Everything will be fine.

369 23 1

"Jack! Wake up! We have to have breakfast"
I listen to the distance with loud knocks at the door.
I open my eyes slowly and the first thing I see is blonde hair. Brooklyn is still in the position where we slept last night and is sound asleep, I keep my arm on his waist and I'm stuck to his body.
"Jack!" I hear again from afar. Andy
"Shit, Brook" I move him to wake him up and luckily it works without problem.
"What's up?" Brook turns around, shading his eyes, is sleepy and I want to kiss him but there's no time right now.
"It's Andy, he came to take me for breakfast, move!" I don't think he understood everything I said, but he lets me pass him anyway.

I practically run to the door and when I get to it I wait a few seconds to open it.
"Hi," I say to Andy, acting like I just woke up.
"Good morning, sorry for being so insistent, I was afraid you wouldn't get up," he says. I nod and make a sign for him to enter the room.
By this time Brook is lying facing the wall as if he were really sleeping, although he probably is.
"Dress up, so we can have breakfast," Andy tells me, sitting on the bed. "Why is it ordered?"
I stay frozen without knowing what to say for more than half a second. But Andy seems not to notice because he lies down as if nothing happened.

"Last night I finished the task very late and I just lay down on it" I turn around and start to get dressed.
"You make so much noise" I hear Brook's voice when I put on my pants, I look at him and he gets up from the bed without looking at me. "I'm going to take a shower"
Shit, last night I didn't bathe, I'll be dirty all day. Brook goes next to me with a towel over his shoulder and like when he got up, he doesn't look at me. I guess that's how things will be when there are people present. It's a sad thought but it's the only thing I can think of at this moment.

I finish dressing and both Andy and I walk to the cafeteria talking about next weekend. I'm not going out, because I'll probably never go to that bar again but mainly because I want to be with Brook, it's likely that he doesn't go out this weekend so it would be my opportunity to spend time with him and get to know him a bit more since I don't know absolutely nothing about him. I want to know how he became friends with Ryan and Mikey, they are the opposite of Brooklyn, I don't understand how that friendship can work, it doesn't make sense to me. And I also want to know why it's so important for him that friendship.

Questions that I definitely have to ask.
We arrived at the cafeteria and there are a few students sitting at their usual tables, the place isn't full as it usually is but I guess it is because not everyone has breakfast. We take our breakfasts without saying anything and we go to our table. When we sit in it we begin to eat what we grab.
"It must be hard to live with Brook," andy says suddenly, taking me by surprise.
"I don't know... I suppose" I respond disinterested.
"Is it uncomfortable?" He asks, I look at him but he just looks at his plate. Why does he ask me these things?

"What do you mean?" I ask him calmly.
"I don't know ... Brook and his group hate you, it must be uncomfortable to live with someone who hates you" he shrugs and continues to eat.
"We don't really talk" I lie "and anyway, he's almost never in the room" this time Andy looks at me.
He looks at me for a few seconds and then nods, I give him a small smile and continue with my breakfast.
After our little talk we remain silent until we finish our meals.
"Let's go to class" andy says, seat and take my things, today is going to be a long day.

When we arrive in the classroom, almost everyone is seated, including Ryan and Mikey, but someone is missing, Brook. I look around but I can't find it, however, I pretend that nothing happens to me and I go to my usual place. After that I can't help looking at the door, waiting for Brook to enter too but he never does.
* * *
"Hi," Brook enters the room. I'm lying in my bed 15 minutes ago, I didn't expect to see him at this time.
"Hi" I straighten up in my bed to see him better. "You missed classes today"
He takes off his jacket and leaves what he has in his hands on the desk.
"I know ... I didn't want to deal with that"

He walks towards me and to my surprise he lies on me, with his head on my chest hugging my waist. I am puzzled for a few minutes and I just look at him, he's with his eyes closed as if he was exhausted to live.
"And what did you do?" I ask but he ignores me.
"I'm very tired, can we sleep for a while?" He opens his eyes and looks at me tenderly.
"We can" I accept because I am also tired.
We settled into my bed this time, facing each other. Brook smiles at me and approaches me to give me a soft kiss on the lips, surprising me even more.
Then he just closes his eyes and is completely asleep.

I watch him for hours, unable to sleep and unable to believe the things that happened in the last week. Without being able to believe that Brooklyn, the green-eyed boy that caught my attention from the first day, is now lying here beside me, that he is mine and that he wants to be mine. Everything just seems too unreal, too cute. I feel that at any moment something is going to ruin this but it's a stupid feeling because if we are careful everything could go well.

Everything will be fine.

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