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The first time I saw him, I was late for class, as always because of my mother. Before leaving home she kept repeating that it was not a good year for me to come to this school, that she would find me a new one and that I could start over, but that wasn't part of my plans. I already had a life in Winchester college, friends, colleagues, even a routine; and even though at school I was very limited by my mother, somehow this old and neglected place managed to become my home. A home much happier than my own home.
I remember that my mother yelled at me all the way to school while I just ignored her, I wasn't in the mood for that.

When we arrived at school, she continued to scold me, as if I had done something really bad.
"I'm going to class" I remember saying as soon as she parked the car in its usual place, I remember to open the door and take only my backpack, later I would look for the rest of my things.
It was assumed that the day before classes start I should have come to school, but my mother wouldn't let me and I had to have one of the longest talks I had with her to convince her to let me do it and even then, I didn't fully convince her. My mother is a very difficult case.
I also remember that I entered the school saturated with my mother, with a frown ready to kill anyone. It had been 20 minutes since the classes had started and I wasn't even sure I would find a seat.

"Mr. Wyatt being late the first day, good start" I clearly remember the teacher saying that, he was judging me. He didn't even know why I was late, he didn't have an idea of ​​everything I had to go through to get to class on time. I completely ignored him and left on the table the signed paper that my mother had given me with a poor excuse, as she always did. And that's when I saw him, he was sitting almost at the end of the room, looking at me with his eyes. The moment I saw him, the skin on my arms stood up and I knew he wasn't going to be someone common in my life, I knew that this guy, that I didn't know anything about, was going to bring me only problems.

But the thing didn't end there because after looking at him and deciding to stay as far as I could from him I discovered that he, nothing more and nothing less than him, was going to be my roommate. I mean, I had never had a roommate before, my mother had never allowed it, she was afraid I would end up sleeping with him or something like that. A stupid thought though it ended up being real, but a stupid thought anyway.
I remember going into the room and meeting his eyes again, I was so angry at that moment. The only thing I wanted to do was kill my mother and that's what I did, not technically speaking.

I went to his office and discussed with her for at least two hours, maybe I wouldn't have done so much trouble if it was about any boy in school but it was a boy who had caused something in me that I had never felt, that I had attracted from the first moment I saw him.
However, arguing with my mother didn't help much because what was done was done. Also, she had no other place to put this boy, that at least, at that moment, I already knew his name: Jack Duff. I mean, Jack Duff. What kind of name is that? Even his name bothered me.
It's funny because I also remember making it clear that I didn't even want to be his friend and now I'm completely in love with him.

And finally, that's how I first met Jack. After that, the most I did was appreciate his beauty because let me tell you that Jack has that kind of beauty that can provoke a lot in me. I remember looking at him while he was doing his homework or writing things in his notebooks. Always when he was very focused on that, I had the luxury of observing him, analyzing him and even though I didn't want to do it, I couldn't help it, Jack was too much for me and my self-control. That self-control that manages and improves with the passing of the years in this school. A school where I couldn't and didn't have to fall in love, a school that I thought I would hate but end up loving.

I also remember the first time I kissed him, that we kissed. It had been a while since we met, it had been a while where I saw him secretly, where I dreamed of him and hated me for doing it. The night before the kiss, Jack had come drunk to the room and although I thought it was tender and funny something that he said in his state, it kept on hovering around my head.
"Why did you drink so much?" I had asked.
"To forget you" was his response.
I remember that I couldn't stop thinking about that and I wasn't going to stay that way, so I did my best to find out.

I needed to know if I liked him because why else did he want to forget me? And instead of just receiving that answer I also received a kiss from him. Or rather I had the courage to kiss him, I don't remember what possessed me at that moment to kiss him, I just remember that it was the best thing I could have done at that moment, I also remember the surprise I had when he kissed me back and even that I was a little scared about it, finally I accepted that I wanted Jack. That I had inevitably fallen in love with this boy I had known little by little, that bothered me, that I knew it was going to be a problem, that I knew he had the power to get under my skin and he did.

And now I'm here, after having made love with the boy who took everything from me, I'm here looking at Ryan's angry eyes, who is not gonna left us alone with only an explanation.
"What ... is ... this?" Ryan's voice is stern when he speaks. I get out of bed with courage, looking straight to his eyes and I put my boxers, I can feel that Jack doesn't move a muscle of the place.
"Ryan," I say, trying to keep him from saying something hurtful.
"Are you stupid right?" He has no detours. "Do you realize what you just did? The worst is that with this nobody, my God Brooklyn. Your mother... god I don't even know what to say"
"Don't say anything, come on" I say taking my pants and put it on, I do the same with my shirt and start to leave the room but before, I give one last look at Jack, who is perplexed.

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