To forget you.

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The only thing that is heard in the room is the sound of our breathing, our eyes stay together while we only can breathe. I want to say something but nothing comes out of my mouth, at this moment the only thing in my mind is his eyes, the most beautiful green eyes I have seen so far. Brooklyn also wants to say something but, like me, he remains silent. We have never looked at ourselves in this way, we have never even looked at each other and I don't know why we're doing it now, I just don't want to stop doing it. I feel that if I stop looking at him, this little moment that we are having now is going to disappear forever. I feel that, like today at lunch, we are sharing something. Something that only belongs to us and I don't know what it is but i don't care.

Suddenly the door is opens and the green eyes stop looking at me, it takes me two seconds to react and look at the door. Through it come Rye and Mikey laughing as if the room belonged to them.
"Hey Brook, what are you doing?" Rye asks. They don't even look at me, they just sit in bed with Brook.
"Nothing..." Brook responds, I continue to look the situation, a little disconcerted by the small moment I had with Brook a few seconds ago.
"What are you going to do tonight?" Mikey gets up from the bed and starts opening drawers.
"See some of the movies that my mom downloaded to me" Brook responds once more, I look at him and his eyes are glued to his computer, distant.

Rye also seems to notice that so he stop looking at him and look straight at me.
"And you?" He asks, Mikey leaves the drawers and looks at me too.
"I'm going out," I reply.
"With the fag?" He says, referring to Andy. His comment bothers me but I don't say anything, mainly because I don't want problems. I just shrug.
"I'm leaving," I declare after a few seconds and I get up, grab my wallet and go out the door.

* * *
"What are you going to drink?" The Barman asks us when I sit down at the bar next to Andy.
"A beer" Andy yells over the music. I, honestly, need something stronger.
"Tequila please" Andy looks at me a little surprised.
"I didn't know you were that kind of guy," he says approaching me so I can heard him.
"I want to have fun" I reply although I actually want to forget those green eyes that don't leave my head.
"It seems perfect to me," Andy replies. The barman bring us our drinks and we start drinking.
I talk to Andy about trivial things for hours, neither of us dances or make an attempt, we just take each glass the barman bring us.

I don't know how much time passes but my thoughts fly too fast, I talk to Andy but nothing I say makes sense, I hear his laughter, I hear people laugh, I hear my own laugh. I talk to people and tell things about the city as if I were an expert, although the only truth is that the alcohol is what it's talking. I don't know how much I drank, I just know that my vision is blurred and that everything gives me fun, but I don't want to stop drinking, this is being so fun.
"Barman one more please" I scream so loud that I'm sure everyone listens to me so I laugh about that.
"I think that was enough" I hear someone say by my side, Andy.

"Now you're my dad?" I shout, I don't know why I'm talking so loud.
"No, but I think you've had enough for today" he claims, grabbing my arm, I pull his hand away and hit me against the bar.
"Hey, what's your name?" I say to the barman, getting too close to him. He smiles, he is flirting.
"Simon" responds, getting closer to me. He's definitely flirting.
"Simon, do you want to give me a little more of what you gave me before?" I say watching him from top to bottom, it's hot.
He smiles in response and serves me something in a glass, I take it as if it were water.
"Well, I think I'm going to the bathroom, Simon." I say as a hint and I walk as I can towards the back where I'm sure there's a bathroom.

I enter the place and I wait patiently, I don't know what I'm doing. I've never done anything like this before, I blame the alcohol for my actions and Andy for not stopping me. I hear the door open a few seconds later and Simon enters, I can't believe it. Without saying anything, he closes the door and approaches me to kiss me, leaving me shocked, I didn't expect this at all. I follow the kiss without being sure of what I do, I'm not this kind of person. I'm about to stop when I remember a green eyes so I close my eyes and imagine that the one who kisses me is Brooklyn and not this guy that I don't even know his name.
Suddenly I feel a hand grab my arm and pull me out of the bathroom brusquely.

"Hey, I was doing something there" I complain trying to get out of the grip but I'm not strong enough.
"I know but it's time for you to go back to the room" I hear a voice, Andy's voice. We go outside and everything turns black.
* * *
"God Jack, I need your help for this" I feel Andy's hand hugging my back and I also feel that we walk but I can't see anything, I can't open my eyes at all. I hear a knock on a door and then a door opening.
"What happened?" I hear a voice that is too familiar.
"He drank too much, I couldn't control him" I listen to Andy and then I feel other hands grab me.

I hear the door close and I open my eyes as I can, I'm in my room and Brooklyn is taking me to my bed. He puts me gently into it and I look into his eyes, I barely understand what happens.
"I think I like you" the words come out of my mouth, Brook doesn't say anything for a moment, he just looks at me.
"Why did you drink so much?" He asks, starting to unbutton my shirt.
"To forget you" I don't know why I'm saying these things. He laughs a little. "Are you laughing at me?
"A little" he says and pulls my pants off.
"Are you trying to rape me?" I ask scared.
"A little," he repeats again with a smile, I frown and startled him away from me. "Easy, I'm not going to rape you" I'm reassuring again.
"Anyway, it wouldn't bother me" I say and the last thing I hear is his laughter before everything goes back to being black.

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