It's not our end

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Jack's footsteps are heard throughout the room, almost echoing in the place and I'm sitting on my bed, watching how the boy I fell in love with is getting ready to disappear from my life probably forever. Andy is also with us and I can see that he helps Jack with some things, something I can't do. I feel that if I help Jack to pack his things I'm deliberately accepting him to stay away from me and I am not accepting it, I can't accept something like that, i mean, from now on I will be alone in my room again, hiding from the rest, I won't be able to feel everything I felt with Jack again. I'm going to be the same depressed guy I used to be.

I know that nothing is going to be the same once Jack leaves this place, I don't know what my mother will do with me but it will probably force me to go to that horrible place again and I will have more control than before, maybe she doesn't let me even get close to Andy, the only friend I have since Rye and Mike don't even look at me.

The noise of the door being knock takes me out of my thoughts and for a moment I'm paralyzed with fear. Fear that the inevitable, ends up happening. We all look at the door without saying anything until they touch it again, then I see how Jack looks at me and then walks towards it to open it, letting see Patrick one more time.

"I came looking for you, are you ready?" He asks Jack directly.
"I still don't finish packing" Jack says pointing inward, all his movements are slow and without desire, I know how he should feel at this moment, just as I feel.
"Okay, I'll wait outside," Patrick says as always with his perfect voice.
"I'll be out in a few minutes" Jack closes the door and turns around to continue packing.
"What do you think your dad will say?" Andy asks while he folds one of Jack's shirts.
"I don't know..." Jack keeps the last slippers in the room.

"what will you do now? We are halfway through the year to enter a new school" Andy continues to ask future questions.
"I'll probably go back to my old school, my father has a lot of contacts there" Jack explains and I can't take it anymore. It's as if they were talking about how Jack is going to continue with his life and overcome me.
"Can you stop talking about that?" my tone of voice sounds vague. They both stop and look at me for a few seconds and then look at each other and sigh.
"Thanks for helping me Andy" Jack says suddenly. "I hope I can see you on vacation" and then they embrace and I look away.

I can't believe that it's so easy for them to say goodbye in that way, as if they would be seen in a few days or as if the friendship they formed all this time hasn't been worth anything.
"Yes, I'll see you later" Andy says and turns around without even looking at me. Then he goes out the door and disappears from the room like nothing.
"Brook" I hear Jack's voice. I look in his direction but I don't say anything. "We can't do anything at this moment, I can't argue with your mother and force her to let me stay, I can't do it with my parents either." He starts to approach me until he faces me, takes my face between his hands and lifts it up so I can look into his eyes.

"Now we have to accept this and then look for a solution, this is not the end, Brook, it's not our end. We are going to find a way, I promise you" and with those last words he approaches me and kisses me, kisses me like never before, showing me his love, his passion, his sadness, all the feelings he has at this moment and I kiss him in the same way, grabbing his neck in my arms and pulling him close to me, opening his mouth with my lips and sticking my tongue into it. Jack receives me happily and runs his hands to my waist, hugging it tenderly.
"I love you" he separates from me, breathless and supports his forehead against mine.
"I love you too" I say without letting him go "and this is not our end"

"No, it's not." He places a soft, last kiss on my lips and then releases me. "I have to go now" I nod a little calmer than before.
Jack smiles and takes his suitcases, I don't move from my bed while I see him open the door of the room and deliver some suitcases to Patrick, nor do I move when Jack closes the bedroom door leaving me completely alone as I have been in the most of the time I lived here.
Suddenly I feel the tears begin to come out of my eyes and I don't know what to do with me, I want to scream, I want to throw things but what I want most is not to be alone so I make a decision and get out of bed.
It's time I stopped being a asshole.

I'm standing in front of the door that crosses a million times without knowing what to do. I'm frozen without knowing whether to touch or directly pass as I always do. I feel the tears still fall from my eyes but I don't care if people see me, the only thing that matters now is to have someone by my side so I ignore everyone and sigh raising my hand to knock.
"Brook?" Suddenly I hear Rye's voice, I look to the left and see him standing next to Mike. "Brook, God, we were looking for you" Rye says and opens the door of his room. "Come in" I walk to the place, confused with what is happening and I listen how Mikey closes the door behind us.
"What happened? There are rumors throughout the school" Rye sits on his bed and beckons me to do it too.

"What rumors?" I dare to ask.
"From your mother and you" Mikey replies, sitting in front of us. "You look terrible, tell us what happened"
And then I tell them how my mother discovered me with Jack and how she expelled him from school as if it meant nothing and they listen to me, they listen to me and they hug me while I cry inconsolably, as they always do, as they always are for me. I don't care what people think of them I know that Ryan and Mikey are the best people I could have met and my best friends.
"Thank you," I tell them, separating me from his arms and drying my tears.
"It's okay... you can always count on us Brook," Rye says, tapping my back gently.
"I know" i nodded and smiled a little.
"And what are you going to do now?" Rye asks, referring to me and Jack and the truth is that...
"I don't know..."


So ... this is the end of this story.

First I want to apologize to the readers I had here for taking so long to upload the last chapter, I draw away from the band and left unfinished things so sorry for that. 

Second, I was planning to do a second part of the story, showing a little more about Jack's life outside the boarding school and revealing the secrets that were left unfinished in the story, but I'm not sure I will do it yet, so don't expect anything, if I ever go back to have the inspiration to rewrite this story I am going to do it and I hope that you will continue reading me if you are doing it now because it has literally been a long time since I last updated. 

But anyway now I say goodbye and leave me in the comments if you want a second part because sometimes the support of the comments inspire me. 

Thanks for everything. Ana.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2020 ⏰

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