It's not that bad.

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"Wake up" I deposit soft kisses on Jack's bare back, it's about 7 in the morning and for the first time I want Jack and me to go to breakfast together.
Since all this started we never had the opportunity to eat something together or do something together outside the room for the case, but now that Rye and Mike know about us I think it would be a good start to go to breakfast even though I know that Jack is not an early riser.
"Enough," he says in a strange whisper and begins to move his body away from me. I didn't wait more.

"Come on Jack, let's have breakfast together" I say bringing my mouth to his ear to start kissing there. This time, he doesn't respond, only emits a strange sound, similar to a complaint. "Come on baby, I want us to share this"
"Can't we share it another day?" He asks me, turning his head just a few inches and opening his eyes just a bit so he can see me.
"No" I say bringing my face close to his. "Today is a perfect day for this" I stick my nose to his trying to stay as close as possible to him in bed. He closes his eyes again, wrinkling his nose in disgust, but at the second he relaxes and shows a small, almost invisible smile.

"It's okay... let's go" this time it's me who smiles. I deposit a soft and short kiss on his lips and get up from the bed to start dressing, Jack does the same as me but much more slowly, almost unwilling to do so, which only causes me amusement.
We both finished dressing and arranging our things for the day that awaits us and prepare to leave the room to the corridors where you can already see people going to the cafeteria or their classes.
"It's too early for me," Jack says, letting out a yawn.
"I know" I laugh a little and I push him to walk faster.

After about five minutes we finally arrived at the cafeteria and as usual, it's a bit empty. I don't know how people don't eat breakfast in the mornings, I don't know how Jack doesn't eat breakfast in the morning, it's something I couldn't do.
We both walked to the counter and began to serve what we are going to eat.
"Jack?" We both turn around and find a very confused Andy. "What are you doing here?" He asks giving me a quick glance.
"He forced me to come" Jack responds as if he really is suffering.
"Oh come on, it's not that bad" I give him a nudge and continue to serve me food. Out of the corner of my eye I see how Jack makes a sign of wanting to kill himself. I smile.

"Wow... I'm too shocked but anyway, thank you, Brook, for getting him out of bed at this time," Andy tells me standing next to me and taking out food just like me.
When we finished lifting everything necessary, the three of us went to our places and although I'm not sure to sit down with them for what Rye might think, I do it anyway.
The three of us sit at the table where Andy and Jack sit every day and we start eating while we talk and laugh about nonsense, it's such a typical scene, so happy, it makes me want to stay that way for the rest of the day but unfortunately, that happiness doesn't last long enough.

"What are you doing?" I hear Rye's voice suddenly, I look up and he's standing right in front of me, his face is full of anger.
"Rye..." I try to reassure him but he shakes his head smiling without believing the situation.
"I'm going to change my question, do you realize what you're doing?" Rye leaves his tray firmly on the table, making me exalt myself instead.
"Calm down, it's not a big deal," I say, this time with warning.
"It's not a big deal? He's a fucking criminal. Don't you remember what he did?" He points at Jack with contempt.
"Rye, not here" I shake my head.

"You are a wretch, you ruined my family, my brother" this time he doesn't address me, I look at Jack's direction and I notice that he is furious, none of this will end well.
"You don't know anything" Jack gets up from his place to keep up with Rye. "So shut the damn mouth because you have me fed up"
"Jack..." I try to take his hand but he pulls me away.
"And it's a shit that I ruin your brother, you don't know anything about your brother" Jack is almost screaming.
"So you do?" Rye asks in the same way that Jack did. I need to stop this right now.

"I know so much more than you" Rye doesn't answer anything, I can only see how his face fills more and more with anger and before i can react or stop them Rye throws himself on Jack.


Everything happens so fast that I can't even move from my place. I look at where they both fell on the ground and I see Rye try to hit Jack but failing twice even though Rye is the one on top.
I don't know how he does it but Jack manages to get out of Rye's grip and turns him, stopping the blows and any movement that Rye tries to make.
In less than a second I get up from my chair and grab Jack by the shoulders to push him away but he pulls my hands away again and lifts Rye a few inches off the floor and then smashes him back against it, hard.

Rye makes a face of pain and lowers his hands while closing his eyes. In two seconds Jack managed to control Rye and that scares me.
"Listen, I'm trying to do the right thing here but the next time you try something against me it's not going to end as well as now" Jack's voice is threatening and leaves me with my eyes open. Rye doesn't say anything, just look into Jack's eyes until Jack pulls away from him. Suddenly a lot of people are around us, all shocked like me and in a second a teacher comes to the place and lifts Rye off the floor.
"The three to the direction" says and I feel that my world trembles.

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