Bite your lip.

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I stay frozen outside my room, debating whether to enter or stay here to continue listening. For some reason my heart beats strongly against my chest. What is Andy hiding? Why can't he tell me? I want to know it? I don't know, Andy sounded so sad when he spoke, I don't know if I want to know what is causing that sadness in him and why it's important or not to tell me. I mean, I want to know but Andy apparently doesn't want me to know and I respect that.
I take a deep breath and take all my courage to enter the room again.
"I forgot my wallet" I walk in smiling as if I hadn't heard anything, both seem exalted to see me but I ignore them, grab my wallet from the desk as fast as I can and go back to the desolate corridors.

I don't want to think about it because I know that if I do I will obsess with it but I can't help it. Andy hides a secret and Brooklyn knows that secret. Why does Brooklyn know that secret? There is so much confusion in my head at this moment, none of that conversation makes sense. Brook sounded like he knew Andy, like he was talking to an old friend and Andy sounded like he trusted Brooklyn. But now that I think about that, Andy always speaks well of Brook, he always talks about how good he is and that he is the only one of that group that he occasionally talks with. Does that mean that Brooklyn and Andy are friends? Or were they? I mean, who shares secrets with someone who is not your friend?

I arrive at the cafeteria faster than I thought and I choose the first chocolates that I find, after paying them I go back to the room making the idea that I have to act as if nothing had happened. I need, at least for today, to put aside the small conversation that I unintentionally heard.
I enter quietly where Brook and Andy are and I sit on the floor with a forced smile.
"I brought you chocolates," I say, handing out the chocolates.
"Ok... let's start," Andy says and begins to explain the rules of the game. And I can't avoid looking at him, trying to understand what is happening, reviewing each moment we were together, trying to find some sign that spoke of this secret that he hides me... but I don't get results.

* * *

"I can't believe I won again," Andy says, releasing his last cards. He literally won us in three different rounds.
"I don't understand this damn game" Brook throws his cards shaking his head.
For this moment it's 4 in the morning and I already forgot the topic of the conversation. After watching Andy for at least 20 minutes I decided that I didn't want to ruin my night anymore so I putted all of me to have fun and I did it, I had fun as I didn't do it long ago.
"I think it's enough for me, I'm going to sleep" Andy says getting up from the floor where he was sitting at least 5 hours "tomorrow I'm looking for the game" he says goodbye with one hand and leaves the room, leaving Brook and me finally alone.

"It was fun" I'm the first to break the silence that surrounds us.
"It was," Brook responds, looking at me with a small smile. We are both sitting one in front of the other and between us is the game.
"And now what?" I ask him without stopping looking at him, I can notice how the intensity in the environment grows with every second.
I bite my lip without realizing it and I feel my breathing begin to change with just the look of Brook.
"Don't do that," he says in a low voice.
"What thing?" I ask innocent.
He stands on his knees with his hands in the game, approaching me until only a few centimeters separate us. He lift one of his hands and with his thumb caresses my lower lip without stopping looking at it.

"Bite your lip" our breaths collide with our closeness and the tension is so strong that it makes my stomach contract with force.
"Why?" I breathe the words without stopping to look straight into his eyes.
"Because I want to be the one to bite them" his voice is hoarse when he says it causing my stomach to contract even more. And suddenly, I can't take it anymore. I shorten the distance between our lips and kiss him as if I depended on it, I take his face in my hands and push him back to lay him on the floor, forgetting completely about the game. I kiss him moving my lips with force against his and he continues kissing me without protest, he grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him. I open my legs and sit on his stomach without stopping to kiss him.

My hands leave his face and slowly descend his chest to the edge of his pants, I need to feel his skin. I put one of my hands under his shirt and caressed the soft skin of his stomach.
"Take it out," Brook whispers against my lips, I pull me back a few inches from him and grab his shirt pushing it out of his body.
Without wasting any time I return to join our lips but the game between our tongues ​​doesn't last long. I part again and place small kisses on his face, then on his neck and slowly down his chest, feeling with my lips every inch of Brook, as I always want to do.

I keep kissing his torso until I get to his pants, in them I can see the pressure of his member. I lick my lips thinking about it and before continuing doubting I dare to place a soft kiss on his zipper. Brook leans on his elbows to look at me, his breathing is agitated and his eyes altered. I can see his fear clearly through his eyes, we have never done this before.
"It's okay..." I whisper to reassure him, I take my hand to his bundle and caress him over the top of his pants. He takes a long breath and nods, the fear in his eyes diminishes a little.
I also nod without stopping to look at him and I begin to lower his zipper with care, he bites his lips showing his nervousness and I try to show him that everything is fine.

I take off his pants carefully and then his boxers, releasing his penis for the first time, is hard and ready for me. I take it between one of my hands provoking a slight moan, I lick my lips one more time.
I look at Brook to ask permission, he agrees biting his lips and then I do, I put him in my mouth.
Brook lets himself fall back moaning loudly and his hands grab my hair hard to help me with my movements. It feels so good in me, it's the first time I have him this way and I would like to have him like this forever. Vulnerable. At my disposal.
I keep doing it with my mouth and listening moans and sighs that drive me crazy until Brook can't take it anymore and I feel like the hot liquid fills me.

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