Can't we pretend?

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I hold Ryan's gaze with the intention of saying something but Brook doesn't allow it.
"Rye, he's not worth it" he says taking his friend's shoulder with one hand.
"Why do you always defend him? Are you friends now?" Rye confronts him.
"Of course not, but are you gonna lower yourself to his level?" He points to me as if i were nobody and although I know it's probably to avoid problems, something in me hurts.
"Just because you two share a room doesn't mean you have to defend him Brook," Rye says once again.
"Rye," Brooklyn's voice changes suddenly and he looks at him with a different look. They both look at each other in silence until finally Rye sighs.

He turns around to look at me one more time and then they leave as if none of this has happened.
"What was that?" Andy approaches me, I keep looking through the door trying to decipher what just happened.
"I don't know..." is the only thing I can answer.
* * *
"Ok then tomorrow I come to look for you promptly so we can have breakfast, ok?" Andy says when we arrive at the door of my room, it's 4 in the afternoon and we have a lot of homework to do. After class we took a break in the courtyard and then decided to go into our rooms to try to finish what they gave us in algebra.

On the way to my room Andy convinced me to have breakfast with him tomorrow and although I'm not entirely sure I accepted it just for this time, on the condition that he wake me up early because I could never wake up at that time.
"Yes man" I say for the tenth time, he doesn't trust in me waking up early. It's impressive how we got to know each other in such a short time. Although it makes sense since we spend most of the hours together, the only thing we don't do together is sleep.
"Well, see you tomorrow then" hits my back and walk away from me. I watch him go down the hall before opening the door to the room, when I do I'm surprised to find Brook, I didn't expect him to be here.

"Hey," I say, closing the door behind me and leaving my things on the floor.
"Hey" he raises his eyes from a notebook he's looking at and he looks at me, he's sitting cross-legged on his bed and around him there are papers, pencils and books. I can say that he is doing his homework.
I approach to my bed without saying anything and I sit on it. While I decide whether to wait for him to say something or say something, he makes the decision for me.
"I'm sorry for today" he says without looking at me, runs his things aside and sits on the edge of the bed right in front of me.
"You were a bit rude" is the only thing I can think to say.
"I know, I'm sorry, I know Rye, he would has made a big problem if I let him continue"

"You told him you weren't my friend, can't we even be that?" I ask him.
"We will never be friends" he denies a little with his head.
"Can't we pretend to be friends?" He looks at me with a bit of sadness.
"No, we're just Rye, Mikey and me," he says, lowering his head. "We know too much about each other."
"What do you mean?" Now I'm curious.
"That doesn't matter" he gets out of bed and approaches me, stops right in front and raises his hand to caress my face. I look at him from below.
"Can I kiss you?" He asks me, while he looks at my lips. His voice is almost a whisper.
"Why?" I say, diverting my gaze to his lips.

He sighs and runs his hand through my hair, caressing it.
"I need it" is his answer and although I expected more, it's enough for me. I grab his face and bring it to my lips. I was waiting two days to be able to do this again, I think it was the only thing I could think about. I bring him closer to me and move my lips against his with force, then I take his hips in my hands and I lay him on my bed to settle on him. He sighs in my mouth separating a bit of it while grabbing my neck with both hands and returns to join our lips, I under my hands by the side of his body caressing every inch. Brook pulls gently on my hair causing something in my stomach to tighten.

I groan and press more against him, I need everything from him right now, I need Brooklyn in despair. I put my tongue in his mouth causing him to be the one that moans and continued the kiss almost without breathing. The feeling of having him once again just for me, makes my heart beat hard against my chest and I love it, I would like to be able to do this for the rest of my life. We continue kissing and between moans and broken sighs Brook separates from me finishing the kiss.
"We have homework," he says suddenly. I look at him without believe what he said.
"What?" My breathing is altered just like yours.

"We can do it together if you want" he pushes me aside and gets up without problem "I started the first exercise, but we can do the rest together" he grabs his books and sits on the floor with his back against his bed. I watch him incredulously leaning on my shoulders and then I smiled. He is a wretch.
I get up, I look for the books that I left on the floor and I sit next to him.
"You have to calculate the paragraphs, do you know how to do it?" I ask him pointing to the disaster what's on his papers with my pencil.
"Em... no" he says shaking his head, I look at him with an up eyebrow.
"You came here years ago and you don't know how to calculate a paragraph" I take off his notebook and start erasing what he has already written.

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