to him minutes later, waiting for him to appear and talk to me. I just need to know that everything is fine or that everything will be fine. I need to know that Ryan is not going to tamper with what we're building. I need to know that I'm not gonna lose Brook for something like this.

* * *

I open my eyes suddenly when I hear the sound of the door opening, the room is dark and I didn't realize the moment I fell asleep. I look towards the entrance and I can see the silhouette of Brook, finally is here. I straighten up leaning on my hands waiting expectantly. Brook doesn't turn on the lights or say a word, just leave his things aside and slowly approaches to my bed. I don't know what to do or how to react so I just stand there, still.
"Hi," he says, sitting in front of me.
"Hi" I answer with insecurity.
"How are you?" He doesn't look at me as he talks.
"Fine..." is the only thing I can say and then we remain silent.

"Brook..." I start to say while I raise my hand and support it behind his head, I don't know why I do it but at the moment it happens I listen how Brook starts to cry causing something in my chest to hurt. He looks down and tears fall from his eyes without stopping, his cry is so strong that his shoulders rise with each breath. It hurts me so much to see him like that and I don't really know why he is like that and I don't want to ask him, I just want him to be fine. I bring him close to my chest and hug him tightly against me, wishing that all his pain disappears at once.
"I'm sorry" he says between sobs, I can barely hear his voice. "I didn't mean you didn't mean anything to me, I had to do it"
"Okay, babe, it's fine. I understand you" I try to reassure him.

"It's not fine, nothing is fine," he says and wraps his arms around me. And although he's right I don't say anything, I just draw him closer to me and try to comfort him, with the only way I can do it. Hugging him and kissing his head, showing him how much I love him and how important he's to me. Demonstrating that I'm here with him and that I will always be here, no matter what.

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