Does Jack know?

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It's weekend again and I'm happier than I thought I would be.
This week was one of the most fun weeks I had since I arrived. Most of the time, Brook and I pretended to be strangers, sometimes we gave each other glances that only we could understand or when we passed each other in the halls, we touched in secret and all just because we love the idea of ​​sharing this little secret, we love the idea that nobody knows that when we are in our room we are completely different people, people who kiss each other until sleep, who talk about a thousand things, who share the same bed. We love all this mystery.

Now we are in the last class of the day and I can't stop looking at Brook. As always, he is paying attention and trying to write down the things the teacher says although I know it won't last long. Usually he tries to be a good student but at almost the end of the class he ends up surrendering. There is a  moment in which he decides that it's not worth it and it's so cute, he is so cute. He releases the pencil, shakes his head and throw himself back completely resigned. It always causes me a small smile that I try to hide but I'm sure I don't achieve it. Sometimes I just look at him to appreciate that little moment and I feel obsessed, to be honest, but I can't help it. Brook provokes things in me that I didn't think possible.

The class ends a short time later and I am ready to go to my room to start my weekend with Brook. I'm very excited although it won't be very different from the normal weekdays because we are also the only two in the room and we can do whatever we want. However, this, for some reason, feels different.
I say goodbye to Andy, as I usually do and go to my room expecting to meet Brook, which doesn't happen and it doesn't really surprise me. He always stays with his group before coming to the room.
I throw my things to the floor and I lie on the bed looking at the ceiling, I'm exhausted.

I close my eyes for two seconds to rest a bit and when I open them again I find Brooklyn, he is sitting on the edge of my bed looking at me with a smile. He extends his hand to my hair and caresses it.
"Sorry, I didn't want to wake you up," he says and comes over to kiss me on the lips.
At what time did I fall asleep?
"it's okay. I was waiting for you and I didn't realize that I had fallen asleep" I sit on the bed carving my eyes. I look towards the window and everything is dark. "Do you just get to the room?"
"Yes ... I was with the boys" he answers, we are practically sitting in front of each other.

I support my head on his shoulder sighing, I was really tired.
"What are you going to do today?" Brook asks me after a few minutes of silence.
"What are we going to do today?" I emphasize the word. He smiles sweetly and takes my face in his hands to kiss me but this time with a little more strength, opening his lips against mine and putting his tongue in my mouth. I groan, taking his waist and I bring him closer to me. And then someone knocks on the door causing us both to separate suddenly. Brook don't say anything, just gets up and opens the door a little. From outside I listen to a woman, I can't understand what they are saying but I don't make the attempt either.

After a couple of minutes Brook closes the door and between his hands he has a computer.
"My mother" says leaving the computer on his bed. I didn't remember that his mother was dean here, that information had disappeared from my head.
"What did she say?" I dare to ask but he ignores me completely.
"So... what were we up to?" He takes my hips and lays me on the bed hard to start kissing me one more time, and I can't deny myself that. I could never deny that.
We return to the passion that we had a few minutes ago until the door rings again.
"Shit," Brook says and gets up already angry, I laugh a little at his frustration.

He opens the door reluctantly and lets Andy in, turns around and throws himself on his bed.
"Andy, what are you doing here?" I asked surprised, I didn't expect to see him. He enters the room looking at Brook.
"It's weekend, what are we going to do?" He asks, approaching to my bed and sitting on it. I hadn't thought that maybe Andy wanted to do something too.
"Mmm I don't know..." I shrug and settle into the bed realizing that my weekend isn't going to be as planned.
I look to Brook to decipher if he is angry or upset but he just turns on his weekend computer without looking at me.
"I have a board game, we could do that" says Andy, I look at him surprised.

"Fine" I shrug again.
"Okay ... I'm going to look for it" Andy gets up from my bed and leaves the room once more.
"I guess our night was ruined" Brook mutters without looking at me, I don't answer anything because he's right but I can't leave Andy alone.

* * *

"Brook, play with us" Andy says when he has all the game prepared on the floor. At first he doesn't seem to want to play but after thinking about it for a few minutes, he nods and sits down next to us. I don't know what game is this but it looks weird.
"Do you want something to eat? I go to the cafeteria before we start" I tell them because I'm really hungry.

"No, it's okay" they both respond, I get up and leave the room leaving the door open because there is no point in closing it, at this time of night there is no one in the hallways, everyone is in the bar. When I walk ten meters I realize that I didn't take my wallet so I run back to the room but when I get there, the voices of Andy and Brook stop me.
"How do you handle it?" Brook asks shyly.
"What do you mean?" Andy answers.
"You know what I mean" Brook's voice sounds low.
"Overcoming it..." Andy answers after a few seconds.
"Does Jack know?" Brook asks, causing me to swallow. Know what?
"No" is the last thing I hear from Andy.

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