Buttercream frosting

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It was Kono's birthday. And like every birthday celebrated at the Five-0 headquarters, there was cake. The group had just finished up a case and were all supposed to meet at Rumfire for dinner to celebrate. Steve had been in charge of getting the cake but his sister was in town so he put Mary on cake duty.

"Mary, that looks amazing," Kono smiled widely at the cake that she held proudly in his arms.

"Doesn't it? I just hope it tastes as good as it looks," Mary smiled.

"I'll let you know in a second," Steve said swiping a finger along one corner, to pick up the frosting.

"Steve, what are you an animal?" Danny grabbed Steve's wrist before he could lick the frosting off.

Steve and Danny locked eyes. Danny made no move to let Steve go, so he leaned forward and placed his mouth around his frosted finger. He sucked off the white cream and gave Danny a wide smile.

Danny swallowed thickly as he released Steve's wrist. His eyes lingered on Steve's mouth as he licked his bottom lip.

"Mmm, buttercream. That's my favorite," Steve turned to his sister and planted a kiss on her head, "Thanks, Mar."

Mary grinned at Danny who looked flustered and was oddly silent considering what Steve had just done. Normally Danny would have fussed at Steve for doing something so inconsiderate, not that it wasn't expected of Steve.

"You alright, Danny?" Kono asked nudging the blonde as she followed Steve towards the door.

Danny cleared his throat but only nodded.

Kono gave a knowing smile.

"Here, I'll carry that," Danny took the cake from Mary. It gave him a reason to lag behind so he could get his bearings.

Danny had only been head over heels for Steve for the past year. It had been a while since he'd hooked up with anyone, work had been so busy, so he'd been noticing Steve more and more. Normally Danny could ignore it, but when he was sucking white frosting off of his finger less than a foot from Danny's face, well that was hard to ignore.

"So, what's up with you and mu brother?" Mary asked holding the door for Danny to walk through. The others had gone ahead.

"I don't know what you mean," Danny frowned. He should have known Mary would notice. She had more of a cop's brain than Steve. Their father had been one after all. While Steve was intelligent, he was Navy intelligent, Mary was detective intelligent. He'd always said so.

"I just mean that you two are surf buddies now, and don't think I didn't notice the ogling you were doing on the beach yesterday," Mary smirked at Danny who faltered slightly.


"And then that stunt in there, it was very suggestive," Mary cut in before Danny could defend himself, "Are you two sleeping together?"

Danny gaped at Steve's little sister. Her tone was almost excited, like she'd been hoping for this news.

"What? No. There was no stunt," Danny huffed, "And as for what you think you saw on the beach yesterday, I wasn't ogling...I just wonder how he can be so fit. I'm not nearly that fit," Danny tried to play it off as body image jealousy, but Mary wasn't buying it.

"Danny, you're super hot, there is no way you're jealous of my brother. You like him. It's okay, you can admit it," Her tone was sincere.

"Can we not talk about this anymore?" Danny begged, they were nearing the car where Steve was standing.

"Hey, babe, took you long enough," Steve smirked at his partner.

Danny tried to ignore the look on Mary's face at the pet name. They used it all the time it didn't mean anything.

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