I don't wanna lose you.

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I kick the ball one more time and I fail like I've been doing it in the last hour. My soccer training started about that time ago and I still can't make a single goal, it's amazing how my mind is so affected by what happened with Rye. I can't stop thinking about him and his expression before getting away from me, I feel like I need to talk with him but I can't do it, I don't have enough courage and I don't have the motivation I need ether.
The fact that he made me choose between him and Jack affected me more than I thought would affect me. I pity that things are the way they are and not knowing how to deal with that, frustrates me in such a way that I can't even make a good play.

"Wyatt, stops being where you are and concentrate" shouts my coach, I look at him and just seat and try the play once more but I fail again.
"Shit" I say kicking the ball with fury, I can't keep trying to do this, I don't even like this game, I just play it because my mother thinks it will be good for me. "Coach, I don't feel very well, can I go to my room?" I finish by surrendering. The man of average height who doesn't take off his shirt from Bristol City Fc aka my coach, looks at me reluctantly but ends up nodding and letting me go. I thank him internally and start my way to my happy place.

I enter the room with sweat falling from my forehead and the first thing I see is Jack playing his guitar, since his parents brought him, he always finds a moment of the day to play it and I sincerely love that he does, Jack playing his guitar is one of my favorite things to see.
"Hey" he looks up from the strings as soon as he hears me come in and gives me a sweet smile, I bring it back to him.
"Hey," I say, removing my bag from my shoulder so I can stretch my arms.
"How's your day gone?" He asks me beginning to leave his guitar aside.
"No, play something for me," I say, sitting next to him on the bed without really wanting to talk about my day.

"What do you want me to play?" He asks me, taking his guitar again.
"Whatever you want" I lie on the wall and look at him expectantly. He thinks for a moment before starting to play.
At first I don't recognize the song but then he begins to sing softly the lyrics and it's impossible not to recognize it.
"We'll do it all
On our own
We don't need
Or anyone
If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?"

"It's all I know for now," he says, stopping the sound of the strings. "I'm just learning it" he looks at me, squeezing his lips together and something in that small gesture makes my heart soften and I forget for a second of everything. I get up on my knees and I approach him, I take his guitar putting it to one side and then I climb on Jack, sitting on his lap.
"I love you" I whisper taking his face in my hands, he seems a bit surprised with the sudden change but happy at the same time.
"I love you too" he takes my waist in his hands with tenderness.

And then I kiss him, I kiss him slowly, playing with his mouth, feeling him as I love feeling him. I open my mouth asking permission to enter his and when I get it I put our tongues together in the way I love doing it. I could sincerely kiss Jack for the rest of my life. When I kiss him I feel things that I don't even know how to explain them, the only thing I can say is that it makes me so good.
Jack makes me so good.
"I dont wanna lose you" I separated only a few inches from his face to see his green eyes.
"You're not going to lose me" he tells me with all his love and raises his hands to take my face as I am doing with his.

He looks at me for a few seconds, with a beautiful smile on his face and I can clearly see the momentary happiness that surrounds us. For the first time in a long time I feel that we can do this, that we can be together and that nothing is going to go wrong.
We both attract each other and we kiss again, we kiss until we no longer feel our lips, until everything bad seems to disappear, until it's only us against the whole world. Until the sun can no longer be seen and we both fall asleep.

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