Love language(part 4)

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"Nice work today, Danny. You were right about Don. He and Amy were having an affair and she was going to tell Natalie. He stood to lose half of everything if she found out so he silenced Amy for good," Chin clapped a hand on Danny's back.

They were currently in the Five-0 headquarters finishing up paperwork.

"Steve's the one who found the murder weapon," Danny glanced over at his partner.

"You two make a pretty good couple. We should send you undercover more often," Chin laughed.

Danny dropped his eyes to the floor, hoping the topic would drop. Talking about being with Steve wasn't easy for him.

"Oh, speaking of," Steve pulled the cheap silver ring off his finger, "Guess I won't be needing this anymore."

Danny was about to take his off when his phone rang.

"Rachel?" Steve asked noticing the look on Danny's face. It was a look only Rachel could elicit.

"Yeah, I'll be right back," Danny pulled out his phone and slipped into his office.

"Rachel, I do not want to have this conversation again," Danny answered with a snap.

"I'm taking you back to court, Daniel," Rachel's voice spoke firmly on the other end.

"What? Why?" Danny gripped the edge of his desk so tightly his knuckles turned white.

"You need to get this sorted out with Steve. I don't want Grace to be around this type of relationship. I want her in a house with a steady relationship," Rachel responded gently as if she were trying to coax Danny into doing something he didn't want to.

"Steve and I's relationship is just fine. We're partners at work and friends outside of work, there's nothing wrong with that. And if I recall, just a year ago, you and Stan were on the outs, so don't talk to me about a steady relationship, I haven't even been in a relationship since Gabby and that was three years ago," Danny was furious. How could Rachel use Grace against him like this?

"Why is it such a big deal that Steve and I get together? Why are you being like this?" Danny demanded. He couldn't believe this was only about Grace. It didn't make sense.

There was silence on the other end.

"Hello?" Danny snapped. He wanted answers.

"I need to know if you love Steve, Danny," Rachel spoke quietly like she was ashamed to be asking the question.

"I told you, Steve and I are just friends," Danny had tried convincing Rachel of this several times, but she insisted that he had feelings for Steve.

"That's not what I asked."

Danny huffed, "You already know the answer to that. Why are you asking?" He couldn't' bring himself to say it, not to her.

"Because I need to know that there will never be anything between us again," Rachel blurted.

"What?" Danny didn't understand what Rachel was saying.

"I'm still in love with you, Danny."

Danny froze.

"I know I shouldn't be springing this one you, I just...Stan and I are on the outs again and I think it's because I still have feelings for you," Rachel spoke up again when Danny didn't.

"Rachel, we don't work together, we're better as friends, you know that," Danny's tone was sympathetic.

"Just tell me you love him, tell me you'll never love me the way you do him, please, Daniel. I know it's true, I see the way you look at him, I see the way you worry for him. Please, just tell me. I need to hear it. I need to know that I'm right," Rachel's voice was strained, like she was holding back tears.

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