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Finally it's Friday and I'm ready to die, it was the hardest week I had in my whole life and it was only a week, I can't imagine what the rest of the year will be like. I grab my things and approach the exit with Andy, he and I haven't separated from the first day. I think we're good together especially because we have things in common and I like him. He's not like the rest of the guys who usually denigrate me with his eyes, although I suspect he doesn't do that just for the fact that I'm the only person he talks to. Andy has no friends and I still don't know the reason for that and I don't want to ask either, I suppose they're topics nobody wants to talk about.

"Will you go out this weekend?" Andy asks me as soon as we cross the classroom door.
"Go out? Is that allowed?" I ask surprised, I thought we were in the middle of nowhere.
"Yes, there is a small bar that one of the students set up so as not to "get depressed", it's close to here. They only open weekends and everyone goes" I can't believe that one of the students at this school has enough money to have a bar. I mean, what the fuck?
"Are you going?" I hang my backpack over my shoulder and led us to the cafeteria, I'm starving.
"If you go" he shrugs looking down.
"I don't know ... should we go?"

"I didn't go for a while but when I used to go it was fun" we both went into the cafeteria and approached the pleasant mr. Fox.
"Okay then let's go"
I didn't go out much when I lived in the city but I think it wouldn't hurt me to leave today, maybe I can meet more people, make new friends, I don't know. I like being with Andy but I feel like we need someone else. I take the food as I usually do and wait for Andy to decide to have a pudding or a cake, then we both go to the table that has already become our table. Everyone already has their assigned places and not only in the cafeteria also in the classrooms.

When we sit down we start eating like beasts, mainly me because I never eat breakfast, I'm not a good early riser. I take a sip of my orange juice and see Brooklyn walking with his tray in his hands next to his friends. We haven't spoken since the last time, when he made it clear that we'll never be friends but I have to admit that I was observing him a little, he is almost never in the room but when he is I like to try to decipher him. I always try to talk to him but something always stops me, I feel that if I talk to him, he will bother and I don't want to bother him. I would like to know him a little more because he seems like that kind of guy you should know.

I watch how he walks while I'm still eating, I watch him sit down and laugh at something Mikey says, watch how he puts salt on his food while saying something that makes the others laugh. I watch him and I don't know why I'm doing it but I don't want to stop doing it. Sometimes when we are in the room and the only thing is silence, I like to watch him, even though it sounds terrifying. It's ... strange to see Brooklyn. Something in him catches my attention, something in him calls me. I continue to watch him until he raises his head and his eyes meet mine, immediately his smile disappears but he doesn't stop looking at me and I don't either. It's as if we're sharing something but it's really nothing.

"Jack?" I breathe again and look at my side, I hadn't noticed that I wasn't breathing. Andy has a raised eyebrow and looks at me expectantly.
"What happened?" I ask and take a piece of meat on my plate to take it to my mouth.
"I was asking you how it's to live with Brook" I lie on the chair and look for Brook's eyes once more but he's not even on the table anymore. I can only see his friends.
"Emm I don't know ... we don't talk much" is the only thing I can say because it's the truth.
"He had never had a roommate, you really surprised me when you told me," he says giving his last bite.
"Why did he never have a roommate?" I ask him, this time because I really want to know.

"I don't know ... his mother never allowed it, I think it was some kind of privilege or something like that."
I look forward thinking about that.
A privilege.
* * *
I go into the room where Brook is already lying, on his legs he has a computer that I hadn't seen before, I thought that those things weren't allowed here.
"Where did you get that?" I couldn't contain myself. He turns to see me and analyzes me a few seconds before answering.
"My mother lets me have it on the weekends, but it doesn't have internet" privileges I think again internally.

I take off my uniform jacket and take the shirt out from under my pants, I guess I'll have to go to the bar in this since I didn't bring anything besides some pajamas.
"Are you going out tonight?" His question baffled me a little, I look back in surprise.
"Emm yes ... you don't?" I turn around and sit down on my bed to face him.
"No" is the first real conversation we have so far and I'm somewhat shocked.
"And what are you going to do?" I ask him, he remains silent looking at his screen.
"I have a couple of downloaded movies, I guess I'll see them," he says and types something.
"Don't you like to go out?"

"No" the way he says it sounds strange but I don't want to continue investigating there, I just want to continue talking with him.
"Okay, I don't like to go out either but I don't have anything to do here so ..." I shrug my shoulders and lie on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. Around the corner of my eye I see how slowly Brooklyn turns around and looks at me, I don't want to turn around to look at him because he's going to stop looking at me and I don't want him to stop looking at me so I just raise my arms and put them under my head. He continues to look at me, thinking that I don't know what he is doing. We stay like that for a while until I decide it's enough so I turn around and find his green eyes.

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