Call it a Trust Exercise(Part 1)

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"So she out ran you in heels is what you're telling me," Danny grinned at his partner, his arms crossing over his chest.

Steve narrowed his eyes, "She was unnaturally fast, and she out ran Chin too."

Danny let out a laugh that Steve couldn't help but smile at. Steve always counted it as an accomplishment when he made Danny laugh.

"Hey sorry to interrupt but there are three guys downstairs asking for Danny," Kono popped her head into Steve's office. "Security won't let them up cause they have guns and they won't turn them over."

"It's fine, it's fine, let 'em up," Danny stood up straight then, his hands falling to his sides.

Steve noticed the sudden change in stance.

"You're expecting someone?" Steve asked curiously.

"I am. I told you I had some friends coming into town that could help with the case."

They had been working the case for close to two weeks and getting nowhere. Danny walked out of the room towards the entrance where three men were being escorted in.

"Detective Williams, they refused to hand over their guns. I-"

"It's fine," Danny waved at the young brunette who gave a nod before retreating from the room.

"Danny," The tallest guy smiled, pulling Danny into a hug, towering over him in the process.

"Hey guys," Danny pulled the next guy in before extending a hand to the third.

"So this is where you work now?" The second guy asked, looking around the room, curiously.

"It is," Danny nodded with a large grin.

Steve cleared his throat from behind Danny.

"Oh, guys this is my partner, Steve. Steve, this is Sam, Dean, and Castiel," Danny introduced.

"And that pretty little thing is Kono, and her partner, Chin." Danny pointed to the other two team members across the room.

"Very nice to meet you," Kono smiled, "Wish we could stay but Chin and I have to get to the lab. "We'll call you with any news, boss." She said to Steve as they headed for the door.

"Boss? He's your boss?" Dean asked, looking between Danny and Steve.

"Yeah, technically. Not that he ever listens to me," Steve quipped with a smirk.

"That is a two way street my friend," Danny retorted.

"You a Detective as well?" Castiel asked, his eyes scrutinizing.

"Uh, no. I was a SEAL."

"The flubbery sea dogs?" Castiel asked with a tilt of his head.

"Military SEAL," Sam explained quickly.

"So no police experience then?" Dean asked with a frown, his eyes glancing around, as if for evidence.

"No. I was a commander in the Navy," Steve answered stiffly.

"Uh huh," Dean gave an unimpressed look before turning to Danny. "Is there somewhere we can talk?"

This caught Steve's attention.

"Uh, yeah, my office," Danny gestured to the room on his left before turning to his partner. "Let me handle this, they're wary of strangers."

"Who the hell are these guys?" Steve snapped, he wasn't keen on the way they'd drilled him on his police history.

"I told you, specialists. I worked with them several times back in Jersey. They saved my ass more than once. Just let me talk to them," Danny had a hand on Steve's chest.

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