Taste it(Part 3)

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Danny sat at the table watching the team talking and laughing. Jerry was going into detail about some conspiracy theory to which Kamekona was arguing about. Max added his medical knowledge in at points, while Chin tried to seem interested. Kono was laughing as Lou rolled his eyes. The only one missing was Steve. He was only a few minutes late, not enough to warrant any worry from Danny or the others yet. Steve and Danny had split up around lunch after spending the morning together. Steve had promised Lou a round of golf and Danny was still taking surfing lessons from Kono. Though he hated it, he liked knowing that he could do it with Grace and Steve when they went out.

"You're awfully quiet Danny, everything okay?" Kono asked, pulling herself from the insane conversation.

"Yeah, I'm just taking it all in," Danny gestured to the table.

She nodded, "Do you know if Steve's alright? You two were at odds yesterday more than normal but it seemed like Steve was more upset by it."

"I'm not really sure what's up with him lately. I think he's trying to make me feel better about Melissa and I's breakup but I'm really okay," Danny shrugged.

"It's been a month already, why would he still be trying to make you feel better?" Kono frowned, reaching for her drink. She'd noticed how Steve had been paying Danny extra compliments.

"I don't know. I'm thinking something else is up. He was fine at breakfast but afterwards he got quiet and wouldn't tell me what was wrong," Danny's eyes dropped to the beer bottle in his hand. He was pretty sure he knew why Steve was being weird. He was certain that Steve had figured out Danny was in love with him, but he couldn't tell Kono that. He didn't want anyone to know.

Kono gave Danny a sympathetic smile. She knew how Danny felt about Steve, but she would never bring it up. Chin had said if Danny wanted them to know he would tell them himself. Of course that had been months ago now. She opened her mouth to mention it but before she could, Steve approached the table.

"Hey guys, sorry I was late," Steve smiled as he sat down at the head of the table where he usually sat.

"You get lost?" Danny quipped, smiling up at the man.

"I had to make a quick stop," Steve answered as he waved the waiter over.

Danny didn't see the previous tension in Steve's shoulders. Perhaps Steve had come to terms with Danny's feelings. Or maybe Danny had imagined it.

"How was surfing?" Steve asked looking between Danny and Kono once he'd ordered his drink. There was a bitterness to his tone that didn't go unnoticed.

"Great, Danny's really getting the hang of it," Kono smiled widely at the blonde.

Steve only nodded. He was afraid if he said anything more, his jealousy would become obvious. He hadn't cared before that Kono was teaching Danny to surf. He was glad that Danny was learning, in fact. However, after the conversation that morning he couldn't help but wonder if the person Danny was in love with was Kono. They spent the most time together outside of work, at least for the past few weeks anyway. He doubted it was Chin. Max and Lou were both happily in relationships. He knew it wasn't Jerry or Kamekona. That only left Kono.

"We already ordered by the way," Danny said then, "I got you the shrimp and scallop spiedino with the garlic mashed potatoes."

Steve looked at Danny with a fondness he couldn't hide. Danny knew his favorite dish at every restaurant. One of the many reasons Steve loved him.

As if on cue, the waiter arrived with their meals.

"What is that?" Steve asked looking at Danny's plate. Danny rarely got the same thing when they went out, unlike Steve who ordered the same thing.

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