Borrowed time(part 2)

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The sound of Danny's yelp caused Steve to whirl around, his gun at the ready. What he saw made his heart leap.

Their suspect, pulling a syringe from Danny's neck.

Danny threw his elbow, knocking the guy in the face.

Steve had a clear shot; he could put the man down but that was too easy. He'd just poisoned Danny. Danny would end up like all his other victims if he didn't get a cure.

Steve stalked towards the man with a murderous look in his eyes.

"Steve, what are you doing?" Danny went to catch Steve's arm, but he pulled out of his reach.

The Navy SEAL used his gun to pistol whip the man in the face.

"Steven, jesus," Danny grabbed Steve's arm, pulling him back.

"Call for a medic, we need to get you to the hospital now," Steve demanded before turning back to their suspect. He pulled out his cuffs while Danny made the call.

"You're done," Steve snapped at the man as he shoved him face first into the wall.

"Steve, come on, let HPD handle him. I'm not feeling so well," Danny's tone was obviously worried despite trying to remain calm.

"You're gonna be fine, Danny," Steve assured his partner.

"He's not gonna be fine. There's no cure," The man in cuffs laughed maniacally.

Dread and worry washed over Steve. Just a few days ago he'd been thinking about how he would feel if he was on borrowed time and now Danny was in that exact position.

"You better hope there's a cure or so help me I'll kill you myself," Steve snarled.

Danny slumped against the wall then.

"Danny," Kono and Chin ran in then and to Danny's side.

"Take him," Steve demanded, gesturing towards Danny. He still had their suspect with his face smashed into the wall.

"No, don't leave him alone with-" Danny cut himself off before retching.

"We'll take him in, you go with Danny," Chin urged, taking the man from Steve.

Steve was about to argue when Danny reached out for him.

"I'm right here, babe, I got you," Steve helped Danny out to the ambulance that had just arrived. He felt sick with worry. If they didn't find a cure, Danny would end up like all their other victims. Dead. He couldn't lose Danny, he just couldn't.


After a grueling three hours in the hospital waiting room, the doctor approached the large group that had formed.

Steve stood abruptly, waiting for the news.

"We've administered a cure and he's showing signs of improvement," The doctor smiled warmly at the group.

Steve let out a relieved sigh. Grace, who had been sitting beside Steve holding his hand, was swept into his arms.

"You hear that? Danno's gonna be alright," Steve hugged Grace, who hugged him back tightly.

Steve felt tears well in his eyes at the relief.

"Can we see him?" Steve asked anxiously. He needed to see with his own eyes that Danny was alright.

"He's not awake, but you're welcome to pop in," The doctor gestured down the hall.

Steve, still holding Grace walked down to the room Danny had been put in.

"Are you okay, Uncle Steve?" Grace asked. She had clearly noticed the tears in Steve's eyes.

"Yeah, I'm just glad your dad's okay," Steve set Grace down before pushing open the door.

Grace ran in and to Danny's side.

Steve paused at the door unable to move. Seeing Danny so sickly was difficult for him. Danny had always been pale, despite living in Hawaii for five years, but not nearly as pale as he was now.


Danny woke to see Steve playing hangman on a hospital notepad.

"Danno loves you?" Grace asked, after staring down at the paper with a frown.

"Yep, you got it," Steve smiled, filling in the missing letters.

"He loves you too, you know." Grace smiled.

Steve returned the smile, but Danny noticed how it didn't quite reach his eyes.

"She's right, I do," Danny spoke up then, his voice raw and weak.

"Danno," Grace hugged Danny gently.

"Hey, monkey," He pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

"Hey, how you feeling?" Steve stood, reaching to pull another blanket over Danny.

"I'm okay," Danny nodded, "Thanks for looking after Grace."

"I called Rachel. She got the next flight home, but she won't be in til later."

Danny noted Steve's discomfort.

"Hey, Grace take Uncle Steve's wallet and get me candy bar, will you? I'm starved," Danny winked at his daughter.

Steve snorted a laugh before pulling out his wallet and handing her some ones.

"Get yourself one too."

When she was out of the room Danny frowned up at his partner, "What's going on with you?"

"What do you mean?" Steve shifted nervously.

"You went nuts when that guy got me with the needle earlier, and you're tense and have constipation face," Danny waved a hand around weakly.

"You almost died, Danny. That guy's lucky Chin took him in and not me," Steve snapped.

"That's what I mean. You've been acting strange the past few days. You're quieter than usual, you nearly killed that guy earlier. I've been in this spot before and you didn't react like that."

Steve's shoulders stiffened.

"And see? You're extra tense," Danny gestured to the Navy SEAL.

"I'm fine, Danny you're just reading too much into it."

"I'm a detective, that's kind of what I'm supposed to do," Danny gave a one shouldered shrug.

"You just worry about getting better."

Steve was thankful when Grace returned then.

"I'll give you two a minute, I'm gonna let everyone know you're awake," Steve needed to get out of the room. Danny was growing suspicious and he couldn't seem to keep his shit together long enough to convince him there was nothing wrong. But the truth was, he was in love with his partner and he didn't know what to do about it. With his Aunt's wedding coming up, it made him want to tell Danny, especially after today. Almost losing him had hit Steve harder than ever before. If Danny had died, he would never have gotten the chance to tell him how he feels. He would have had to live with that regret for the rest of his life.

He swiped a hand over his face as he made his way to the coffee maker. He had to tell Danny. But what if Danny pushed him away? He'd lose him in a different way. He pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath. He had to figure this out before he had a mental breakdown.

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