Taste it(part 2)

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Steve slid his key into the lock of Danny's front door. It was nine in the morning. He knew showing up before then would be a death sentence on a Sunday.

"Danny, you up?" Steve called out as he made his way towards the dining room table. He set down the bag of breakfast and the two coffees.

Making his way to Danny's room, he peered his head in only to hear the shower running. He leaned against the doorway of Danny's room and closed his eyes. He imagined what it would be like to join Danny in the shower. To wake up next to the grumpy blonde every morning. To have breakfast together before work.

With a heavy sigh he pushed himself off the frame and made his way back to the table where breakfast was waiting. He pulled out the Danishes he'd ordered and set them up on small plates.

"Let yourself in again I see," Danny's voice spoke from behind Steve.

The taller man turned to see Danny in sweatpants and a plain white t shirt. As much as Steve loved the way Danny filled out his dress slacks and how his broad shoulders stretched the fabric of his button downs, Steve would always love Danny in sweatpants.

"You didn't take my key," Steve shrugged in response. He'd purposefully kept the key once Danny had gotten back from Jersey and when Danny didn't bring it up, well neither did he. Until, of course, yesterday.

"I figure it's probably not a bad idea for you to have a copy, you know, just in case," Danny sat down at the table.

Steve couldn't help the smile that tugged on his lips, "Guess you should have a key to my place as well."

Danny looked at Steve in shock, "I'm sorry, you're gonna give me a key to your house?"

"Why are you acting like that's such a big deal, I trust you," Steve frowned, taking a seat across from Danny.

"You're a bit of a control freak. I assumed that would be on the list of things you'd want to control," Danny shrugged around a sip of his coffee.

"Like I said, I trust you," Steve reiterated.

Danny nodded, "Okay."

Irritation set in to Steve's gut. He hated how dismissive Danny could be at times. This was a big deal for him. He expected Danny to show a little more appreciation. Catherine didn't even get a key when they'd been dating.

"Okay? That's all you have to say is okay?" Steve huffed out.

"What? Can I not say okay?" Danny asked around a bite of apple tarte.

"I expected more of a reaction. That's all."

"You'll get more of a reaction if you ever give me a key."

"You don't think I'll give you a key?"

"I know you won't give me a key. And I know this because Catherine didn't even have a key and you were with here for like a billion years," Danny waved a hand in the air as he spoke.

"That was different," Steve frowned down at his untouched food.

"Yeah, that makes sense. You'll give your best friend the key to your house, but not your girlfriend of eight years," Danny rolled his eyes.

"She wasn't-okay you know what? I will have a key to you by the end of the day. You'll see," Steve spoke pointedly. He couldn't tell Danny that the difference between him and Catherine was the fact that Steve was in love with the idea of Catherine but that he was actually deeply in love with Danny.

"Uh huh," Danny waved another dismissive hand, "So are you gonna make me taste this milk stuff or what?"

Steve pushed the annoyance aside. This was something he'd been wanting to do for a very long time. He always loved it when his dates would let him feed them.

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