It's Andy.

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Two days passed from my conversation with Andy and the rare moment of tension that we experienced when we left the library that day. Two days where I didn't know anything about him.
The day after our talk I went to classes as I normally do but when I walk into the place, unlike every day, Andy's seat was empty. At first I thought it was weird but then I thought maybe he had gotten sick or decided to skip classes, so I just sat in my usual place and waited for the classes to finish to go and look for him in his room. But when I got there nobody answered the door either.

I also tried to talk with his roommate, Ian, but the only thing he told me was "he's fine" and then left me with the poor information.
And well, two days went by, without him going to class or answering the door of his room. Definitely something is happening, I'm not sure if it's something with me or if something else happened that I don't know but the whole thing doesn't leave me alone.
"Everything is okay? I see you a little disconnected" Brook says, pulling me out of my thoughts suddenly. I raise my head to look at him. We are both at the desk trying to finish a task for tomorrow and it's past 9 o'clock at night.
"Yes, sorry" I say shaking my head and returning to the exercise.

"Jack" Brook grabs my hand over the table "tell me" I look into his eyes, that the only thing they convey is security.
"It's Andy" I sigh, leaving my pencil to one side. "For days I don't know anything about him, he doesn't go to class or answer the door of his room and I know he is there because Ian told me, I just don't understand what happens" I tell him with a tired voice. He remains silent for a few minutes.
"Come on," suddenly Brook gets up from his seat and walks to the entrance of the room. I, without protesting, follow him only because he seems determined in what he does.
We left the room and walked through the corridors until we got to Andy's room.

"Andy, it's me, Brook," Brook says, knocking on the door with one hand. We waited without answer "Andrew" says again and the door opens revealing Andy in sports pants that I had never seen before and a blue diver too big for his small body. He looks at Brook, then at me and then looks back at Brook.
"Talk to him," Brook says, pointing his head at me. I don't know what to say so I just look at Andy waiting for some answer. Andy sighs after several seconds and leaves the room closing the door behind him.
"Let's go somewhere," he says, looking directly at me. I can't understand what is happening but I don't care because I want Andy to be the same as before, I want to know what happened two days ago so that he decide to disappear from the world.

Brook nods to us and goes to our room, leaving Andy and me alone, without knowing what to say.
"Come on" Andy breaks the silence between us. I nod and follow his footsteps, I don't know where we are going but I don't have the courage to ask either, so I stay silent and walk with my head down.
I don't know what's going to happen or what he's going to tell me or why Brook told him to talk to me. I have the feeling that this talk we are going to have is related to the great secret that Andy and Brook hide from me; and although I thought I wanted to know, I don't know if I'm ready. He seems too serious, i mean, he missed two days of classes for this.

Andy opens the doors of the library and I'm not surprised that he chose this place for us to talk about, the library is Andy's place. What surprises me is that the library is open at 9 o'clock at night. I mean, who comes to the library at 9 o'clock at night? Probably Andy.
We say hi to the woman who takes care of the books and we go by the same way that we went the last time we talked. With each step that I give my nerves increase, maybe I have no reason to be nervous but I can't help it. Everything seems so important and complicated, as if it were something bad. As if Andy's secret was even bigger than Andy.

We get to the place and Andy stops to sit right where he sat that day, I do the same as him and I sit in front. Everything as if it were a dejavu, it's as if we were living the same as the day when something changed between us.
"I'm sorry for having disappeared these days," Andy begins. "I had to think about many things and I didn't have the courage to go to classes and face you with so much in my mind, I know it sounds weird but I'm going to tell you a story that is much more important to me than it sounds and it's also very difficult for me to tell it. I never told anyone before, only three people know this and the only reason they know it's because they were there..." he stop talking for a second.

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