This is it

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I take the lunch tray and start looking for Jack in the crowd, I look at his usual table but this one is empty, something weird since Jack and Andy always arrive before me for lunch. I sigh and walk to my new place to eat, with the intention of waiting for them there but when I arrive and a few minutes pass, I still have no signs of them, at this time I would give everything for a phone. I cross my arms and lean back on my chair with the hope that they appear fast, I hate eating alone, it makes me feel vulnerable. I look around trying not to think about negative things when I meet Rye and Mike, both are sitting in our usual place, both arguing about something, surely something about football. I smile without wanting to.

It has been a week since I last spoke or got news from them, despite sitting next to them every day in classes. In those hours that we share, they tend to ignore me and leave before I even try to talk to them, which I stopped doing a few days ago. I really wanted to fix the problems with them but I know that the only way to do that is to get away from Jack, something that is completely impossible, I mean, we share a room and I'm lost with Jack. The only solution I see at the moment is for Rye to get over or talk to Jack about what happened but I know it's not going to happen, his pride and his brother are more important than anything.

"Hey," Jack's voice distracts me from my thoughts.
"Hi" I pull my arms apart and settle into my seat.
"Are you here long? We had to stay after school to talk to the teacher" Jack says leaving his tray on the table and sitting in the empty place next to me.
"Not so much" I reply and stretch to open my bottle of water.
"Are you okay?" Jack stops his movements to look at me.
"Yes" I respond with a small smile. "Everything is fine" I say but by the expression on Jack's face I know he doesn't believe one of my words.

However, he nods knowing that I don't want to talk about it and starts eating his food, I imitate his movements and Andy starts to tell something about a television program he saw when he was a kid.

* * *

I open the door of the room and leave my things next to it so I can lie down on my bed, today was a tiring day and all I need now is to lay my head on a pillow.
I walk towards the bed and I drop on her burying my head between the sheets.
"I'm dead" my voice is barely heard.
"I know" Jack says and the next seconds is on me. "I could sleep the rest of my life" I can feel his breath on my neck.

I turn around so I can look at him and when I do, he looks at me with tired eyes. Our legs are intertwined and I can feel his whole body against mine.
"Brook," Jack says suddenly, with a small tone of concern.
"Yes?" I answer in a whisper.
"Are you really okay?" He raises his hand and runs it through my hair as he usually does, gently, with a touch of appreciation.
"Yes..." I answer although it's not entirely true.
"Everything will be fine" his words make me smile.
"You're too cliché" I mock.

"What? You're too cliché" he says with a big smile and then I grab his face in my hands and I bring him to kiss him while I laugh between his lips. He also laughs and takes my waist, squeezing it just a little bit, with the intention of drawing me closer to him. I separate for a few seconds but instantly return to join our lips, noticing how the environment begins to change slowly. Suddenly, we both stopped laughing and I wrapped my arms around his neck deepening the kiss, putting my tongue in his mouth. He moans and squeezes a little more to me making me feel how his member grows for me and that single thought makes my excitement grow even more.

I under my arms to his waist and lift him just a little to put him under me, I sit on his pelvis and continue kissing him, he puts his hands under my shirt and strokes my back hard, driving his fingers into her with desire. I start to move on him, at first with slowness and subtlety but then I can't take it anymore and start move faster. I only want Jack at this moment.
"Brook" Jack groans between my mouth, I separate a few inches, breathless, and I look into his eyes without stopping to move. He keeps looking at me and picks up my shirt and I help him remove it completely. "Please," Jack says breathlessly, this time taking my hips in his hands and increasing my movements.

"What do you want?" I say between moans, I don't want to stop moving, this feels too good.
And suddenly the sound of the door opening makes me react and pull me to the side of Jack's top, still with a ragged breath and with my heart beating hard in my chest and not exactly for the moment that Jack and I just have to share but because my mother is standing at the door of my room, looking shocked without making any kind of movement, just looking at me and Jack. We both remain silent for longer than I think until my mother finally opens her mouth.
"You're expelled," she says, looking directly at Jack.

Jack doesn't say anything, he just stays in his place looking at my mother.
"Mom, no" I hear it come out of my mouth but I can't process it, I'm like anesthetized right now, I can't react as I should and she doesn't even look at me.
"I want you to pick up your things right now and leave, I'll call your parents" and with those words she turns away from us.
"Mom" I can finally react and I get out of bed taking my shirt and putting it on as I can to follow my mother. I can't let this end here.

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