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I look at Jack waiting for an answer but he continues with his eyes closed, for a moment I'm afraid he has fallen asleep but then he lets out a long sigh and looks me straight in the eye.
"Let's talk" he says, moving me from his chest, we both lay one in front of the other and face to face. "What happened with Rye?" He start by asking.
"Nothing really... he's a little angry" I tell him the truth.
"Why?" He whispers raising his hand to stroke my arm. "He... didn't know you were gay?" He asks with fear in his voice.
"Yes, he knows, he's my best friend" I stop looking into his eyes and look at his chest.

"Then what is it that bothers him? Does he really hate me?" I have no answers to his questions but I think this would be the perfect time to know the truth about Jack.
"It's complicated" I answer, I don't know how to start talking about it. I can't just spit the words out of my mouth, I can't just ask if he was the one who hit Rye's brother or why he did it. I have to be careful, I don't want to touch a topic like this in a brusque way.
"What is complicated?" I look into his eyes again but they aren't looking at me, they are lost.

"Ryan" my answer is short. "A few months ago his brother had an accident..." I start talking as my heart beats hard against my chest. "Someone hit him so hard, almost to the point of killing him" I try to analyze Jack's expression but it remains the same as before, not a single word of which I say affect him. "Now his brother is in a coma and Rye is the way he is with everyone for that reason. He is suffering, he's not always like that"
Jack remains silent for a long time making me wonder what he thinks. Will he know that the boy I'm talking about is him? Is he thinking about how to tell me the true? I don't know, but the silence and tension that surround us only manage to alter me.

"Do you know who was the person who hit him?" Finally he speaks.
"I don't know..." I lie. "Rye doesn't talk much about that" Jack nods again in silence and continues without looking at me.
"So... doesn't he accept what we have?" Suddenly he changes the subject, he's not going to tell me.
"No" is the only thing I can say. I feel the disappointment flooding my body with pain. I had hoped that Jack would tell me the truth, that he would explain to me why he did it, that he had enough confidence in me to do it but I suppose I was wrong. In any case, we hardly know each other and although it hurts to think about it, it's the only truth.

"And what's going to happen then?" He continues with the topic he chose to discuss while I suffer an internal battle.
"I don't know Jack" I can't hide the pain and anger in my tone of voice.
"Are you going to leave me?" He asks me bluntly, Jack is nothing like me. With that thought I feel another twinge in my heart, I feel that I'm breaking when I realized that I fell in love with a stranger, that everything was probably too fast and impulsive. So fast and impulsive that I couldn't see the truth behind Jack. I close my eyes for a few seconds trying to swallow all the senseless pain that I'm feeling and when I open them again I try to look for Jack's eyes but they still don't looking at me.

They hide something from me, they always hide something from me.
"Does this look like I'm leaving you?" I make a sign between us and finally his eyes meet mine again, allowing my lungs to breathe easily once more but that tranquility doesn't last long. It's interrupted by the pain in Jack's eyes. Why is there pain in his eyes?
"I don't know Brook, I never know anything about you," he says in a low voice.
"You don't know anything about me?" I dare to ask, somewhat indignant.
"You have too many secrets" he says the same thing he told me a while ago and leaves me dizzy just like that time.

"Do you think I have too many secrets?" I ask, this time in a calm voice, hurt voice. "I think we both have too many secrets" I stop looking at him saying that, I can't look at him and see his expression or let him see mine.
"Yes..." he stays silent for at least five seconds "we both have too many secrets" he finishes saying and gets out of bed without looking at me. I watch him put on his clothes in silence, not fully understanding what he's doing until he finishes changing and goes to the door stopping there for a few seconds. I sit on the bed and watch him, waiting for his next move.

He's not going to leave me, he can't leave me. I repeat in my head without stopping to look at him. It's more a request than an affirmation. He can't leave me here like this, it would be the cruelest thing that Jack could do to me. We are in the middle of something, we can't leave it in the middle. I know I'm a person who runs away, who hides but I choose the right time to do it, I would never leave Jack in the middle of something. But he does it, without even looking back he puts his hand on the door handle and opens it. I feel like my world stops, that Jack is really leaving me, so I do something that I don't know if I'm going to regret it or not.
"I know you were"

Like a piece of art.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora