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It's around 11 at night and I didn't hear from Brooklyn in all this time. After lunch with Andy we decided to go for a walk around the place and chat about unimportant things but when the sun began to hide each one decided to go back to his room, especially me because I had hoped to find Brook and could, finally, talk about what happened the night before. But when I entered the room the only thing I found was the room just as I left it when I left this morning and no sign that Brook had been there before. I lay back on the bed and from that moment I haven't moved from my place and Brooklyn hasn't appeared either.

I tell myself in my head that I'm going to wait five more minutes before I give up but after ten, twenty and thirty minutes have passed I decide it's enough. It was too much waiting for today.
I turn around looking at the wall and start to close my eyes to sleep, which in spite of myself doesn't happen immediately. My head returns to the previous night, remember the hands of Brooklyn on my body, his lips against mine asking for more and more, his laugh every time I said a joke, his jokes that didn't give a bit of fun, the way in which his eyes looked at me, everything returns to me and for a second I fear that those memories are not true.

I'm not aware of how much time passes but when I begin to feel the heaviness of the dream and little by little the memories begin to disappear the noise of the door wakes me up. I don't move from my place, I'm not sure why but I don't do it. I hear the sounds that Brook makes behind me, his belt falling to the floor, his pants brushing his skin when he takes them off, his shirt falling with a thud somewhere and the bed creaking when Brook sits on it, then silence. I soak my lips waiting for some other sound but everything is so quiet, the only thing that can be heard is the noise of the crickets outside.

"Are you awake?" I hear Brooklyn's voice suddenly, it's a little rough, a little shy even and although I'm tempted to turn around and face it I don't do it. I waited for hours and I have my limits, my limits ended thirty minutes ago, I'm not anyone's bitch so if he want to talk to me he'll have to wait until tomorrow.
After a few minutes of complete silence I hear the sound of the bed once again, apparently Brook also surrendered to me. The room is silent again and I close my eyes to remember one more time and then I fall completely asleep.

* * *

My eyes open slowly, trying to adapt to the strong light coming through the window, I rub them with both hands and stretch my legs as much as I can. It's already Monday, the routine starts and I'm not ready for it. I open my eyes completely remembering that this is my opportunity to talk to Brook but when i looks at my left I find that he's not there, he fled from me once more. I hate him for this. I shake my head and start preparing for the first class, algebra. The worst class so far and one of the classes that I share with Brook, maybe it's my chance to talk to him since he decided not to show up in the room since yesterday.

I finish putting on my clean uniform, last night I went to look for it in the laundry, the vomit had come out and it was as good as new, and I went out into the corridors that I am beginning to hate. I walk calmly knowing that for the first time I left the room early and although I don't have time to have my breakfast I can take my time walking to class. When I get to it the first thing I see is Brook sitting next to Ryan and Mikey laughing at something, he doesn't look at me when i came in even when i passed by, he's just still in his world. I walk to where Andy is sitting and I sit next to him.
"Hi," I say, leaving my backpack to one side, he doesn't say anything, he just brings me the coffee he started buying when he realized I never had breakfast.

"The day you have breakfast with me is going to be a great day," he declares, as I smile, taking a sip of coffee.
The teacher enters the classroom and begins to give the class, I try to pay attention but all I do is look at Brooklyn, I can't help it. It is so strange to see him here as if nothing had happened, as if we hadn't kissed. I already realized that he doesn't want this to be known but could he pretend to be my friend at least right? It wouldn't hurt anyone. I really need to talk to him, I need to clarify things and know what it meant for him the other night. I watch him the rest of the class and I notice small details that I hadn't noticed about him before.

For example, how he bites the tip of his pen and frowns when he tries to understand something or how he nod in the direction of the teacher every time he finishes a sentence, or how he scratches the corner of his table when he gets bored with the class. Little details that make me smile, Brooklyn is like a small child, although I am already clear that he's not because of the way he kisses me, God. I think nobody has ever kissed me so intensely, I sigh and look away to try to stop the memories knowing very well what they provoke in me.
The bell rings just at that moment signaling the end of the class and I lift all my things as fast as I can so as not to miss the opportunity to speak with Brooklyn.

I hang my backpack on my back and approach the leading group in the class.
"Hey" I say when I'm in front of them. The three of them look at me like the worst scum, well actually only Ryan and Mikey. I don't understand they hate towards me. I ignore them and address Brook. "You left early today, I wanted to talk about something with you"
"If it's because I'm using your towel, I'm sorry. I'll wash it" he gets up with a smile, he hits me on the shoulder and leaves.
"Asshole" says Ryan as he passes by me.
"Do you really have to insult me ​​without reason?" I can't contain myself.
"Yes" the three of them stop and look at me "any problem?"
"Yes, you can't insult people, I didn't do anything to you" I say a little indignantly.
"If you did something to us, you showed up at this school"

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