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The first time Danny had worn Steve's clothes it had been an accident.

Danny put up with a lot working with Steve. He followed him into battle with minimal questions asked. He'd been shot, stabbed, poisoned, the works. Now, Steve had convinced Danny to hijack a remote-controlled semi that was carrying fifteen tons of a nuclear chemical.

"This is a terrible idea," Danny huffed as he undid his seat belt, which he had been clinging to for dear life only moments before.

Steve had driven the Camaro up along the side of the truck, allowing Danny to jump into the front of the semi and over-ride the controls.

"Then you drive the Camaro and I'll hijack the truck," Steve offered hastily.

"How do you expect that to work, huh? You're going fourty-five down a canal strip. We can't exactly pull over
See this wouldn'thave happened if you let me drive. You could be the one doing this, but no, it's me. Remember this next time you climb in the driver's side," Danny snapped. He hated doing this. This is not what he had signed up for when he started with five-0, in fact he hadn't signed up at all. Steve had forced him to be his partner.

"Danny, listen to me, if that truck goes in the water, we're all screwed," Steve spoke in an urgent tone.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Danny hated terrorists. He hated them with a passion. And this was why. Cause now he was hanging out of the passenger's side of his Camaro, trying to hijack a semi-truck.

"Be careful," Steve shouted as Danny reached for the truck.

He grabbed the side bar and pulled himself the three feet over. He then quickly climbed into the driver's side door and put on the brakes hard.

"Steve, Steve, nothing's happening," Danny's worried tone spoke into his ear piece. "Jerry, talk to me."

"It should work, he must have cut the breaks," Jerry responded hurriedly.

"Oh, god," Danny ran a hand through his blonde strands.

"Danny, I need you to disconnect the trailer from the cab," Steve's voice sounded in Danny's ear.

"There's no time," Danny said as the water grew nearer.

"Danny, there's time, but you have to do it now," Steve said urgently.

Danny knew there wasn't going to be enough time. He had to act and fast.

"I'm making a hard right, Steve," Danny said before jerking the wheel to the right. The truck turned awkwardly, crashing into the shipping containers lining the strip. The cab slowed but the awkward turn caused the trailer to flip. The weight of the trailer pulled the cab over with it.

Steve slammed on the Camaro's breaks, coming to a hard stop.

"Danny," Steve yelled as he jumped from the car and rushed towards the wreckage.

"Steve, I'm alright," Danny's voice came through the ear piece, sending a wave of relief through Steve and the rest of the team.

As Steve reached the truck, he saw Danny pulling himself off the ground. He was a little banged up but nothing too serious. He was, however, drenched in the toxic liquid that was now spilled out along the canal.

"Lou, call the Hazmat team, we've got a spill. Danny you need to get out of there. This stuff is toxic," Steve ordered, his tone mildly worried.

"You think? A nuclear chemical is toxic? I had no idea," Danny quipped sarcastically as he pulled himself away, "It doesn't matter, my clothes are soaked."

"Take them off," Steve demanded pulling Danny's shirt up.

"What are you doing? Steve, I don't have anything else to wear," Danny huffed, though he allowed Steve to pull his shirt over his head.

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