Couples Therapy(part 1)

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When Governor Denning had first approached Steve and Danny with the prospect of couple's therapy, Danny had thought it was a joke. He'd seen one argument between the pair and deemed them therapy worthy. It was a bit extreme if Danny was being honest. He and Steve had tried to argue the point only to find themselves bickering in front of the Governor for the second time. Danny is convinced that argument is what sealed their fate. If Steve had just let Danny talk, he was sure he could have convinced Governor Denning to dismiss the ridiculous idea. Instead they had been given the name of a therapist and a threatened to attend a minimum of two sessions a month.

That's how Danny found himself sitting next to Steve in a group session with five other married couples. Steve had the brilliant idea of combining their sessions in a weekend long couple's retreat. However, the Navy SEAL hadn't read the brochure correctly and now they were sitting between Dan and Phil who had issues in the bedroom, and Ruby and Sam who you would have thought were sworn enemies.

"Now what about you two?" The shorter woman who was leading the therapy session asked turning to Danny and Steve, "What would you say your biggest issue is?"

"Currently, the fact that I am trapped in this room," Danny quipped with a wave of his hand.

"She means between us," Steve huffed at the blonde.

"Oh we don't have enough time to get into that," Danny said crossing his arms.

"You make it sound so bad," Steve rolled his eyes, "I'd say our biggest issue is trust."

"That's what you think our biggest issue is?" Danny scoffed, looking at the SEAL like he'd lost his mind.

"Yes, I do."

"How about communication," Danny snapped, "Like you booking this retreat without consulting me first. Or how you neglect to tell me when you're about to enact an insane plan of which I have no knowledge," Danny threw his hands up.

"You should trust that I know what I'm doing," Steve countered.

"That doesn't mean I don't need to know."

"Okay so you both like to be in control of the situation, is what I'm getting from this. Commander, you want Detective Williams to trust you and Detective you want Commander McGarrett to give you some say. Is that correct?"

"Yes," They two chorused.

"You two aren't actually together romantically, is that right?" The woman asked looking down at her clipboard.

"No," The pair answered once again in sync.

"Uh huh," She pursed her lips as she scribbled something on her paper.

"Uh huh, what's uh huh. What you don't believe us?" Danny frowned at the woman.

"I didn't say that," She smiled with a shake of her head.

"Listen, Loraine," Danny said reading the woman's name tag, "There is no therapist in the world that could make a romantic relationship between Steve and I work. We barely deal with each other while at work, much less outside of work."

Loraine only smiled wider, "Do you agree, Commander?"

Steve who was frowning at Danny, turned his attention to the woman, "Uh, yeah, yeah I'd agree with that." He nodded turning back to Danny.

"Have you two ever been in a relationship with each other?" Loraine asked then.


"Have you two ever engaged in sexual activity together?"

"No," Danny scoffed, while Steve laughed.

"Perhaps that's your problem," Ruby piped in then.

"Okay nobody asked you. Why don't you worry about your own relationship and I'll worry about mine, okay?" Danny snapped. He hated everything about this. He didn't even do therapy when his and Rachel's marriage was failing, why was he so willing to with Steve? He could get a new partner, a new job even, yet here he was.

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