I won't do it.

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"The three to the principal's office" the professor's voice repeats itself in my head again and again and doesn't let me be aware of what is happening. We are going to go to my mom's office and if one of the three talks about what's happening, everything could go really wrong.
I look to my left and I see Rye, he continues with an angry frown and walks with such determination, I'm afraid he will tell what he knows and ruin my life. I shake my head, unable to believe that Rye would do that and I look to my right where I can find Jack, he, unlike Rye, is just serious, stuck in his own world without letting me know what he feels or thinks.
I look forward once more and concentrate on my thoughts.

I'm still unable to believe what just happened, the fact that Jack has done what he did with Rye. I mean, I never saw Jack as if he was the kind of person who knows how to fight, I didn't even imagine that he would have the strength he had. It really surprised me with the calm and agile with which it led to the situation. I give him one more look and he still doesn't show anything, his attitudes produce something in me that I don't understand. At first I thought it was fear but Jack can't produce fear in me, I know it would never hurt me no matter how stupid and cliché it sounds.
We stop in front of my mother's door and the teacher knocks before entering the office.

"Excuse me, these three guys started a fight in the cafeteria a few minutes ago" my mother looks at us with surprise but when her eyes settle on me her expression changes to one of absolute anger. I breathe deeply, beginning to feel the fear seeping through my body.
"Let them pass," my mother says, the teacher agrees and leaves the place leaving the four of us alone. "Sit down," my mother says, pointing to the two chairs in front of her.
I let Rye and Jack take the chairs and I look for one that my mother leaves in the corner for cases like these. I place the chair next to Ryan's and mentally prepare myself for what's next.

"Well, tell me what happened" my mother's voice feels calm but deep down I know she is furious. None of the three speaks for a moment "Talk" demands my mother without getting answers and the truth is that I don't even know how to start talking about what happened. "Who started the fight?" My mother begins to inquire.
"Me" Rye says surprising me completely "But he deserves it, you know what he did to my brother?" Rye straightens up in his seat.
"Yes, I'm aware of the situation but it's not a reason to start a fight," my mother says, leaving Rye in shock.

"So you knew what he had done and let him into the school anyway?" Rye asks. I look at Jack and he hasn't changed his expression and he doesn't look at us either.
"Yes, he already did what he had to do, he's not a criminal" my mother says and I want to smile for a second but I restrain myself from doing so. Rye remains silent. "Was that the reason for the fight?" Asks my mother.
"Yes," Rye replies, he is the only one who speaks.
"And what does Mr. Wyatt have to do with this?" My mother looks at me. My heart starts beating with fear.

"Nothing, he was just there. He tried to stop  us" I look at Rye and thank him internally.
"Okay, I want this to not happen again" my mother pulls out a notebook and starts writing things down. "This time you only take one warning but next time I will have to talk to your parents. You can go" she closes the notebook and signals us to leave.
The three of us got up and walked towards the exit in silence, once outside, with the doors closed, Rye turns around and confronts us.

"You can't be together" Rye sounds calm when he speak but sure of his words. "I know what you did and I don't care about the reason, I don't want Brook to be involved in whatever you're into, so..." he stops for a second "you leave him or I'll talk to your mother" this time Rye addresses me.
"You can't tell me what to do Rye" I say looking into his eyes.
"I do this for your own good, you don't know him, you don't see what he really is, Brook" his words make my chest contract.
"You don't want to see reality too, you don't even know why he hits your brother" I try to defend without arguments.

"What is the reason then?" He asks us both, I look at Jack hoping he will say something but he just shakes his head. Rye looks towards a side, tired of this.
"It's him or me Brook" Ryan finally says. What I thought was going to happen is happening now.
"I won't choose" I say sure of myself.
"If you don't choose, you're choosing him" Rye points to Jack. I just shake my head, he can't do this to me.
Rye nods after a long silence and just walks away from us and I see how our friendship falls to pieces in front of my eyes. I stand by watching Rye leave until I can't see him anymore.

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